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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. I don't think they can. Im not certain about the laws concerning such name usage...but I think its forbidden in anything officially published (anywhere) to make reference to a military-industrial company in a totally ficticious setting without their permission. There are cases where fictional representation is ok (like how Grumman might be referred to on the program JAG because the F-14 is their baby). Yes, I agree with you.
  2. Its about what is officially published. Howard is used for several things. 'Hughes' however is only listed as for the VF-11's FAST Pack micro missile launchers (HMMM Mark 6) and nothing more. Consistent or not. Personally, I would prefer it if the Macross creators did use only real life names, but they don't.
  3. Are you talking about the VF-0's Raytheon/Beforse AIM-200A AMRAAM 2? : ) What you speak of is not a mistake. The text says 'Befose' (ƒxƒtƒHƒ‹ƒZ) not Bofors. (ƒ{ƒtƒHƒ‹ƒX) (Egan uses 'Bifors', see: http://www.anime.net/macross/endnotes/inde...tml#LittleNote) It is the name of the weapons manufacturer in the world of Macross. Yes, in real life their counterpart would be Bofors. But, Macross isn't real. Touchy issue.
  4. There is no yield data available for these large, warship-carried reaction missiles, however there is warhead yield data available for this one: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=2&t=4272
  5. New translation.... more text coming soon http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/rms1.html FYI....Enjoy
  6. “V‘Ì (ten tai) celestial body or heavenly body http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=he...heavenly%20body 'anti-celestial body attack' does mean planetary bombardment which would be considered anti-planetary attack A celestial body could be a moon, planet, planetoid, etc. If this missile was fired at a moon or a planet and the entire thing doesn't get blown up right then and there--it doesn't mean that the missile used for this isn't anti-celestial body or anti-planetary missile. Its on this scale. Just as the Zjentohlauedy's ships have anti-celestial cannons--one ship might not be able to destroy a planet but the purpose is just that..... anti-attack.
  7. The warships of the Macross 7 Fleet use a more advanced design of reaction weapons: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...ssile-2047.html
  8. They are shown being fired from the ARMD space aircraft carriers in the first episode of original television series and then later shown in the episode "Kung Fu Dandy".... U.N. Headquarters had launched [non-reactive versions of (?) ] these missile to intercept the ship that carried out one Quamzin's assaults
  9. The big one.... http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...ve_missile.html Amazing that it is approximately four times the total length of thea VF-1 Valkyrie..... but of course it was designed for defense purposes.... ^^;
  10. who is Junya Ishigaki? He designed the Cheyenne Destroid and was the co-designer of the Asuka II. Before, Macross Zero he was mecha design for the video game Xenogears.
  11. Thank you. IMHO, It is a really nice-looking and interesting design. I created the waterline silhouette from over a half dozen of DVD screen captures, through layering, copying, and erasing. This is the most we get to see of the ship: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/img...troyer-side.jpg The whole time there were things (Prometheus' deck, flight crew, VF-1s, Hikaru's VF-1A's nose gear) obstructing in the foreground blocking a complete view of the ship.
  12. Yes, the text states that they are for close-in combat in space and are only shown in Episode 10 while being used in space.
  13. My mistake. I misread mbs357'd reply-thinking he was talking about the AMM-1's fins. I thought he was suggesting that the fins were extended while still attached or that the fins didn't extend. Max's armament, had to be fired before he could transform into full GERWALK mode or Battroid Mode. "Semi-"GERWALK/Fighter-VTOL mode (GERWALK without packing up the v-tail) could have been possible while the missiles were unused.
