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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Sephiroth

    1/60 Gbp

    Thank you for the awesome pics! Very nice collection you have there!
  2. Here are a couple I took a while back:
  3. I can't believe you guys dedicated two pages to the infamous Eurypeima spinicrus aka "Camel Spider" already... I never saw any live ones while I was deployed to Qatar a few months ago as it hadn't warmed up enough for them and the scorpions to be out yet. I did hear a few exaggerated stories concerning their abilities from other troops who had them as unit "mascots." Yes, they can jump 3 ft straight up in the air...it helps them to to attach themselves to camels and other animals. They are very quick and are attracted to shadows. Until the General Order 1 came down prohibiting troops from keeping them as pets amoung other things, the troops would catch them and make them fight each other or scorpions...one camel spider was said to have taken on two scorpions and kill both in a matter of minutes. They can get to be fairly large...almost the size of dinner plates with all legs extended. I was able to purchase one and bring it back with me to the US. They sell them mounted/framed at the local BX/PX in some locations for about $20 depening on the size and if the abdomen is connected or not...they usually break away if they dry out too much or not carefully framed. The one I have is about the size of my palm. It's not the largest they had available, but it was the only one with abdomen still connected. I hang it in my office next to the scorpion I bought while I was over there and people can't help but stare at them for a few minutes...great conversation pieces.
  4. I'm not sure, but I'd hate to be the pilot that had to find out the hard way...
  5. You can belittle my inject all you want, but is it really so far fetched as to be "paranoid" to think that other countries wouldn't try to align their resources and military strength with one another in an event such as this? All the scenarios mentioned above were pretty much one-on-one ifs...I simply tried to evolve the scenario to be more realistic. Of course it wouldn't be the whole world against the US, but to think the enemy would be alone is wishful thinking...welcome to reality.
  6. Just to add to the scenario...who says that the Russians would be alone in their fight against the US? What if another world power, like China for instance, got involved and supported the Russians?
  7. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but I would have to concur...except for the comment about the clothes...that's just harsh. But hey, to each his own right. Now, if you took them all out for huge display and took some pics...that'd be cool.
  8. I can't wait for these to come out!
  9. Thanks for the compliments, guys. The runway is from the deck of my recently aquired GI Joe USS Flagg. There are a lot of auctions that sell incomplete parts for the Flagg for very decent prices. I've seen the deck pieces go pretty cheap by themselves although some parts are fairly large...perfect for Macross dioramas. I can try to get you some pieces if you like. Exact cost plus shipping. Here's an example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3190125414
  10. First, I have to thank Monkey-N for helping me and the rest of us here at MW for getting us these cool exclusive clear parts. An awesome, professional and friendly seller all around. Anyway, I've been dying to see what these clear parts would look like in person and equiped on a Low Vis. Here are a couple of pics that I thought I would share. If you have a set, please post some of your own pics in this thread. I'm sure there are others that would love see some more pics on different valkries and in different modes.
  11. I was looking at that auction earlier and was really considering purchasing it...but I was turned off due to the extensive sun damage to the valk and armor. Still, at $399, that is still a bargain compared to what they used to sell for.
  12. Ditto... It just doesn't look right not being painted. I like how the Hikaru VF-1J has 'em painted, but I wish the visor was painted like the Max & Millia, as well. The low vis dosen't have the barrel painted either, but it looks good without the paint.
  13. Ok, I just got done playing RE: Outbreak online. For those of you who are interested in teaming up, we need to decide on a good time that we all can meet up. There is a chance that even if we all log-in at the same time, we may end up using different servers and unable to meet up together. That being said, I suggest someone pick an empty area (7 or higher for example) and then name a vacant room "Macross World" so the others can find it. If you wanna look me up, my login is: cffincher Anyone else have some ideas to help us get this set up?
  14. I got my copy of REO Outbreak last week, but haven't played online yet. I may try to get on this weekend and it would be cool to team up with a fellow MW'er.
  15. That's the best 1/48 custom I've seen, just beautiful! I really love the color scheme and design.
  16. April's Fools!
  17. Thanks! I got Hound and Streak on eBay from this great seller: junkshopu.s.a. Only $99.99 for both plus $15.00 for shipping (only took 6 days for delivery) and they arrived in perfect condition. Per your request...
  18. And here's apic of my newly aquired Transformers...
  19. Ok, here's some more pics of my USS Flag with some Takatoku 1/55 valks...
  20. Yup, finally got my '85 GI Joe USS Flagg...and I almost forgot how huge this thing is...7 1/2 ft long, 3 ft wide, 3 ft tall (tower antenna). It can fit several more 1/48s and even more 1/60s...strange that it can barely hold more than two Skystrikers. I will probably post some more dio pics tomorrow. I really need to paint some more of those Hasegawa 1/48 flight line crew figures. more!!!! Soon, soon...I just got a mib Japanese Skystriker in the mail today...I have to assemble it and take some pics first. To my surprise, I also got my Binaltech Hound and Streak today as well! I'm going to take some pics of my 1/55 valks on the USS Flagg and should have them up by tonight...I'll have to hurry though, every Tuesday is "Karaoke Night" at the local bar and I luvs me some karaoke!
  21. Yup, finally got my '85 GI Joe USS Flagg...and I almost forgot how huge this thing is...7 1/2 ft long, 3 ft wide, 3 ft tall (tower antenna). It can fit several more 1/48s and even more 1/60s...strange that it can barely hold more than two Skystrikers. I will probably post some more dio pics tomorrow. I really need to paint some more of those Hasegawa 1/48 flight line crew figures.
  22. I am betting Prowl will be a 3rd Subaru Impreza. Considering he smoke,and streak were all 280Z's in the Gen1 line. Just as long as he gets a cool black and white scheme and has police lights I don't care what type of car they make him into. I did not know the 3 of them were the same car originally. I can deal with prowl as a Impreza I guess, though I have never seen a Subaru police car before.
  23. Maybe it's too early to tell, but it appears that Hound and Streak may be a little harder to get if you don't pick them up now... From www.bigbadtoystore.com: --BT-04 Hound - Supplies in Japan are low for this item, but we have plenty on the way thankfully. Pre-Order yours now before they sell out. The BT-03 has pre-sold-out due to the unusually low supply throughout Japan, but we will be able to fill ALL pre-orders already placed (no new pre-orders are currently being accepted for the BT-03)
  24. I'm even more impressed with Hound than I originally thought, he has working shock absorbers!
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