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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. May as well post my current haul. Yah, that VF2SS felt like it was gonna fall apart, even though it's nicely put together.
  2. lolz: http://www.tako-salad.com/comic/flashback-2012
  3. I know this post is quite old... but new year, probably a new addon to our system and/or an entire new system... we might be able to show what we got... So new computer setup, new monitor... etc... here's my new look. Yes, I am still using Rainmeter, IronMan, bluevision and added Tron Legacy. BTW, my monitor is a 25" Ultrawide.
  4. Googled and Bing'd... and only found the Revoltech version: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=KAI10094&mode=retail
  5. Heya all (been awhile)... so, I stumbled upon a Macrossworld Steam group. My Steam name: Pockysticks, hope to see some of you in there.
  6. So true.. hopefully, this mess will be cleaned up fast in favor of Hasbro.
  7. I've been playing this game when COV came out... I used a MM bot/ta for quite a long time at the Guardian Server... toon name: Sintech... had some nice SG vs SG battles especially when one of our group consisted nothing but MMs of all types and the other with tankers, healers and blasters of all types.
  8. Visited the place with my sister, and it was quite cool inside... good to see cwmodels having a blast running the store.
  9. nice work.
  10. Don't know if anyone posted this yet... but here's a Macross-esque style arcade shooter fix for the PC. I know, it's not a valkyrie or a hint of an Itano Circus missile barrage... but this seems like a nice quick fix for the moment. http://www.bornreadygames.com/
  11. nice... gonna have to visit now.
  12. Found this paraody.
  13. May aswell play Homefront: http://www.homefront-game.com/home, I can get my Red Dawn (remake) fill instantly.
  14. Damnable fun thread. Now, I just got to find some time to play with my Neo Geo Pocket (only game I have for it is Capcom vs SNK), and Cybernator for SNES.
  15. Hey all, the last post that I have seen about Hawken was from the last post of VG thread 2, and beta sign ups are on at: http://www.playhawken.com/index.php?ref=FF50307B. BTW, thank you for the 16min 39 sec decal video, in which a couple of those minutes I will never get back. I maybe crazy, but not insane to watch all 16 minutes.
  16. Such a concept does exist, if you are using a computer. No trades on PC games from the likes of Gamestop, Play and Trade or from some other brick and mortar store, and some PC users are quite happy with purchase. As a PC gamer, I usually wait for demos and reviews, or even the big discounts that usually occur within Steam or Direct2drive (which seems to be owned by GameFly) before buying, unless there is some sort of incentive to purchase at full price. However, that doesn't mean it's tied to one PC. I do believe that the EULA (depending on distributor) does allow you to transfer your program from one PC, to another, a new PC or new PC build... as long as the program is uninstalled from the previous PC. I do believe someone should be able to either correct me if I am wrong, or add to if I missed anything. . . . Back when there was an Electronics Boutique. We had the most customer friendly return, exchange and trade-in policy. I guess it's dependent on the store you visited and personnel working there, ours kicked ass. Ofcourse, this was prior to going corporate and being purchased from Gamestop. We allowed the return, exchange and trades for console and PC games. We even had a nice warranty replacement policy for original PlayStations and Saturns back then... the sales spew I used to give: "drop it, shoot it, blow it up, bring in the pieces and you get a new one". Since the Navy RTC was nearby, I usually tell the graduates "drop it, shoot it, blow it up, or launch it from a cat, bring in the pieces and you get a new one".
  17. Well, decided to go back and play some SS4 AE for the PC. Instead of playing, I decided to grab some screenshots of the intro, until I inadvertently obtain 3 images to make an animated gif.
  18. True, but you can always get a Cannibal tribble to take care of them. http://www.stowiki.org/Cannibal_Tribble
  19. Login to claim a free tribble now, before April 2nd 10am PDT.
  20. Hey OmegaBlue, thanks for the links.
  21. Don't know if this was posted, but to all the Trek fans out there, get your geek on. http://tricorderproject.org/
  22. In the end, I would guess this is one of those Bay-leads, where he states one thing for the press, and does everything the opposite to appease the fans, and just goes about and does something else to further 'flame' the fans. I am getting the impression that these turtles become an international incident to happen in the next 2 films... where they are aliens, trained in martial arts by tuning into TV/radio (whatever) waves that had kung-fu flicks/audio, crashed somewhere in Mexico, and ends up in New York enjoying sushi, I mean pizza as their staple diet. Villains beware, they have anchovies.
  23. So... it's a reboot, retelling, nothing to do with the original.. other than names and martial arts. I'll probably watch this popcorn flick, couldn't care less about the changes. Atleast a director is willing to do a reboot of a series, unlike some other 80's animated series, that couldn't careless about the fanbase, franchise or whether a movie is in production.
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