  14. The stabilizer fins of the AMM-1 do not extend until after the missile is launched. Use can see the side drawing on the AMM-1 page which shows the AMM-1 with its fins retracted: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html But you just said tail fin missiles aren't AMM-1s. I think he just read the question wrong. The tailfin missles that showed up once I think was an animation mistake. Just like the nose lasers. Not a mistake. It was a special weapon arrangement VF-1 created Ichiroh Itano. He was an mechanical animation director of Macross. Creator of the "Itano Circus" (Macross' trademark missile smoke trails, etc.) and worked on some of the greatest animation sequences.... like those shown in the episode Pine Salad, etc. From the Macross Compendium: http://www.anime.net/macross/production/cr.../itano_ichiroh/
  15. The stabilizer fins of the AMM-1 do not extend until after the missile is launched. Use can see the side drawing on the AMM-1 page which shows the AMM-1 with its fins retracted: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html But you just said tail fin missiles aren't AMM-1s. What was being referred to before was the vertical tail of Max's VF-1 which had missiles specially attached to it..... as part of this system: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat..._armed_sys.html
  16. The stabilizer fins of the AMM-1 do not extend until after the missile is launched. Use can see the side drawing on the AMM-1 page which shows the AMM-1 with its fins retracted: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html
  17. The hardpoints are already present on the arms's face. I don't believe the augmentative run pallet weapon stations would interfere with transformation, as the entire arm units (including the shoulder units) are the first things to move during transformation to GERWALK or Battroid modes. They move in downward direction away from the engines. So there would be no problem.
  18. I will make the assertion that Macross Zero was not the project that featured Junya Ishigaki's intial Macross design. It is my belief that he designed this destroyer (or worked on it) prior to making the Asuka II or the Cheyenne Destroid. Compare the triangular stealth window panes and compare them to the Asuka II's in Macross Zero episode 2. (This could also mean that he could have had a hand in revamping the Prometheus' bridge tower design for the DYRL game opening animation as well. See: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat..._destroyer.html FYI, and a Merry Christmas to all
  19. That's because those weren't AMM-1s. What were they? The group of 32 [40] missiles which are specially attached to that VF-1A's inboard and outboard surfaces of the v-tail is called "missile magazine". So they are "missile magazine missiles". Along with three other missiles attached to the outboard surfaces of each of the engine pod's small ventral fins(six total), two "WE-CON" wing end missiles mounted on the main wings' tip and four underwing mounted BB[-1] "buster bombs" they compraise the early "Valkyrie endo-space-use armed system" which was created by Ichiroh Itano.
  20. Depends on which High Maneuver Missiles you are referring to. If you mean the "new high maneuver missiles" seen in Macross Plus, then no. Those were apparently not approved in the VF-1X Plus update program of 2047 (see on-screen text of Macross VF-X 2) and still was not seen using them even in 2050. As for other high maneuver missiles, sure there are plenty of them, mostly micro missiles. HMM is a general classification of missiles in Macross.
  21. That's because those weren't AMM-1s.
  22. Balancing and compiling various source materials this entry was created: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html This version is printable. This is for your information. Enjoy.
  23. You mean the 'Hybrid Sensors'. Graham Actually, those are forward-looking inferred (FLIR) cameras in the nosecone fairings (Fighter mode). The "composite sensor units" are on the arms above the manipulators in Battroid mode. WJ, as we both know, on the VF-1, the nose blisters contain FLIR sensors, but remember, the original poster 'Mr March', was referring to the YF-19. On the YF-19, the red color blisters on each side of the nose are definitely Hybrid Sensors. The Macross Compendium has the following to say about the YF-19: - AVIONICS: Super AI control avionics. HUD (projected onto canopy), side-stick controller, two rear (back) monitors, radar, wrap-around imaging monitor screens in all variable modes. Active stealth system. Head-turret-mounted sensor system. Two hybrid sensor units directly below and to the the fore of the canopy. Sensors embedded in conformal pads lining manipulator. Also refer to the following picture from TIAS Macross Plus Movie Edition (incorrectly spelt as 'Hiblid)'. Graham I know about the YF-19's hybrid sensors. That's what I get for not reading the posts... lol actually, I've had the VF-1 in my mind a lot lately. The Tanaka and Kawamori's cutaway drawings and location and such of the composite sensors and the verniers -- also how some people get confused about how many veriners there are and where they are/which was which. Its all very interesting.
  24. Oops. yes that's right.
  25. You mean the 'Hybrid Sensors'. Graham Actually, those are forward-looking inferred (FLIR) cameras in the nosecone fairings (Fighter mode). The "composite sensor units" are on the arms above the manipulators in Battroid mode.
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