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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Finally, after all these years of waiting, a bigger and better fully transformable YF-19 toy! Yamato never ceases to amaze me. Now only if Bandai could get off its ass and reissue the 1/55 Strike, Elintseeker and Super Ostrich.
  2. I got to hang out with Sean William Scott aka "Stifler" while filming the movie "Road Trip".
  3. More 1/55 chunky, goodness...
  4. Thanks, but I think I'm gonna keep this Super Valkyrie until I die; it's my "holy grail" of Macross toys.
  5. Not to question an obvious uber-collector, but I've found the bone white Taka, when no yellowing is present, still easily demands $400+. I do remember seeing one go for less than that but only once. 406765[/snapback] For a bone white Taka Super VF-1S, I believe you may be correct. In fact, I was expecting the one listed would sell for around $400, but it sold for just over $500. Most offered on eBay are not in that condition and have sold for an average of $250. I bought mine for $300. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=6047604007
  6. Wow, that Super VF-1S went for a lot more than I expected, considering the average price for vintage Takatoku and Bandai VF-1S valkyries is around $250 now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 That price can still be considered a steal since several years ago when it would have easily been worth $1,000 and possibly more. Especially since it's rare to see one in such great condition, both the toy and box. For my Taka Super VF-1S, I use an extra black clip-on heatshield that came with the 1990 Bandai VF-1S. I also have a red one that I use for my Bandai Strike VF-1S.
  7. I guess it's been released: http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamato-1-15-Megazon-23...1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. CF VF-0A. It's a brownish grey instead of the beige or tan VF-1A. I think it's a difficult color to reproduce in ABS. I wish yamato opted for a more greyish tone 'cause a very light tan would be too toyish. 402587[/snapback] Thanks for the pics! Yeah, I was thinking the same thing on how exactly would it look in toy form.
  9. Does anyone have a screen capture of the cannon fodder VF-0A?
  10. Thanks for the link! You know, I didn't think this new Superman movie would interest me much, but after seeing that new trailer...well, I think it definitely got my attention.
  11. Sephiroth


    I hope no one has a triple-changer!
  12. The one I recieved had only one minor flaw that I could see; the skull on the pilot's helmet was printed slightly to the right instead of in the center. Yamato did a excellent job with one and I love how a majority of sticker details were tampo-printed on, especially the cockpit-dash controls. Here's a few pics of my new VF-0S sitting on the deck of a USS Flagg. NOTE: The arrestor hook on the VF-0S actually works on the one that comes with the USS Flagg. Man, I lost count how many times I have launched and landed this bird on the deck...it's way too much fun!
  13. I just got back from some field training in Germany and had this puppy waiting for me! I love the attention to detail that Yamato put into the VF-0S and I will definitely have get another one to keep MIB. I will post pics of mine shortly.
  14. The artist for Tag & Bink is a fellow member of MW? That is so cool! I remember picking up Tag & Bink Are Dead issues 1 and 2 from the book store in the mall when they first came out. Although I'm not a huge fan of SW and had never bought any SW-related comics before then; the title and cover art caught my attention and so I had to give the first issue a try. The story had me laughing out loud and the art was great. I saw the ads for the new installment of Tag & Bink in Wizard and I can't wait to get my hands on them.
  15. Congratulations, that's a great find you got there! I remember a guy selling these in dead-stock mint condition for $500 several years ago. The Bandai re-issues are nice, but they just can't compare to the vintage ones. I especially love the boxes these came in. BTW, If you ever decide to transform it, I would suggest you loosen the screws under the wings so you don't scratch the painted wing stripes. I took the red clip-on heatshield from a VF-1A I picked up pretty cheap on eBay and gave it to the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie my wife got me recently and I couldn't be happier. I wish the reissues came with these heatshields instead of the ones they did.
  16. That's awesome!
  17. It's a custom that was quite finished, no doubt. You can tell that it was painted and that it has non-factory decals applied. Boths heads look to be recasted.
  18. I finally added a minty Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Strike Vakyrie to my collection. My wife got it for my birthday last week on ebay for about $260. It came with all its accessories, unused sticker sheets and box was pretty much unused. The red heatshield is from an original Bandai 1/55 VF-1A that I picked up ebay for about $40; I think it looks great on the Strike. This is my new favorite Macross toy next to my Takatoku VF-1A Super Valkyrie and my Takatoku VF-1J w/ GBP-1S armor. I like the new Yamato stuff, but I love the scale, ease of transformation and look of the 1/55's...these are the toys I grew up.
  19. I have a USS Flagg complete with the box; I seem to remember it being printed in black/white and worth only 20 Flag Points...I'll have to pull it out of storage and check to be sure. While I'm at it, I'll also check the Flag Points on my Cobra Terror Drome and the Defiant Launch Complex (just won it on eBay last week). While the USS Flagg was never offered as a mail-away (can you imagine what the S/H would have been) in the US, they were given away as the grand prizes in the "Live the Adventure" contests. There were a few Japanese USS Flaggs given away as call/mail-in contest grand prizes.
  20. That is the price you pay for touching the holy shrine. You have deflowered the sacred vessel, now it will forever bear your sin! 368316[/snapback] ...And so it says in the Book of Jenius.
  21. Some pics of my armoured VF-1J being checked for maintenance:
  22. I'm a personnel officer in the USAF and currently serving as the Executive Officer for the 493d Fighter Squadron (Grim Reapers) at RAF Lakenheath.
  23. I just saw this on Alpha auction on eBay http://cgi.ebay.com/Toynami-1-55-Alpha-Fig...1QQcmdZViewItem
  24. Being stationed in England, the AAFES Base Exchange (BX) won't get its shipment of Xbox 360s until possibly tomorrow (28 Nov). A small group of people have been waiting in line ever since the US launch waiting for the Xboxs 360s to show up here, despite being told that they weren't coming right away. The manager finally got tired of people blocking the aisle ways and bothering employees for status updates that he finally set up a plan last night to take pre-100% paid orders starting at 7AM this morning. The BX will then call each pre-paid order to pick up their system as soon as it arrives. There were only 40 consoles total available in the first shipment to this BX that services three bases so I planned to get there early. I arrived at 5:15, was #31 in line, and guaranteed myself an Xbox 360 premium system after only having to wait for a little over 2 hours. One of the great benefits of shopping at the BX is that everything is tax-free so I saved a lot money right from the start. I also had a "Sunday-after-Thanksgiving Day Sale" store coupon that took an additional 20% off any purchase up to $500. The $399.00 Xbox 360 premium system only cost me a total of $319.20 so I'm pretty happy to say the least.
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