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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. Just some notes for the future, The belt should be cut and sized so that the shiny tip extrudes from, but dose not exceed the buckle. We have the same buckle on our Class A uniforms (all branches) When saluting, be sure that the forearm and wrist form a straight line, and that the upper arm is parallel to the 'marching surface' (IE ground). Fingers extended in joint, including the thumb, witch should be along side, and not under the palm. Place the tip of your finger on your eyebrow and angle your hand so that a person of average height could see neither the majority of the palm, or the majority of the top of the hand (this is normally a downward angle). I won't go over the position of attention its self because I'm sure you don't care, but follow the above, and your salute will look way better, improving the quality of the overall image. Oh yeah:
  2. I have no idea why, but when I read that, I couldn't stop laughing... Must resist spending $3,000 of my bonus buying a Canon XL2, and spending a weekend with some buddys on a C130 overflowing with 75 thousand kittens, filming it... must resist... Donations anyone?
  3. I feel the safest way to go would be a re-make of SDF Macross. Its nothing new, so its not like you have to worry about people accepting it, story wise, and that cuts down drastically on the writing portion. What I'm afraid of is an OVA instead, trying to cram all 40 episodes together, and most of all, the use of CG. No one can ever get it right! CG never looks right in an anime. The frame rate is wrong, the movement too smooth, it just doesn't fit. I think that's why Gundam Seed continued to hand draw there Gundams, although they did use GC for the bigger ships. I guess a CG SDF-1 would be a reasonable exchange, but it would have to be done just right. New music would be needed, and I love the themes they have, but I feel they would need modernization, specifically Minmay's music. In her case, I don't think re-mixing and re-doing the originals would work, except the story specific song We will win (or Ai Oboeteimasuka for Macross) witch brings me to my next point. I guarantee it would be done as Robotech, and not Macross. I think the best option here is a mix of the two. There are some things I like about Robotech (such as the characters names) and other things I really don't like (like Protoculture becoming a fuel, WTF?)
  4. I googled it and it took me right back here. Someone named Leo (I think that was the name) posting screenshots. I Emailed him. Going to get a nice little collection going here
  5. I Emailed you ChrisG. I also googled around for Animeigo DVD set, and havent found anything sound effect related yet. I do have a way to pull things off. I use Goldwave. I went through Macross 7 the movie, and a little bit of Macross Zero too. I picked up one sonic boom, that zentrodi / VF walking sound (not very good quality), and a missle sound. Its a start I suppose, but if ChrisG hooks me up, I think I'll be good to go.
  6. Sorry, I really don't know where else to put this, there is no misc category. Dose anyone know of, or have any sound effects from Macross / Robotech? The sounds they use sound old, fake, and very odd, and yet I LOVE them, and do not want to use more realistic ones for my flash animations! I have plenty, but nothing compares to the original, especially transformation sound effects. I was able to grab a gunpod sound from Macross DYRL in that one scene near the end that had no music, but 99% of the time there is to much background sound, or music to pull out a clean sample. I was also lucky enough to get a folding sound from DYRL as well, but as of yet, I haven't gotten a thing from the original show. Things I am looking for are buttons, switches (cockpit) engines, jet flying by, transformations, missiles, generally anything that has to do with the VFs or the SDF. I have noticed newer anime like Gundam Seed using the same sound effects! Specifically the walking sound (witch I could really use!) and I am wondering if they are in some archive somewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Looks good! Yeah, I know, I expected that. Thats why I was going to model it off of the toy first, and then work backwords to make it look more accurate. Its also alot more complicated of a transformation than the VF1, or at the least one that I don't understand as well.
  8. Prime example, I orderd Macross DYRL, Macross Zero OVA, and Macross 7 the movie (why not? Gotta give it a try), and acording to USPS, it was deliverd to Ft. Lewis last friday. Here we are, almost a week later, still nothing. Ive been told by people who have been in this company far longer than I that they have lost packages, and I'm a little paranoid about paying $150 for somthing I never get If I do get somthing though, it would probebly be a Yamoto VF-1S first. I'm only modeling the 19 becosue my VF-1 is done, but having a more accurate transformable of the VF-1 than the Toynami one I shouldnt have bought would be so nice I'll have to start digging around for that line art you speak of.
  9. Yeah, lol. I don't know how it handels speed verses over speed. That thing flew like... um... a toy in a 6 year olds hand lol.
  10. Changed my sig. If the admin doesn't want image sigs, I suggest he/she disables them in the board settings. Yes, I think I am using the model you speak of I don't have a choice. I can only work with what I have. Its very hard to receive packages when you live in the barracks on a military base. If you have on post housing, that works fine, but for some reason, they mess it up otherwise.
