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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. I'm so glad they changed the color blue they're using for Max compared to the preliminary photos that we've seen.
  2. Or they could mod it into a Prometheus or Dadelus and put a ton of little Banpresto's on there. My brother used to have the USS Flagg, he used to practice landing the Sky Stryker on the flight deck. (I would attack him with the Cobra Hydrofoil). I used to have the Hydrofoil as well, but it didn't last very long. I really need to get a Sky Striker now, but I haven't found a decent one on eBay for long time. I do have a Tomahawk and a Rattler, but no Sky Striker...yet.
  3. I live in Minot, ND which is about 5-6 hours away from Fargo and the border of MN.
  4. Ok, just won my second Holy Grail...the massive 1985 GI Joe USS Flagg! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...MEBWA%3AIT&rd=1 I've always been a big Macross fan, but I have to admit that I played with GI Joe way more than any other toyline when I was growin' up. The USS Flagg is my GI Joe Holy Grail. The damn thing is like 7 1/2 feet long for crying out loud! I always wanted to see what the deck of a Flagg would look like littered with Valkyries and soon I'll get to do it and you better believe that I'll be taking some pics of it all. Come to think of it, I don't ever recall anyone ever putting a valkyrie on a USS Flagg's deck and taking a picture of it. I know the scales are all jacked up, but I think a 1/60 or even 1/48 Yamato VF-1 would look more appropriate than a Sky Striker on it, plus you could fit a lot more with out it looking too crowded. What do you guys think?
  5. Yeah, me and spousal unit are catching it tonight with some friends. We bought the Dawn of the Dead remastered DVD just to refresh the memory of the original.
  6. Yup, that is some pretty noticible paint damage. I made a custom mix of acrylic paints that matches the Yamato YF-19 tan almost perfectly with same amount of gloss as well. The only bad thing with paint chips like that is that even if you painted over those spots...you would still be able to see the chip lines on close inspection.
  7. I think it has to do more with people wanting the very first release of an item, regardless of design flaws, as long as it is unbroken. I liken it to the value of 1982 GI Joe figures with straight arms vs. 1982/83 GI Joe figures with swivle-arms. Yes, the swivel-arm version of Snake-Eyes is more desirable over the straight-arm version for playing with, but if you had both carded...I can almost guarantee that the straight-arm version would yield a higher price on the market...mainly because it was the first to be released. I don't know that nostalgia factors too heavily when it comes to the Yamato YF-19 as the fixed versions were released very shortly after the complaints concerning "Tab-B" were made.
  8. For those of you vetrans who know me, you know well that I've been wanting a Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S Super Valkyrie giftset for several years now...and today, my dream shall soon be realized. I just won the following auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting Yeah, it's a little yellowed and its missing the VF-1S sticker sheet, but for the price ($314.99 + shipping)...I still think I got a hell of a deal! I still remember vividly when these babies went for $700 to $1,200 and be only slightly better in overall condition. I would have liked to wait for a completely mint piece to come along, but I really didn't want to spend more than $400 for one. As the VF-1S itself doesn't look to be too yellowed, I may still be able to whiten it up a bit with some dental bleaching products (worked on some yellowed GI Joe Storm Shadows in the past). If I'm still not pleased with the valkyrie, I may consider replacing the white VF-1S with my grey VF-1S (C-9.5+ with an usued sticker sheet). As my grey VF-1S' box has seen much better days, I may sell the it with the white VF-1S, sans the sticker sheet, to help off-set the cost. I have always preferred the grey to the white VF-1S as it was the one I remember most from my childhood...but I don't know if it would be a such a good idea to break up the set. It's really the armor and the box/packaging that has always been my main interest. Was it a good deal? What would you do in my situation? I'd like to here your thoughts.
  9. I have a feeling that the good 'ol cannon fodder VF-1A will see production just a few months after the Max & Millia SVF-1Js as I seriously doubt that Yamato will delay them more than 6 months after the lastest 1/48 release. Besides, they already have the mold and the paint apps would be very similiar to the Max & Millia SVF-1Js. After sufficient time has passed, I see GBP-1S armor being released separately and posssibly included in a gift set with a further refined Hikaru VF-1J.
  10. I saw a ton of '80s girl-lines at Target and Wal-Mart the other day including Strawberry Short-Cake, My Little Pony, Care Bears, and...you're gonna love this...Rainbow Brite! All these lines have been recently re-released and have many figures, dolls and playsets, etc. There was an assortment of four large 18" Rainbow Brite dolls that included videos of the original episodes. There were also some smaller dolls. Do a check on eBay and you will see what I'm talking about. And in case you're wondering what I was doing in the girl-section...I was checking for some Alternator Smokescreens that could have potentially been hidden in that area. Edit: Here's a pic and auction link for reference: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...9&category=1204
  11. I'm a big fan of J. Michael Straczynski's work ever since I first read issue #1 of Rising Stars. The series was planned from the beginning to have three 8-issue story arcs. The series also includes a preview issue, issue #0, and issue #1/2 (all have great background/development on the main story). The last issue released was issue #21, although Rising Stars will not conclude until issue #24. There's also an off-shoot series focusing on the character of Matthew Bright (written by another writer). The series will get finshed, eventually...when JMS can find the time, I s'pose. No one really knows when the last three issues will come out and a lot of comic shops have given up on the series. JMS is currently writing for Marvel's Amazing Spider-Man (since issue #30) and Supreme Power, both which have been selling like crazy because they're that good. JMS also wrote Midnight Nation.
