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Everything posted by eXis10z

  1. Any history of the general releases being much better than the prototypes or is that it?
  2. I may just do that. Was considering getting the comics since S1.
  3. Just finished s3 and boy is vanya annoying. I find that character exceeding annoying.
  4. I understand. Unfortunately I need to make a choice due to financial constraints. Otherwise I would probably have 3 of every Valk to display all 3 modes. 😂
  5. Yes I do because Bandai sold them separately. 1 or the other depending which has more screen time. I usually leave it B mode. But yes I don't see the point of leaving 1 set of the add ons in the box while the other is displayed. As I'm not a completist I would rather channel the money into other stuff. 😄
  6. Anyone whom already watched the movie can enlighten if super parts or armour parts has more significant screen time? Am deciding between 1 of the 2 to get. Don't see the point to get both when I only have 1 AX
  7. eXis10z

    Macross figures

    Shibuya Scramble Figure revealed the prototypes of Sheryl Nome (Tsukoyomi version) and Ranka Lee (Amaterasu version) at Anime Expo 22 (source: @kobakoba0027 ) Credits: FB MacrossCentral
  8. Waiting for reviews before I pull the trigger on Nora. Hope it doesn't have the ankle issues. Would prefer the black scheme of Ivanov but I don't wish to deal with the ankle issue at this point in time.
  9. Given the rising cost of everything these days I'm not surprised. Their cost probably went up With that being said I probably only want the Heliopolis version of Strike. A clean one without all the logos will be nice. Still hoping they release a rouge with Aile Striker Pack as per OG anime and a deactivated Strike with the trailer.
  10. Sounds almost like a semi-model kit. 😄
  11. In stock again. https://www.hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-1j-armored-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-bans61451
  12. Is Manda the only way to get the super parts at this stage?
  13. So there's very low chance the 0s will be made in to DX right
  14. Are HMRs usually this expensive? 14,000JPY 🤑 I was expecting around 10,000JPY or so. Have to rethink about getting 3 now, 1 for each mode.
  15. eXis10z

    Hi-Metal R

    Didn't manage to get an Arcadia one but this will do just fine for now. I'm not familiar with HMR. Are they fully transformable or partformers?
  16. Fair enough. Looks like I'll be holding on to both for a while before deciding. Hayate's seem more desirable due to the special base for now.
  17. Is the Hayate version the one with more QC issues in general? I have both incoming but only intend to keep 1, so it's down to either Hayate or Mirage.
  18. Mine's in shipping process over at CDJ.
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