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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I really wish someone would be kind enough to post a pic of the VF-1A with TV FAST packs on...hint, hint...
  2. Put me down for one please.
  3. My VF-1A should arrive in about a week; man, I can't wait. I bought an extra set of FAST packs (from Hikaru VF-1J) a while back and have been saving them until Yamato finally got around to producing the cannon fodder VF-1A (my personal fave). If you have the TV FAST packs and the VF-1A, can you please post a couple pics for me?
  4. I own both the Gakken 1/35 Lancer VFA-6Z Alpha and the Toynami 1/55 Lancer VFA-6Z Alpha and while I can really appreciate the greater attention to detail and posability the latter provides...the former is without question more durable, easier to transform and much more fun to play with overall.
  5. You have my prayers, buddy. I hope everything is okay and that the storm did not damage your property.
  6. Yeah, I was a little disappointed by that, but I figure it didn't matter much since I was going to get the movie for my PSP. It's really the Cloud figure and his bike that I'm after, but all the rest is just a great bonus and helps justify the cost.
  7. Well, I finally ordered the newly released FFVII: AC Sepiroth figure from www.toy-wave.com today. I've been waiting for these figures for a long time evry since I saw the prototypes about 6 months ago. I know they are getting a US release through Previews, but I alway prefer the Japanese packaging and I don't want to wait until September to get mine. I also placed a pre-order from www.hlj.com for the expensive LE box set that includes Cloud with his Fenrir bike amoung a multitude of other items. Anyone else picking up these figures or the box set?
  8. I see that you liked my pic of MP Optimus Prime & 1/48 VF-1S Super Valkyrie posed together. I don't mind that you used it as reference for your auction, but it would have been nice for you to give me a heads up.
  9. I just got the Napoleon Dynamite UMD for my PSP and somehow it made me feel a whole lot better about the money I spent on this system...well that and 2.0 firmware's features. Chickens have large talons.
  10. Robin Hood: Men in Tights For some reason, I can watch that movie over and over and the jokes never get old to me.
  11. I'm sure there's some Batman Begin fans and collectors of toys other than Macross around here...if so, this is for them. Also, I know that this figure has been out for a while (as well as the movie) and has already been reviewed on http://www.mwctoys.com, but I just got my Collector Editon Batman Begins figure and I thought I'd share some pics of what I consider to be the best Batman action figure to have been produced in a long time. I bought my Batman Begins Collectors Edition figure last week from Toys-R-Us ... in Norwich, England. They had around fifteen of them stacked on a shelf for 9.99 pounds each (about $18.00 US each). I wasn't all that impressed when I first saw the figure as I thought it was just a repaint of the poorly articulated Battle Gear Batman with a new cape in a nice window box. After a closer look, I was happily surprised to see all the articulation that this figure featured and that it was much closer to how Batman appears in the film than any of the other figures that have been released. This figure is a great addition to my collection, although I wish he were a little bigger so he could have mixed in with my Marvel Legends figures. You should definitely pick one up for yourself if you get a chance. I read that this Collector Edtion Batman Begins figure is an international exclusive (UK and Austrailia only) and that it had a limited production run of only 5,000. I don't know if it's all true as the box inicates none of this, but recent eBay sales seem to support it as being true.
  12. I love PSP Video 9! I downloaded/converted a few episodes of Robot Chicken to my PSP for the first time. I need to get Wipeout: Pure so I can try the online browser glitch for myself.
  13. If I were you, I would trade now before your friend realizes that his Jetfire is actually worth more than your set of FAST packs.
  14. I've been a section commander in the USAF for about 4 years now. I was stationed at Minot AFB, ND for 2.5 years (5 MUNS & 5 MXS)and now I'm currently stationed at RAF Lakenheath, England (48 EMS).
  15. What a coincidence, "wanker" and "lame" are two words that come to mind when I think about you and your comment. While the auction above is not mine, I shared several pics a while back of my collection displayed on my USS Flagg to which a lot of the members here expressed their appreciation. BTW, the seller never mentioned the background or that it was a "diorama." I think I already know the answer, but why exactly did you decide to say that poo, anyway? Sometimes, it's better to just keep your negative attitude to yourself. Here's some pics from my collection so I can join the "wanker" club and hopefully piss on your day: While it's fun to stick valkyries and other aircraft-type toys on the deck; I primarily use my USS Flagg for my GI Joe collection:
  16. Some of my faves: "Is the actual creator of Calvin and Hobbes. He is secretly going around the country at night dressed as a ninja killing anyone who has one of those "peeing Calvin" stickers on their car." "Vin Diesel speaks in THX certified sound." "Vin Diesel has solved all of history's greatest problems with ho-slappings and his unique ability to ejaculate anti-matter." "Vin Diesel invented the Accordion, but it was originally meant to be, solely, a murder weapon. It wasnt until 1913 that it began being used as an instrument. Vin has accepted this and has no bitter feelings towards the French." "Vin Diesel was the real creator of Spawn, not Todd McFarlane. In fact, Vin Diesel IS Spawn, and using his awesome hell powers, he thought up the greatest sci-fi movies ever, including Alien, Blade Runner, and Terminator. He also starred in all of them, as both the main characters and as the monsters, and his favorite roles were those of Newt, the Alien Queen, Pris, and John Connor, while simultaneously impregnating all the supposed people who played the above-mentioned roles, and causing all of them to give birth to their own grandchildren, because his semen is really Red Bull energy drink."
  17. Graham, please post a scan. I'd like to see a picture that shows a little more of the detail on this exclusive.
  18. I remember reading about this Japanese credit card offer for an extremely limited all black 1/48 VF-1J a while back, but I don't recall ever hearing how it turned out. http://www.gecard.com/character/macross.html
  19. Nope, no Roller included. Oh well, I'm happy with the trailer as MP Optimus Prime looks much better with a "real" trailer instead of the cardboard one Takara supplied. They are nearly the same dimensions by the way.
  20. Well, I got my OP Trailer today. Lots of great detail on the outside and it functions well for its purpose. While there's not a whole lot of room in the trailer to fit more than one BT/Alternator comfortably, there are tire stops in the trailer to keep them from rolling around. Here's some pics:
  21. My Bandai Jetfire has it's original box with the gold Tatsunoko sticker on the bottom right corner. A vast majority of the boxed Jetfires that ended on eBay have the gold sticker as well. The only one I saw that didn't have the sticker on it was a Canadian-released Jetfire with the bottom side being completely different. Also, something I just noticed. There is a small "VALKRIE" trademark printed towards the bottom of the from side...even though the word is used no where else on the package or inserts.
  22. I ordered one from www.toy-wave.com for $50 and it should be arriving in the next week or so. All I really hear are complaints when it comes to this trailer because it's either too short, or doesn't open like the original, doesn't include Roller, not realistic, etc. I could really care less about all that as my MP Optimus will finally have a trailer for his alt mode while everyone else is sitting around and bitchin', waiting for Takara/Hasbro to make that perfect trailer that may very well never come.
  23. I just ordered a set of the new Play Arts Fullmetal Alchemist poseable figures. I think they will display well with my Naruto figures as they are around the same scale/posability.
  24. For you Naruto fans, you should checkout www.toy-wave.com (under new arrivals) now if you want some of the best and most difficult Naruto figures to get. They just picked up some more stock of the poseable 5" Bandai figures that came out in 2003 and the prices are very decent, especially for Naruto (usually sells on eBay for $80 to $100 by himself). I picked me up a set a while back and I was really impressed with them. $30 $20 $20
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