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Lindem Herz

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Everything posted by Lindem Herz

  1. I dig giant robots! You dig giant robots! We dig giant robots! Chicks dig giant robots! Niceeee....
  2. ... I think I just understood why the Trekkies complain so much about the redesigned Enterprise. But at least that thing looks decent. This is as pretty as a kick on the nuts
  3. Someone has to say it... IT'S A TRAP!! (I'd put an image of Admiral Ackbar here, but I'm not that much of a /b/tard, and this is a News thread after all)
  4. It's not the 3D model, it's the design. The 3D model LOOKS awesome; hell, the whole project, as visual effects go, is very good looking for a fan effort. But the designs are shite. Think about it a little bit like this image: http://www.robotech.com/images/content/GIM_423_2_742.jpg The colour work there is very nice, but not even all the filters in Photoshop are going to save that VF-1 from being drawn in an utterly frakked up way. The same way, not even all the filters in After Effects are going to save these designs from being crappy. What makes the Kawamori and Miyatake designs so bloody good is that, even while stylized, every piece of them has a function and they actually seem to work for that function, like real engineering in real life. If you have a big gun with a proportionally big recoil, either you put it on a big enough frame (like the Monster or the Nosjedaul) that will withstand the recoil or you put them on a swivelling appendix that won't totally destabilize the whole thing while recoiling (like on the Glaug or the Tomahawk arms) - you don't put it on the torso of a nimble frame that will make the whole thing fall back after the first shot. If you're going to go through the hassle of putting some manoeuvring sacrificing heavy armour on the mech, you place it to protect something like actually need protecting like a joint, not a simple dumb piece like a leg side. In a machine that will be shot up to hell and back, you try to keep the smallest profile possible to decrease the chances of being hit, not have lots of pieces of various sizes and shapes protruding from one part or another, just waiting to be hit by ricochet. And if you happen to put vital systems on those parts waiting to be shot at unless they necessarily have to be there (like the wings, which cannot act like wings unless they are wings), then that's just plain bad engineering. These designs are not based on even semi-realistic engineering principles. They are based on the Rule of Cool. Which, for a realistic mecha design, can quite easily become the Rule of Suck (like what happened to Kawamori himself with the Sound Force Valkyries). And I say that we keep updated on this thing. It's like a trainwreck - it is awful, but I cannot get my eyes off from it. We have to have something to complain about before the Frontier movie comes out, you know
  5. As far as I know they are using slightly modified subs from some other group on bluray rips...
  6. ... must wait for Nipponsei, must wait for Nipponsei, must wait for Nipponsei... >_<! Edit: Nipponsei is out! I'm POUNCING that biaozi!
  7. The same way that good Photoshop colouring doesn't save a bad drawing in a comic, good visual effects (and I'll admit they have impressive visual effects) and a saturated colour palette doesn't save those crappy designs. They went from the very stylish yet realistic VF-1 to a collection of pieces you can find in an avant garde desktop light glued over a F-18. If you ask me, they re-designed the Valk because they are hoping - as they say on their own website - to get funding from Harmony Gold to make it a full feature movie (instead of "changing the designs for the new millennium" bs they have there), in which case they wouldn't legally be able to use the VF-1 nor the Macross designs in an animation. But, darn, they could have done a better job. And they HAD to use the Pegasus Death March from 'Storming New Caprica' in their trailer, dammit?
  8. So, when are the auditions for voice acting? Although it has been a while... a long while... since the last time I've done anything in 3dsMax, I'd be up to do some secondary starship modelling, low poly LOD modelling, and maybe some architectural work. There is no love for those beautiful ARMDs, almost mothballed Oberths, Lancer Fighters, or Ghosts that appear in the background for two seconds or three before blowing up and I wanna tackle that. If you're interested, send me a PM telling me more or less what do you want and gimme a day or two to cook up something to show off my abilities and see if I'm up to the task.
  9. Holy crap, is that Sketchup? Awsome models, Rem
  10. Try as I might I couldn't find that video anywhere. Could you post it, please? I'm DYING to see that thing.
  11. ... where are Gubaba or Sketchley when you need them?
  12. If they were using 3dsMax for animation (and every production shot I've seen has had the Max interface), it would be as easy as cloning the shot section from the action model; importing, aligning and linking (basically, chaining it) to the wing of the transforming model (basically making it follow the skeleton rig without having to link the part to the skeleton - that is, assuming that they don't morph the part during the transformation, otherwise the whole effect would be ruined) and then flagging the intact wing properties so the renderer will ignore it... and probably someone forgot to do that last thing, because it is a really small action that is totally out of the way at the end of the entire workflow. So, chances are that we got an intact wing rendering over a damaged wing because someone forgot to untick a box. Edit: Woohoo! 300 posts! And it only took me five years!
  13. I don't know you, but I'm loving the whole reanimation thing here (since it is removing the only perks I had with those episodes: Sheryl looking like Sheryl in the concert scene) Besides, it is a good way to keep the minions at the drawing dungeons at Satelight in good shape for the movie while it is in pre-production, you know.
  14. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what is called taking one for the team. All hail the brave team of Sousei no Aquarion, taking it on the face for the sake of Macross.
  15. Macross M3. And you'll hate me for the rest of your life once you play it.
  16. That's because it's not the ending. The 11th episode, not yet aired, is the one that would have been originally used as the series finale had the series been canceled by the Writer's Strike. But I don't think we'll ever get that episode in the way it would have been broadcasted since the series was not cancelled and there are still 9 more after it.
  17. Macross F Karaoke Part Two Roll Call Ok, who wants in? I might be able to record a part or something, but I have absolutely no ability on mixing or sound editing (probably Hikuro can take care of that if he is interested).
  18. Dude, Howard Glass is the MC who introduces Minmei after her return to the Macross in DYRL. Edit: And Nanase is Canaria is Yurika from Nadesico. Oh, MAN!
  19. I can go with Bobby's antics, but this... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
  20. Sir, with that picture, you just made me a believer. If you ever need a human shield, just call me. Btw, is there any chance we can get a shot with a group of VF-1 standing or parked on top of the Prometheus like the VF-25s on Macross Quarter, just to get a sense of epic scale out of your model (and a new wallpaper? )
  21. I have the same opinion but reversed; Your Sound follows very very closely Diamond Crevasse. Your Sound was a wonderful episode that was almost everything that I could have wanted (and hopefully an extended version will have everything that I want) - a thrill of a ride that I can only compare to Exodus Part II from Battlestar Galactica: Both had me on the seat of my pants the from beginning to end. However, the moment that moved me most in the series was Diamond Crevasse, because in 24 minutes I went from not really caring for a kinda cocky and somewhat cliched high-school casanova (who, to his credit, was also fun and rejected a very willing loli) to being totally traumatized by his death, irrationally wishing that there was a way from him to survive despite knowing very well that it would be both physically impossible and would cheapen the entire series. That is what I call bloody good storytelling.
  22. And for that, ma'am, I thank thee very much.
  23. Samples, pleeeaaaseeeeeeeeeee T_T
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