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Everything posted by eXis10z

  1. You could do that again although it runs the risk of them blacklisting you.
  2. This is worrying cause I buy from CDJ more often than others. If they will not honor manufacturer faults which the manufacturer themselves have come out to rectify then that is a lot of goodwill lost from my pov.
  3. I see. Their Bumblebee DLX line have diecast and are relatively affordable. Perhaps they had a change of strategy or something. I look forward to their patlabor.
  4. Why is it? I'm not familiar with their products other than their DLX Optimus prime
  5. A pretty good write up by Gunjap https://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=354520
  6. @sqidd The destiny in your Mandarake link is this: https://sp.tamashii.jp/item/11288/ so yes you’ll be getting both destiny Gundam itself and the wings of light as a full package.
  7. @sqidd Ok to be clear the destiny in your Mandarake link is this: https://sp.tamashii.jp/item/11288/ so yes you’ll be getting both destiny Gundam itself and the wings of light as a full package.
  8. It’s out for PO now for release in Mar in HLJ so I think it’ll appear in the various usual site soon if not already. Normal: https://www.hlj.com/rg-all-purpose-humanoid-decisive-battle-weapon-artificial-human-evangelion-unit-01-bans58925 Deluxe: https://www.hlj.com/rg-all-purpose-humanoid-decisive-battle-weapon-artificial-human-evangelion-unit-01-dx-transporter-set-bans59015
  9. RG Eva Normal version: https://bandai-hobby.net/item/3552/ Deluxe version with base: https://bandai-hobby.net/item/3553/
  10. Never compromise. It's not perfect. Don't get it.
  11. Nope they have not.
  12. Threezero's
  13. It is unlikely the Strike Freedom will be reissued anytime soon since it was done so last year. However you may check out the 3rd parties of the same figure for much less.
  14. Review of Dairugger/vehicle Voltron https://www.tamashiinations.com/product_detail/voltron_review1/
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