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Everything posted by malcos

  1. I s'pose you could also argue that the more you handle it, the higher the chance of anything going awry. I've had my 19 since about January, and it's been transformed once, and has sat on the shelf in Battroid mode for a good while now.
  2. God, I love the CannonFodder Valk. Pic 1 Pic 2
  3. My small collection And the Eva's
  4. Right, I finally got a 1/60 YF-19, and i'm having a few problems with transformation. I'm currently at the stage where the cockipt area "snaps" and then moves back to enable it to be transformed to Battroid Mode, and i'm finding it very difficult to move it in any way. The instructions aren't being terribly helpful, and I've studied the Jet-to-Battroid video a good number of times, and i'm still stumped. In short, any help/tips to get the cockpit area moved would be greatly appreciated.
  5. My new 1A Cannon Fodder. :3
  6. And here I was hoping I'd get my YF-19 and VF-1A Cannon Fodder without additional charges :\
  7. I'd like to see a 1/60 Glaug, mostly because in the Mechwarrior rpg we're playing at the moment, i'm piloting a Marauder.
  8. malcos

    1/48 GBP

    I am loving the colours.
  9. This may have been asked before, and I'm sorry if it has, but: Do the fast Packs come with the Fold Booster, or will there be a Fast Pack kit and a separate Fold Booster kit?
  10. GaoGaiGar. Cheesy, but oh-so awesome.
  11. 'Tis only a small collection at the moment, but it's getting there I've still got an absolute ton of G1 Transformers, along with more recent ones (which are too damn big to fit on the shelves). Picture 1 Picture 2
  12. Transformed it into each mode - no faults or breaks. Tight arm joints, tight backpack joints. To summarise: perfect Fighter Gerwalk Battroid
  13. malcos

    Graham's Sig

    This has probably already been said, but whatever: Seeing as they've released the YF-19 (god bless ) it' be a shame not to release at least the YF-21 and possibly even the VF-11. That said, I'd also like to see an SV-51, a VF-17 or a Glaug.
  14. Right, after 16 frigging days of wait (stupid bloody slow shipping ) My VF-OA finally arrived. Just looking at it in jet mode, i'm not seeing any brakes/faults as of yet, however after reading some of the horror stories of breaks during transformation, i'm now terrified of transforming it. I'll have a go at transforming it once i've plucked up enough courage and report back on it.
  15. malcos

    Different Hands?

  16. malcos

    Different Hands?

    These "Mickey Mouse" hands are non-moveable, I assume? I'm getting annoyed with the looseness of the hands that are on my valk, can't even hold the gunpod properly
  17. malcos

    Different Hands?

    I've noticed that in several pictures in this forum, there are VF's with different hands than what come with the usual 1/48. I was wondering how easy it is to attach these new hands to a pre-existing VF1, and where I might obtain them. Here's a picture of Valks with the hands i'm talking about. Thanks in advance.
  18. I aquired a pair of VF-19 (Fire & Blazer) Bandai bootlegs for fairly cheap, and I noticed that they each have a set of square holes on the shield as well as the legs. Now, I was wondering if those holes were for Fast Pack attachments, and if anyone has pictures of said Fast Packs, they'd be greatly appreciated. Here's a picture of both of them, showing the holes on the shields: http://www.ninjacoding.com/~malcos/macross4.jpg Sadly, I don't seem to have pics of the leg holes
  19. Yeah, it did work - feels damn heavy with the backpack accessories, though.
  20. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I bought a 1/48 Yamato VF-1S and the Super/Strike parts to go with it, and I've been experiencing a problem, mostly with the Backpack support clip. It doesn't seem to want to attach to both the main body and the backpack part at the same time, and this prevents me from attaching the Super/Strike parts in Battroid mode, as i'm terrified it'll be too heavy and fall over (breaking a £150 toy = ). So I was wondering if anyone else experienced a similar problem and what possible solutions I could apply. Thanks in advance, Malcos.
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