After reviewing my eBay feedback, I noticed that it was 22 Aug 00 (three years ago today) when I purchased my very first Yamato "Macross Plus Mechanical Transformer," the 1/72 YF-19.
I remember when I first saw it on eBay as I was searching for Takatoku and Bandai 1/55 valkyries. I hadn't even seen the Macross Plus OVAs yet, but I knew this toy was different and that I had to have was the insanely complex/unique design and the mention of diecast metal parts in the description that really drew me in. Well, I got one and promptly broke that damned "tab-B" among other parts before having to purchase a YF-19 v.2 from HLJ. I ended up trading my v.2 for a set of Bandai 1/55 Strike Armor...which I recently sold and used a part of the funds to purchase the YF-19 v.1 you see pictured above from Graham (thanks! ). I received it on the 21 Aug 03...spooky how things sometimes come full circle without you even realizing it.
Anyway, I just picked up my 1/48 Low-Vis VF-1A earlier this, I'm still in awe of it. I set my two newly aquired items next to each other for display and I couldn't help but notice how much has changed since Yamato first went into the Macross business. I can only wonder what Yamato plans to release next year. You have to admit, despite all the Q/A and design flaws that seem to plague a lot of Yamato's releases, they are continually getting better, bigger, more detailed. The YF-19 v.1 got me hooked on Yamato...and even now, three years later, I'm still buying and will continue to buy more of their products. I don't even want to add up all the money Yamato has garnered from me .
Do you remember the first Yamato you got? What kind of effect did it have on you?