  11. Aurel Tristen


    When I was on block leave, I brought my computer on an 8 hour car trip, and spent some of the time modeling this. A good friend of mine is a HUGE fan of Macross Plus, so he had a VF-19 toy that I picked up and started working off of. I knew that the toy could transform (I can hold it for the love of god, its physically real) and so I decided to make my model directly based off of the toy instead of reference images and the actual aircraft. After the mechanics of the transformation where worked out, I could then refine it to look more accurate. Main problem is, I left the toy in Missouri though, so now work is on hold For everyone who uses 3D studio, yes, its a polygon mesh. Call me oldfasion, but I like to keep the polycount down. Oh, and here is an older model I made of the 19. I spent a week putting this baby in flight simulator! LOL. The funny part was that I read the stats of the 19, and imputed the proper pounds of thrust, and wing area and such. In other words, if the VF-19 was real, it technically could fly like this, but I was pulling a good 200 Gs on most of these maneuvers, witch could easily shatter the aircraft.
  12. I didnt catch the original post about doing a CG version of the first episode. Can you elaberate on that? Dose this mean we will start seeing models of the characters soon? Holy god, almost forgot. Do you have Swift 3D? I MUST see what that model looks like renderd in Swift for flash. Wow, that would look just like a drawling. Thats what I made mine for, but its so blocky that the renderer just ends up drawing thousands of lines, and rarly takign advantage of curves.
  13. Damn, well finding this post was a bitter sweet experience. I am so glad to finaly see a good SDF1... well, not good, perfict. I had never once seen a good SDF-1 model, and so I created my own for my flash animations on Newgrounds.com, and untill I found this post, it had had no rival. I suppos my old ways of modeling are going to have there drawbacks. I cant even imagine modeling in such detail. The same all goes for my VF-1, exept I have seen a few ok models of it before now. Again, nothing to that one of yours. great work. No reson to make a whole new post now. Most of all, my model is not very accurate. I blame alot of this on the total lack of good refrences, but its not all to blame. I could have gone through the seires and done some sketches myself. Curious, how long dose it take you to render that SDF1?
  14. I will save you-all the trouble, ok? Hope you're happy.
  15. I agree. When I was absent for awhile (about 10 months ago or something like that) one of the issues before was WJ's way of somehow copyrighting every single little image on his site, even though it had been posted before someplace else, his smug attitude about it when he knew he was right and his visciousness when he was wrong made me want to use that puke emoticon many times, I was hoping this issue would be resolved by now, but sadly, it was not. I do not claim copyright on anything but webpage design. Just because I mark images that I have scanned doesn't mean that I claim I drew them or own them.
  16. Did you not just say that I posted links in this fourm to my site? And those pages certainly contain information. Therefore you are mistaken.
  17. He isn't charging you to view the site? I don't sell anything to anyone in regards to my website. It is a free information resource.
  18. This Super Valkyrie Variation is the topic. Nothing else.
  19. We should stay on topic.
  20. This is somewhat-off topic... but I recently seen these and though that other might be interested. Miyatake-design mecha and tank Radio Control Toys: Gun Walker English: http://www.kyosho.co.jp/web/products/milit...attle_fm-e.html Japanese: http://www.kyosho.co.jp/web/products/milit...attle_fm-j.html Gun Roller English: http://www.kyosho.co.jp/web/products/milit...unroller-e.html Japanese: http://www.kyosho.co.jp/web/products/milit...unroller-j.html They are 16,800 and 18,900 Yen each originally, but RCMart has them for $74.00 USD and $59.00: http://www.rcmart.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=318_462 There are 3 color variations of each. This site also has a lot of pictures including packaging etc. I think I want one they look really cool. You can see various Miyatake design implements, like the Monster's sensor domes, similar head likes on the U.N. Forces' 6 x 6 along with other stylings
  21. Not sure if anyone has posted this before, but its pretty damn cool: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=10006
  22. neither. It was early concept artwork. No official variant or armor pack. Actually, it is not an early concept. Shoji Kawamori signed and dated this piece of artwork '91 Studio Nue. The VE-1's FAST Packs have [nearly] identical blade-style antennae.The 4-barrel Gating gun posomewhat similar to the one of the Stampede Valkyrie's guns.
  23. Let me know if this is large enough for you to read. http://www.wwwmwww.com/pics/LTransR2.jpg If so I'd like to know what it says myself. If not I can take some more pictures. Enjoy, Carl Thank you much. So it says that it is the "video package edition super parts". This refers to the VHS video covers which depicts that illustration. Too bad. I was hoping for a in-Macross designation (codename/etc.). Thanks again though.
  24. Nice, can you get a close up of the text on the packaging?
  25. Very VF-X-4. Reminds me a little of the FL-200 Mistral as well. Nice find!
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