  12. Man, that sucks. Hopefully you'll get your MP-01 Optimus Prime today, though. Where I live (Minot, ND), I don't have a problem when it comes to getting my packages. The local USPS Post Office has an after-hours service window. It could be 10 o'clock at night and all I would have to do is take the missed package slip to the window, call up the representative and within a few minutes, I have my package. UPS allows me to pick up the package directly from their local hub (about 3 miles away from me), but I usually have to wait for the truck to return from all of it's deliveries...same goes for Fed EX. They are all very friendly and I'm always able to get my package the same day.
  13. I wish a happy New Year to all, and may 2004 be even better when it comes to great new toys to look forward to!
  14. I got my 1/48 Super VF-1J on Christmas Eve and although I was very impressed with it, I couldn't help but feel that the super armor just didn't look right on the Hikaru VF-1J....so I gave the super armor to my Focker VF-1S and evrything looked just right. Hikaru's VF-1J was never armored in the series and so it looks perfect to me just by itself with his Gunpod attached to his arm and having those two anime clenched hands on. I absolutely love my armored "Skull-One" with anime hands and I would have to say it's my favorite 1/48 now, the one I always wanted ever since I saw series and the Takatoku 1/55 VF-1S Super Valkyrie. Next to my MP Optimus Prime, these are the two best toys I could have ever hoped for. It's been such a great year!
  15. Sort of off-topic, but how do you like Starscream? I got one last week and even though it's nicely done, I don't like it quite as much as I thought I would. I think it might be the colors they used. I'm actually very pleased with Energon Starscream. The colors are different from the traditional Starscream color scheme, but I believe they are very accurate to the new animated series. I love the head sculpt the most and how his eyes light up when light passes through the back. He features a fair amount of articulation in robot mode and has cool weapons. The fighter mode leaves a lot to be desired, but it's not bad. I'm just glad that they thought to include retractable landing gear. It even has somewhat of a GERWALK mode. Anyway, for the size, price and quality, I have to commend Hasbro/Takara on a job well done. I also bought Energon Scorponik, but I haven't made my mind up about that one yet.
  16. The Wal-Mart near where I live in Minot, ND put out a few Smokescreens; $19.76 each (found in the Transformers section). They also had new Energon figures like Jetfire and Scorponik. I am actually very pleased with Hasbro's Smokescreen. The plastic is of good quality and the details from the Takara version were transfered flawlessly. While it is considerably lighter, there's no worry of chipping paint or breaking something as the parts were designed to come a part if too much force is used (I'm assuming Takara's version is the same way, but I was too delicate with it to ever find out). What sucks is that the Hasbro version only comes with the standard fold-out instructions. There's no collector card and no story/picture booklet. In fact, there's no supporting storyline included whatsoever on the package. Hell, even my Energon Starscream came with a collectors card and comic book...the suporting story is printed on the back of every Energon/Armada product. Anyway, for $20 a piece, these won't last long so pick 'em up as soon as you can.
  17. I remember seeing 10 Cybertron pts on the one of the top flaps of my MP-01 Optimus Prime's box. I noticed these points all the way back to when I bought my first Takara reissue, Hot Rod. Hopefully, there will be some way to redeem them...maybe for Optimus Prime's Trailer or something.
  18. Well, I finally recieved my MP-01 Optimus Prime today (Christmas present for myself) and I must say that I am very happy with the final product. It's a lot larger than I imagined; despite viewing countless pictures prior to getting my own. It very imposing when displayed next to my Yamato 1/48 Super VF-1A. It's frickin' heavy, too....oh so satisfying. The detail and extra features are simply amazing and have to be seen in person to fully appreciate them. I'm sure everyone has already seen all the cool poses, features and accessories, but there are a few things that should be noted. A trailer definitely needs to be produced, as the semi-truck mode just doesn't look complete without one. It really needs one as the cardboard box trailer just doesn't compliment such a master piece of a toy. Optimus will stay in robot form for the most part becuase of this. I can tell already that the chromed parts will be subject to wear over time even from slight handling. You also have to be careful with the legs and chest as they are metal and will chip if not careful. Due to the heavy weight, it doesn't hold poses very well on it's own, although it is extremely articulated for a Transformer. The hands, while featuring articulated fingers, do not hold the weapons too well. They also suffer from slight limp-wrist syndrome, although not to the extent of the Yamato 1/48s. These are very minor problems, though and no QC issues were noted. I believe Optimus really deserves to win the TOTY award this year, hands down. It's truly an amazing new toy with a familiar face that we've known for the past 20 years. All that being said, I still love my Yamato 1/48s. They possess a large amount of detail and features as well and look stunning in all three modes, especially with the FAST packs...and I believe this where they edge out Optimus toy for toy. I have a 1/48 Super VF-1J and BT-02 Lambor on the way for Christmas and I feel truly blessed this year when it comes to toys. So many great items on that list, I can only imagine what we'll see next year.
  19. Wow, I guess I'm the first AF guy to respond. Like you, I thought there'd be more.
  20. Married for just over 2 years. No rugrats yet and I'd like to keep it that way for a few more years.
  21. How tall is it in robot mode? Any size comparison pics available? Are there any metal parts? It looks really good, but fragile in that Yamato YF-19 v.1 sorta way... After a little research, I guess I can answer some of my own questions. I read that it's about 8" tall and has some diecast parts, but I'd still like to see some comparison pics and know what parts are diecast exactly.
  22. Sephiroth

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Incredible! And I thought Yamato's 1/48 VF-1A was a work of pure beauty...your custom is more so!
  23. And after seeing this pic, I'm definitely getting BT-02 Lambor...gee, I hope the chic is included... http://www.tfkenkon.com/collection/act169/
  24. After seeing this pic, I hope Hasbro doesn't try to censor him even more so... http://www.gamersquare.com/forum/showthrea...&threadid=46419
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