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Everything posted by eXis10z

  1. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    You did.. my condolences to your wallet.
  2. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  3. Transformer movie was traumatic for me. To see my favorite characters get offed that way in quick succession.
  4. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    The metal build Po happening at the same time diverted some attention away?
  5. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    So turned out it was harder to order Aile Strike. Managed to secure 3 YF-19s but only 1 strike.
  6. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yes. Sleep is important. Work comes first. No you don't. Health is more important than some diecast and plastics.
  7. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Thanks guys!
  8. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Assistance anyone?
  9. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Do the other sites like CDJ or HLJ charge our card when the item arrives or immediately?
  10. Perhaps Bandai is being considerate to us MB strike and dx yf-19 buyers.
  11. PO time is 1800 Jpn time if I'm seeing it correctly.
  12. 2? You need at least 5. 1 for each pack, 1 without for its epi 1 appearance and the usual 1 for misb. Then we'll wait for Cagalli's pink twe version.
  13. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Going to try to po 6pcs. 3 to display in each mode, 2 for misb, 1 to try and trade for Kairos. Did I miss out any..
  14. Will make do with my GN-U Dou Gravion. This is too exp and it releases the same month as MB Strike and DX YF-19 iirc. A pity since I really liked the anime.
  15. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Going by public declarations by some members of not using NY after the Kairos debacle, not a lot hopefully.
  16. Sentinel Gravion anyone? I was disappointed Bandai SRC Gravion prototype didn't make it to mass release. But at 46,224 yen, Sentinel's is priced out of my reach. http://sen-ti-nel.co.jp/product-about/9_metamor/product-about9_015.html# https://ameblo.jp/sen-ti-nel-info/entry-12365266481.html
  17. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    OMG dx yf-19 and mb strike po on same day. And after the Kairos debacle does that mean lesser competition to po from NY from the people here? I assume it'll be slightly easier.
  18. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, murphy, derex3592, eXis10z Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti, Guyffon, neoexcaliber (x7), rdrunner, raziel03, CharlesXavier (x2), ridgebacks, petrov27, sh9000, Blue Meanie Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well) Anime Export Received: Vortech (x3), neoexcaliber (x3), seti88 Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  19. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I cancelled once before and mine was shipped.
  20. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm curious why you highlight the last part in black. I've seen this a few times.
  21. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm from SG too.You got yours from RoboRobo? He has since increased the price.
  22. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Given Bandai's past record I'm pretty sure they will release Arad's Kairos since it was on screen for a good few seconds. Not sure about 02 unit. So while not exactly the same, we'll all get a Kairos in one way or another. Not the best consolation but hopefully can soothe the nerves of some here.
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