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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Here's some pics of my old school Macross 1/55 collection... My vintage Bandai 1/55 Macross Collection: VF-1A, VT-1 SuperOstrich, VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, VE-1 Elintseeker, VF-1S Super Valkyrie. My vintage Takatoku 1/55 Macross Collection: VF-1S Super Valkyrie, VF-1A, VF-1J (Max Type), VF-1J (Millia Type), VF-1S, VF-1J (Hikaru Type) with GBP-1S. Close up of my holy grail; Bandai 1/55 VT-1 SuperOstrich. Close up of my holy grail #2; Bandai 1/55 VE-1 Elintseeker.
  2. While I like the attention to detail that Yamato has put into their VT-1 v.2, I'm just not as impressed as I thought I would be. I was really hoping that it would be molded in white like the Bandai 1/55. The tan color makes it look too much like the VF-1D to me. I would have also preferred that the heatshield match the orange highlights of the Super Ostrich (again, like the Bandai 1/55). The shortened-tail wings just don't look right, either. Perhaps, the finished product is exactly how SK wanted it, but I just don't like these changes. I honestly thought that Yamato's VT-1 v.2 would have made me lose any interest I had left in the Bandai VT-1, but it only led me to appreciate the old chunky monkey that much more. Now, the Yamato VE-1 v.2 looks to be the one to do it for me.
  3. Dude, you should totally get it...like right now! I mean c'mon, it's super rare, the holy grail of 1/55's and it's MISB! $1000 is a small price to pay to be the envy of countless fanboys. Besides, when the nostalgia wears off you can mark it up to twice that amount once you get it AFA'd and get your money back plus some. I'm so jealous that I can't go and buy it myself! That's really what you want to hear, right?
  4. The 1984 1/55 Bandai VF-1S Strike Valkyrie came with a light-amber colored canopy already screwed on from the factory. A black canopy (heat shield) was also packaged with it so that you could swap them out for asthetic purposes. The heat shield is plain black; it did not have the skull & cross bones painted on it (a sticker was provided on the sticker sheet). Additionally, a few 1/55 VF-1S Strike Valkyries came with a clip-on red heat shield (same as the one that comes with 1984 Bandai 1/55 VF-1A).
  5. Thanks for the compliments; it took me many years and a lot of hard-earned money to build this collection so I'm quite proud of it myself. I still remember when I first saw all of them on the Valkyrie Factory website and made a promise to myself that one day I, too, would own each of them. The valk you are refering to in the pic is the original Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S Super Valkyrie.
  6. Here's a couple pics of my vintage 1/55 collection:
  7. It's worth exactly what you can get a person to pay for it at a given time. That said, if i didn't already have a VE-1 in the same condition, I would have offered $900 with $1100 as my max offer. I spent $1650 for a VT-1, but that's because it's much more difficult to find one in prinstine white condition and that I'm also crazy.
  8. The label sheets that came with any of the original Takatoku & Bandai 1/55 Macross toys were not pre-cut.
  9. I voluntarily separated from the USAF after serving 6 years. Yup, that was the auction.
  10. I just moved back to the US after being stationed in England for 3 years, but I finally manged to complete my 1/55 collection, mostly (I still lack the GBP-1S & VF-1S Giftset, but I have both toys boxed separately). While all the other 1/55 valks are still in transit with my household goods, I finally bit the bullet and paid the price for a minty-white, unused Bandai VT-1 SuperOstrich on eBay (Item number: 300156571275). Yes, I know the price was very high, but after nearly 12 years of searching, I finally have one in the condition I've always wanted. This is my Macross toy Holy Grail! I will definitely take some pics and post them here once I receive it, but I had to share the news with my fellow Macross fans. BTW, I received two phishing e-mails from people claiming to be the seller of the SuperOstich and asking if I wanted purchase it outside of eBay before the auction closed. I still don't know how they were able to contact me, or what their true purpose was, but I think it was very lame of them to attempt that crap. Anyway, just watch out on eBay, especially if you're in the market for vintage toys.
  11. I have been tracking the sale prices of vintage 1/55 valks for a while now and I have noticed an increase in price in the Elintseekers and SuperOstriches over the past three months. This particular VE-1 had the stickers applied which usually detracts from the price, but it still cleared $1,000. There's another Elintseeker that was packaged with Jetfire armor and I will be interested see how much that one ends for. Before Yamato's 1/60s & 1/48s and Bandai's 1/55 reissues, both the VE-1 and VT-1 sale prices peaked at between $1,500 and $2,500. There was a low about a little over a year ago where the could both be had for between $700 and $900. Currently they have creeped back into the $1,200 to $1,400 range. I still feel lucky to have picked up my complete and unused VE-1 for $900 shipped; it is one of my most prized posessions. I just wish I could have gotten a minty white VT-1 to go with it.
