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Lindem Herz

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Everything posted by Lindem Herz

  1. actually, I think the pilots are too small
  2. Man, I never thought that this kind of things would ever happen. But... you not only made me like something from (at least based on) The Sentinels... you made me think that something it's f*ckin' AMAZING Beautiful, beautiful work. Seriously, you should be making this for a living
  3. 17, turning 18 next march. And frankly talking, I'd rather be 25 up. Youth is SO overrated sometimes.
  4. Well, Roy is Skull 001, Hikaru is Skull 011, Hayao 012 and Max 013. We've some good slots between 002 and 010
  5. AFAIK, because Lucy Liu was enough of a bitch to make Bill Murray vow never to work again with her. <_
  6. matter of fact I'd like to give it a try in photoshop (I can retouch pictures quite easily, but never tried making something from scratch). I have some time, there is still a LOT of things to do (name tagging/grouping; i'm sure I'll spend more time doing that than modeling; and making LODs). One good thing though, while checking the SDK of Combat Flight Simulator 3 I found out that the standard polycount on a full closeup model (LOD_100) is about 9500 polys, so low end computers won't have problems using my models (aiming for a 3200, 3800 MAX polys for model).
  7. All the pics are available here (click me). for some stupid reason, my computer can't upload them directly to the forums, and Yahoo is enough of a bitch to not allow direct linking. Anyway, here's what you'll find: VF-1A (reworked version, currently 2200 polys, aiming for 3200 at full LOD) Things to do: LANDING GEAR (since it was originally made for Starlancer, we decided to not include separate control surfaces and land in gerwalk mode), arresting hook, leg/nose joints and maybe a better pilot. ah, and the entire Virtual Cockpit And the ever important nomenclature naming and grouping. plus LODing. V(something)-1 series (other than A. I have also J, but since the only mesh change is the head, it wasn't worth the transfer). 1300 polys models, not yet touched. If I get into the mood, I could upgrade them to the VF-1A detail level one every two days or so (but then again, IF I get in the mood and have enough free time). VF-4. 1300 polys. Never really liked how the battroid turned out. Probably the only model to be remade from scratch. VF-9. Still WIP, was mothballed when the mod was. I'll go back to it once I finish upgrading the ones I already have (and figure out how the HELL those wings fold ) VF-11. 1350. Next thing I'm going to work on after I'm finished with the 1 series. First thing: REMAKE THE CANOPY (I was TOO tired that night...). I had some prmitive YF-19, YF-21, VF-19F and VF-11MAXL (not Kai, a personal interpretation. I was planing to do Sound Force though), but lost them in a hard disk crash. BTW, if somebody could lend me some webspace to put some better res images and link them directly here I'd be really, REALLY thanksful. please. pretty please Edit: Geocities sucks. The pics aren't showing <_<
  8. Matter of fact, you can't. It is the same core engine, but it's different enough to disregard gMax plugins as "obsolete" plugins that won't load (at least with Max 4 and 5, haven't tried 6 yet). However, gMax can import .3ds files, so you can do all the work (modelling, animation, the ALL important LODing, mapping, grouping and naming nomenclature in 3DS and then export to gMax, and use it just for exporting to .mdl (FS mesh format). I used to work on some VF-1 series for a mothballed Starlancer mod (meshes complete: ALL the VF-1 series with Fast Packs, VT-1, VE-1, VF-4, VF-11B and C; and working in a VF-9 before I lost contact with group) but after the announcement of 2004 I decided to delay them and rework them into a higher poly versions (currently only the VF-1 got the make up, been busy <_< ) for FlightSim. No textures yet, I suck at Photoshop . Can post some pictures if you want...
  9. Hehe, with the maintenance our Mig-29A are getting here in Peru I'm amazed we get past thr 100 hours (budget? what budget? we're saving for the president to get his shiny 747, for crying out loud!! <_< ). And I know what those birds are capable of handling (a friend of mine used to fly the 29s before he retired). Poor maintenance (again), do-it-yourself repaired parts, dirty, holled out runways and taxiways(not always, but sometimes), etc. But they are still the stars of the fleet. B) And, yes, back on topic, just how EFFECTIVE is the Thrust vectoring in the VF-1 series. In all other VFs the vectoring system is more or less a real-life like 2D two plane deflectors (except the 22 and sv-51), but in the VF-1, the vectoring system actually enboxes the whole exhaust. Wouldn't that create mor drag and a less efficient escape of the hot gases or something like that?
  10. I guess that happens when you leave the damn client unattended <_< Sorry
  11. I say it could outmanouver the missile. Or missiles. After that, once on visual range, the Crane would gangbang the Raptor. Don't ever subestimate your enemy (not mine for now, we're buying planes and guns from the russkies). That pretty much costed the man with the mini-moustache the mother of all wars. And Russia, it has some of the best fighter pilots of the world, and it's planes have the endurance of a drugged up rhino (I'd challenge a F-15 to land on an intersate highway without becoming a very expensive pile of scrap. but then again, a F-15 landed without a WING...) Edit: Lousy grammar
  12. So, the ASS-1 is just like the SDF-2, no transformation or something like that, just a gunship, isn't it?
  13. Hikaru is japanese, not many christians there, so the sign of the cross would mean little or none to him. On the other side, Max is european, therefore is more probable he is a christian or at least is aware of the importance of the sign. So, Max did it. Nice, realistic touch.
  14. Man, they killed off their director! Oh, BTW, wasn't the valkyries supposed to be already developed by that date? (It IS the month the big bad aliens came down, isn't it?)
  15. While you're at ir, here's a Su-35, to compare it to the Thunderbolt and the Sv-51 (kinda <_< ). The thing is HUGE: 72.38 ft (22.22 m) long 48.17 ft (14.70 m) wingspan 21.08 ft (6.43 m) high Wish I could find a better 3way, though
  16. Last episode, when Global orders the Macross to launch one last time. Damn, even with the cheesy opening theme and bad animation it still fills my eyes with tears. I like to think of it as a metaphor for mankind, ready to fight to the last stand until death or victory, to protect their loved ones. Just like the rest of the series.
  17. I doesn't. The other one is a spare. Just like in the YF-21 (I think it was shown in the final Isamu/Guld fight on Earth, whe the 21 is thrown to the ground by Isamu's PPB, Guld loses his gunpod and grabs the other one; later on, he's seen firing only one even in fighter mode. not quite sure, gotta watch my dvds again)
  18. Actually, the manga came out a couple of months earlier than the anime...
  19. Beautiful. Just... beautiful.
  20. Well, I don't know him, but I'd be DAMMED if had some second thoughts with such a beauty. Time to play Pedro and Emilia B) Can't wait for the color version.
  21. Was the Ostrich a space only trainer in the first place? Well, it has control surfaces. And blown away fast packs capability. And flew quite a bit in Earth atmosphere...
  22. True, true... But damn, wouldn't it be nice to have the Tie Fighter storyline in the XWA engine? Oh, BTW, does anybody knows why they changed the design of the Missile Boat so much? (Defender of the Empire had a kinda streamlined, eaglebeak looking one, everything else had a WAY blockier one. And no, it's not because XWA meshes were sucky).
  23. VA-3M. The marine variant of the VA-3. Not that every other VFs didn't have some kind of limited underwater capabilities. B)
  24. They should have sticked to the anime-look. Cloud looks like some of those j-pop singers now, instead of JUST a bishonen. <_< Well, as long as I can get to see some more Aerith I'll be pleased.
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