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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  2. Well, I finally saw this movie last night and...it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good either, kinda meh. It's exactly like one critic said; if you ever wanted to see a movie where a monster eats the cast of Varsity Blues, this is the one. the ending was really lame. I definitely liked the the first Jeepers Creeper better. One of the good things to come out of my movie going experience last night was the previews. Let see, the following horror flicks are coming out soon: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Alien (Director's Cut) Cabin Fever Cold Creek Manor But I'm most interested in the preview I saw for Underworld, it looks like a cross between The Crow, Blade, The Matrix, and Interview with the Vampire.
  3. I meant to post this in the Toy forums, not sure how it ended up here. I'll put up a pic of GERWALK mode tomorrow.
  4. Low-Vis in Battroid mode:
  5. Here's another pic of the Low-Vis in fighter mode:
  6. I just found out that there is a sequal to Jeepers Creepers and that it opens in theaters this Friday. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I remember liking the first one, despite the bad acting/plot, mainly because it left me a "creepy" feeling...or maybe it was that damn song that kept playing on the radio in the movie, I don't know. Anyway, part of me knows that this movie will more than likely be lame, but I think I'm gonna go watch it anyways. Anyone else?
  7. Just Goo Gone and some Q-Tips.
  8. That's exactly what I was thinking of, too!
  9. The Goo Gone removed the weathering splotches, but left the panel-lining completely intact. It looks much cleaner now while still maintaining it's low-vis characteristics. I'll take more pics later.
  10. After reviewing my eBay feedback, I noticed that it was 22 Aug 00 (three years ago today) when I purchased my very first Yamato "Macross Plus Mechanical Transformer," the 1/72 YF-19. I remember when I first saw it on eBay as I was searching for Takatoku and Bandai 1/55 valkyries. I hadn't even seen the Macross Plus OVAs yet, but I knew this toy was different and that I had to have one...it was the insanely complex/unique design and the mention of diecast metal parts in the description that really drew me in. Well, I got one and promptly broke that damned "tab-B" among other parts before having to purchase a YF-19 v.2 from HLJ. I ended up trading my v.2 for a set of Bandai 1/55 Strike Armor...which I recently sold and used a part of the funds to purchase the YF-19 v.1 you see pictured above from Graham (thanks! ). I received it on the 21 Aug 03...spooky how things sometimes come full circle without you even realizing it. Anyway, I just picked up my 1/48 Low-Vis VF-1A earlier this week...man, I'm still in awe of it. I set my two newly aquired items next to each other for display and I couldn't help but notice how much has changed since Yamato first went into the Macross business. I can only wonder what Yamato plans to release next year. You have to admit, despite all the Q/A and design flaws that seem to plague a lot of Yamato's releases, they are continually getting better, bigger, more detailed. The YF-19 v.1 got me hooked on Yamato...and even now, three years later, I'm still buying and will continue to buy more of their products. I don't even want to add up all the money Yamato has garnered from me . Do you remember the first Yamato you got? What kind of effect did it have on you?
  11. Sephiroth, no change.
  12. Well, I finally received my 1/48 VF-1A Low-Vis yesterday, and it is absolutely beautiful. I mean, if you thought the pictures looked good, they are nothing compared to seeing this thing in person. The pilot and panel-lining were a nice touch and the extra numbering stickers were icing on the cake. It makes my 1/48 VF-1S look more like a toy sitting next to a professionally built model. The only complaint I have is that Yamato forgot to paint the top of the knee joints; however, it isn't too noticible. Damn, I can't wait to get a set of strike packs to put on this baby.
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