  12. When I wrote that his face was never shown, I meant his real face, free from any disguises or obstructions. Yes, issue 55: "Unmaskings" did show both CC and Destro remove their masks; however, their real faces are never fully revealed in that issue. CC is indeed wearing a fake mustache, large sunglasses, and red beret and that's the closest Hasbro would allow Marvel get to revealing his face. While you could use your imagination to "see" the true face behind the disguise, many readers just weren't satisfied and were even fueled by this issue to see what he really looked like. Issue 2 of Snake Eyes: Declassified is the first issue to ever depict CC's face in full...no masks, no disguises, and definitely no fake mustaches and all with Hasbro's stamp of approval.
  13. For the same reasons, I always found Cobra Commander to be an interesting character, specifically his comic book incarnation. The guy was always a mystery whose face was never shown (at least until Snake Eyes: Declassified). I like the fact that he was originally a used-car salesman who built the COBRA empire from pyramid schemes and other questionable activities; it really gave his character a flair of personality. One of my favorite pictures of Cobra Commander was a pin-up from an issue during the Marvel run that depicts him in his classic hooded uniform kicking a harmless wide-eyed puppy...I mean nothing says "I'm ruthless and evil" like punting a puppy towards the reader! Snake Eyes v.2 and Storm Shadow v.1 were my favorite figures as a kid, but I found them both to be a bit too over-the-top in the comics for my tastes. I actually like how they were portrayed in the Sunbow animated series much better. SE & SS looked cool and got the mission done when needed, but they were rarely ever the focus of an episode nor were they untouchable. Their 25th anniversary tribute figures look awesome, but I was really hoping Hasbro would have used their newly aquired Marvel Legends license to make action figures like these below:
  14. If you are looking to pick up the single-carded figures that have been released, SmallJoes just put them back in stock. You can get all five figures as a set for $29.00 which is a really great price. Here's the linky: www.smalljoes.com As for the 5-pack figures being released on individual cards, I don't think I heard anything indicating that they would be. I would have liked to get updated Storm Shadow v.1 figure on its own vintage-looking card art, but I just don't see Hasbro going through the trouble to repackage them individually.
  15. If you are having trouble locating the figures in stores, you may be able to pick them up here online: www.hasbrotoyshop.com At the moment, both sets are sold out; however, Hasbro does restock them every now then at $25 each. It appears that buyers may only buy one of each. I was able to get the GI Joe 5-pack set on Tuesday (17 Jul) just before it sold out. I was then able to pick up the Cobra 5-pack set the next day (18 Jul) just before it sold out as well. I am still waiting for them to list the single-carded figures.
  16. I love Parasyte! I first started reading it with the first issue of Mixx Zine as well. I have the 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the TPB, but have always been o the look out for the one's I'm missing. I already read those issues from my Mixx days, but I'd still like to have a full set of the TPBs so I can let my friends read them. I read somewhere a while back that Parasyte was supposed to be made into a live-action movie set in the US, but I guess it fell through.
  17. I play GoW and I love the new maps! My gamertag is: Sephiroth017
  18. Well, I bought my Xbox 360 (Premium ver. w/ free remote) when it launched back in Nov '05. I've played several games both on and offline, hooked up the HD-DVD drive, downloaded countless arcade games/videos/shows, linked it via wireless media connect to my PC, and even took it with me for a 5-month deployment to the dessert...and the damn thing works like it was just bought today. I have never experienced any overheating issues or any other notable problems...I guess I was just lucky. I better knock on some wood, less my luck change.
  19. Yeah, I saw that review, but it didn't discourage me. I still think it looks pretty neat and and the paint/detailing issues I can fix myself. I'm really disappointed that the backpack wasn't included for the price I paid.
  20. Thanks for the reviews, guys. I was kinda on the fence on whether or not to get the Ingram, but I went ahead and picked one up from www.toy-wave.com when I ordered the L-Gaim that just got released. By the way, anyone else picking up Megahouse's Limited Model Action Heavy Metal La-Gaim? I can't wait to compare it with my vintage 1/100 L-Gaim.
  21. Saw Hot Fuzz tonight; awesome film! The death scenes reminded me of Final Destination 2.
  22. The VE-1 Elintseeker is my favorite design:
  23. Sorry, I'm a little behind. I check this thread every other day and I completely missed the pics.
  24. Just saw this: http://animenewsi.com/index.php?itemid=966...d=245&catid=245
  25. I'm really looking forward to this repaint: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...ail&picture=out Although, I was kinda hoping that they would use the Enzo for Hot Rod one day.
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