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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Yeah, but it will look tacky that way In that case, I guess you wouldn't want to hear my suggestion which calls for a small hand mirror, a coat hanger and some duck tape... Seriously though, I'd buy the 20th Anniversary OP or a 1/48 Super VF-1J, then worry about getting the mirror fixed...that's just me, though.
  2. Damn, I can't wait to get MP Optimus...should be within the next few days as it has already been shipped via EMS from Hong Kong.
  3. Hi, welcome to our little community. $145.00 is an excellent price for the Low-Vis if that was the total cost, otherwise it would really depend on how much it cost after having to pay for extra costs such as shipping & handling charges. I'd say $150 ~ $165 total cost is the average nowadays, although it has steadily increased.
  4. Awesome! Very smooth paint job and a choice color scheme.
  5. On the old Takatokus, they had no detachable heat shield. Maybe the cockpit was molded red to give the illusion that it has a red heat shield, kind of like how Takatoku tinted the canopy of Roy's VF-1S very dark and then painted the skull and crossbones on top all for the purpose of making it appear that the toy had a heat shield. I would say that would be a very logical assumption. I also think that it has something to do with how those certain parts were arranged within the mold plates...they probably all had to one color: grey, brown, red or blue. I noticed that the Takatoku Max VF-1J pictured above had a grey cockpit and it caught me off guard. A couple of years ago, the Max I owned had a cockpit molded in blue just like my Millia. I distincly remember this because it always gave my Max and Millia the apperrance of darker canopies: Anyway, it appears that there are variations on the Takatoku Max VF-1J and possibly even the Millia VF-1J. Looking at Nam Ngo's pics at Valkyrie Factory, it appears his Max has the grey cockpit while his Millia has the red cockpit.
  6. The ol' skool Taka Millia rocks! I still want the Bandai reissue, though...
  7. I saw Revolutions last night and, despite what may critics have said, I feel that it was an excellent ending to the the Matrix trilogy. It didn't have as much of a polished overall look/feel when compared to the previous two movies, but it still rocked. The fight scene b/w Neo and Smith looked as if it was inspired by Dragonball Z. I hope that they do another Animatrix that fleshes out Revolutions a little more and shows what happens after.
  8. Yes, but the limited edition TRU 1/60 VF-1A was commissioned by TRU, and part of the agreement was that they got to sell them first as part of their 10th Anniversary celebration. Not too long after, it was confirmed that there would be a wider release and the mass produced version came out several months later. As of yet, I have heard no definite claims that the 1/48 VF-1A Low Vis would see another release. Even HLJ has given up on getting anymore as evident by the "Out-of-Production" status: http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?YMT00020 Is it possible that they will get rereleased? Yes, it's always possible. Is it likely? I strongly doubt it. Will there other 1/48 "limited versions"? I believe there will be, but only time will tell for sure.
  9. I'm really sorry about your situation, I realize that it must be very painful for you right now. A few years ago, I was with a girl, Heather, whom I considered to be one of the few people in my life that I can honestly say I loved with all my heart, but she literally broke me when she chose drugs over me. After working so hard and long to get her clean and on the right track, she went right back to it when she received a phone call from the ex-boyfriend that got her on drugs in the first place. It never really stops hurting, but people make their choices and have to stick with them. She made hers, and I made mine. I came to the know exactly what people meant when they said, "You can't save everyone." I haven't spoken to or seen Heather in over 4 years. I hear about her and how's she's doing every now and then when I visit home. Last I heard, she's stuck working as a waitress trying to support three kids (each with a different father) and I really do think that is the life she wanted...like one of those people who are only happy or comfortable when their lives are chaotic and misearble. As for me, I graduated from college, accepted a commision as an officer in the USAF and married a good woman...I'm doing ok. Life will take you down some mysterious paths...just have faith that everything will work out for the best and trust that you'll be ok. As for your wife, I hope she gets the help that she needs. I asked Heather once what she was most scared of...she said, "crackheads"...because they will steal from and hurt those they love most just to get more crack...they just don't care anymore.
  10. I wish I had more of these USS Flagg deck panels...
  11. Ye gods, show mercy on this poor newbie.
  12. The credits listed Production I.G. for the animation sequences.
  13. Unfortunately for the SU-37, all that acrobatic crap won't help it against the weapons systems employed by the F-22...they'll just take out the SU-37 before they can even visually see one another.
  14. pics, man...I wanna see pics! I only have two Low-Vis VF-1As; one weathered and one clean, but they look cool sitting next to each other.
  15. I really like The Last Action Hero for some reason, not sure why though.
  16. Here's a pic of my Low-Vis with a cheap crane I picked up from K-Mart:
  17. I think they look decent:
  18. Sorry, hope your comes soon here's a pic showing it in scale with some other familiar mecha toys. Here's a pic of my Smokescreen next to some other items in my collection:
  19. "stock" this... There's beauty in keeping things stock, hell...it'd be a damn crime If I customized my vintage 1/55 Millia VF-1J just to make it "unique". It's perfect as is.
  20. Back in the 80's, my friend had a mainly plastic, but good quality Voltron that was frickin' huge. Each lion was big enough to hold a 3 3/4" GI joe figure. I don't know which version of Voltron that was, or who made it...but that one was definitely my favorite.
  21. I voted for the Blue Roses VF-1S because it's it just screams "I'm a badass!". I would prefer the good 'ol cannon fodder VF-1A (slightly darker tan/brown than Yamato's 1/60 offerings) over getting a Max TV VF-1A.
  22. Sephiroth

    MAX TV VF-1A

    I believe Jin Kun Do was merely referencing a pic taken earlier this year at a toy/model expo in Japan.
  23. I absolutely love my Yamato YF-19 despite all its flaws. I prefer this toy's battroid mode over its fighter mode, so I treat it as if it is non-transformable, much like my Hi-Metal L-Gaim and SOC EVA-01. This way, I can keep the paint from chipping, ensure the joints always stay tight, and not worry about the infamous "tab-B". I figure the new YF-19 sculpt will be the one that I will constantly transform and play with, but the ver.1 YF-19 will always be special to me as it was my first Yamato and I doubt there will be another YF-19 (or any other Macross toys) with as much diecast metal.
  24. They look absolutely awesome, but I would consider making the green Skull 001 stickers into Macross emblems instead.
  25. Just curious to see which BT-01 Smokescreen you guys were gonna get. I'm thinking I will only go for one Japanese and one US (#7) version. Mainly because I like the number #7 and that this is the version that has the little piggy ectched on the driver's side mirror. I don't know who the drivers are, but I'm sure that will factor into some people's choices.
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