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Everything posted by eXis10z

  1. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    High res scans from Figure King mag.
  2. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Killing our wallets apparently.
  3. I may actually attend in Taipei this year. Just need to arrange my work around it.
  4. Box art for Eva-01 More pics at http://blog.livedoor.jp/tamashii_robot/28186514201919?fbclid=IwAR0G1odrDC_9YRjGTm5LTwO-coGMkXJepg4uGE-t4X7pO1CFyGYW_CN2mQE
  5. Those guyvers look like an upscale of their previous bio fighter collection series.
  6. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thought you sold your 31F and 31J. Kairos as well.
  7. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Strangely I don't feel the urge to get this to complete the roster.
  8. XN raiser is a new model variant? I thought XN is a brand name.
  9. Thanks for the write up!
  10. It sure looks like you are a now gerwalk convert compared to when you said you didn't care for it on FB.
  11. eXis10z

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It's a little hard to believe Bandai will sell "rejects/returns" to NY or anyone else. Aren't they usually strict with such things? Wouldn't doing so start a precedence of retailers buying and selling the rejected toys therefore damaging their rep.
  12. I read that 2 3rd party Justice are on their way by 2 different makers but until I see some pics will take it with a pinch of salt.
  13. Man why the need for part 1 and 2? Following in Harry Potter and Hunger Games eh. Oh wells as long as they do not degrade into the ridiculous mess the Fast and Furious franchise have turned to.
  14. My first Marvel Legends figure. Never used to bother with these as the quality control and paint work look suspect. But the sculpt on this black panther looks nicer than the figuarts one. Still don't like that thigh and chest articulation cut. Wish it came with closed fists.
  15. Scans for the instructions https://www.facebook.com/groups/1634344926780505/permalink/2282160575332267/
  16. Yes, believe the reviewer mentioned that. Hope the general release will have these flaws fixed. It is a really nice design that will look good on display. God knows if we will get an official Bandai MB Freedom 2.0.
  17. Doesn't look removable and from the vid the paintwork needs improvement. Looks uneven, blotchy and many obvious air bubbles on the surface. Not sure if general production pieces will have improved QC.
  18. The 3rd party Metal Build Freedom
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