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Everything posted by eXis10z

  1. Ok to watch s2 without catching s1? Read and heard s1 was pretty bad. Perhaps I can just wiki it to get the gist.
  2. Wow that vid makes me regret not po-ing any. But I'm sure a VF-1S is inevitable.
  3. eXis10z

    Macross figures

    I'm hoping these are made.
  4. eXis10z

    Macross figures

    Sheryl Nome's here for 1k yen https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1095330404&ref=list
  5. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I see. Thanks for sharing.
  6. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Did Amazon JP do an NY? They cancelled some orders but I see in Stock to be fulfilled by Amazon.
  7. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Can you share when your order was placed?
  8. Well now that the x-men franchise is going back to Marvel perhaps it can finally be given the respect and treatment it deserves. This and New Mutants are hopefully the last films of the Fox's X-menverse.
  9. Nice the full MV. I could not find this or Gorgeous in Japan itunes.
  10. How do I save this somehow for future reference?
  11. The Transformers: Movie Prequel comic attributed Bee's lost of voice to a "An enraged Megatron rips Bumblebee's arms off and crushes his voice capacitor, promising to seize the AllSpark for himself eventually. Bumblebee recovers and is repaired, although his voice is damaged beyond repair." and since this movie is set after that incident he still has no voice. What I found jarring was that he could speak again at the end of T1 and back to mute in T2.
  12. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I'm only now starting to take note of the points system from CDJ, Amiami, etc. Never really give them any consideration up till recently. Was too focused at list price.
  13. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    A fair consideration. Just took delivery of my copy from CDJ. I'm pretty impressed with their speed and service.
  14. Perhaps to them a history of substance abuse wasn't as serious as a history of making pedophilia jokes.
  15. Thanks for the recommendation! Breezed through half the series last night. Wasn't expecting it to be that nice.
  16. Wow look at the size of that filled up stadium. Walkure is really huge there.
  17. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    The Advance is less valuable to you in your opinion?
  18. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yeah I don't have an Advance yet. I do like the less tampoed Advance but it seems a little barebones compared to the armaments of the YF-19.
  19. eXis10z

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    A friend is offering a straight up trade of his 19 Advance for my spare YF-19 copy. Should I?
  20. RDJ was hired by Marvel before Disney took over.
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