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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. The TIAS MP text says Zjentohlaeudy Tactical Pod specifically. Now if you read the Quel-Quallie text in the Perfect Memory (See here: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...l-quallie.html) it states that the Zjentohlauedy designation formula dictates all mecha that do not possess a fold system are classified as pods-- so the powered suits would be considered a pod as well.
  2. I think it interesting that a variable aircraft that doesn't have afterburners was created.... but it performs its role quite well apparently.
  3. VA-3C Customs can be seen in Macross Dynamite 7 and the VA-3M is seen in the Macross VF-X 2 PS game.
  4. You can also try http://manuals.macrossmecha.info/va3.html
  5. Enjoy: http://manuals.macrossmecha.info/va3.pdf
  6. Sorry that is just a topic header within the list without a value.... depending on your browser/settings it may give you an error. There is nothing to access-just the stuff under that.
  7. Unfortunately, I don't think that would be possible. It is my believe that Mr. Loo is legally bound to what information and material he can have on the Macross Compendium, because its officially licensed. As far as bad translations on my site.... lol I don't think Miyuki will like to hear that hehe. But, she tries. Otherwise, I have made some mistakes. What can be tedious is figuring out what of published materials and official products actually completely and currently official-what has been revised and what Shoji Kawamori is against etc. All and all Nanashi's is just a fan site in the end.... unless I somehow get it sanctioned (ha).... but if I did it would be pretty barren-I think. I want people to see all of this great old Macross stuff, unofficial things included. I will just have to try harder to discern between cannon and non-cannon.
  8. I would like to first thank Egan Loo for his explantions and corrections on my website. Next I will apologize for being incorrect on various matters. Necessary adjustments and renewal of the Nanashi's website will occur soon. Any contents remaining on the Nanashi's website which are found to be unofficial will be noted as such along with explict explanation. Sorry for the confusion.
  9. Whoa.... this is interesting. I was mistaken about Tatsuto Nagayama I apologize. My misunderstanding. I would like to know which people, exactly make up Studio Nue besides Shoji Kawamori, Kazutaka Miyatake, Haruhiko Mikimoto, Kiyomi Tanaka and Masahiro Chiba.... LOL, I had a feeling this was bad information... Well, It was good information until Egan Loo took it off of his site sometime ago.... along with the MAT specs etc. I guess after discussing it with Kawamori is when he took it down.
  10. Nanashi's Information Group http://www.macrossmecha.info/ Zjentohlauedy Variable Machine (from Macross Digital Mission VF-X/ Macross VF-X 2) http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...le_machine.html Thank you very much! I too wasn't able to get that link to work. Oops actually the link in question I think.... was this one: http://manuals.macrossmecha.org/vf1/history/index-old.html or http://manuals.macrossmecha.org/vf1/history/ Note that its not official anymore....
  11. Nanashi's Information Group http://www.macrossmecha.info/ Zjentohlauedy Variable Machine (from Macross Digital Mission VF-X/ Macross VF-X 2) http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...le_machine.html
  12. The idea that the 'Pheyos Valkyrie' has Brain Control System was something that Dave Deitrich made up and it not true. Nor was it designated the Fz-150. There is no such thing as an Fz-150. The Fz prefrix was used by the Varuata/Protodeviln for their fighters. The proper/officiial identification for the 'Pheyos Valkyre' is simply "Variable Machine" and it is a hostile Zjentohlauedy design. It is inaccurate to say that it is official. "Variable Machine" was a preliminary name for the mecha, despite what has been written. The official name for its debut in Macross Digital Mission VF-X is Variable Device. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/zentrad...ariable_device/ I see. I read "Variable Machine" on the production design sheets.... they seemed to be the final sheets. Not the rough designs. So Studio Nue re-named this design after they did the final design on paper.... Edit: Are you sure? In the book Shoji Kawamori Macross Design Works, p. 72, it also says "Variable Machine" just like on the VF-X production staff design sheets.... : / That would be a while after Macross Digital Mission VF-X's release date. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...le_machine.html
  13. Whoa.... this is interesting. I was mistaken about Tatsuto Nagayama I apologize. My misunderstanding. I would like to know which people, exactly make up Studio Nue besides Shoji Kawamori, Kazutaka Miyatake, Haruhiko Mikimoto, Kiyomi Tanaka and Masahiro Chiba....
  14. The idea that the 'Pheyos Valkyrie' has Brain Control System was something that Dave Deitrich made up and it not true. Nor was it designated the Fz-150. There is no such thing as an Fz-150. The Fz prefrix was used by the Varuata/Protodeviln for their fighters. The proper/officiial identification for the 'Pheyos Valkyre' is simply "Variable Machine" and it is a hostile Zjentohlauedy design.
  15. Well, "Tou Salaam" is a made up name.... its proper name is simply Supervision Forces Warship. There has no other information published on it.
  16. There is no such thing as a "VF-1MS Metal Siren". It is just called the "Metal Siren". That is the official name. The VF-2SS Valkyrie replaced the VF-1 Valkyrie and the Metal Siren was developed after the VF-2SS. There is no justification to call it the VF-1MS-makes no sense.
  17. It is is not. It is a combination of stolen U.N. (VF-X-11 with a fold booster)/ Protoculture and Zjentohlauedy technologies and created by an agressive/renegade Zjentohlauen who lived on Earth but left. Nothing links it to the VAB-2....
  18. And what is it? You're not making this up, right? No. I don't make things up. Its in the numbers. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...le_machine.html
  19. There is one Valkyrie that can 'beat' the VF-19 and VF-22.... ^^; hehe
  20. Within the TV series/timeline (old) the female Zjentohlauedy could have made use of the Quel-Quallie See: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...el-quallie.html However, in the newer timeline/movie version.... the Meltohlauedy forces may not use the same mecha as the Zjentohlauedy forces. There are no designated Meltohlauedy-specific reconnaissance craft at this time....
  21. My apologies.... I was mistaken. I checked the Macross 7 liner notes and I was mistaken. It says "Reactional Weapons". Don't know what I was thinking there.... Now I must correct my entries.... ^^;
  22. Yes, the basic concept of reactive armor is conventional. However, reactive weapons (reaction weapons) are OTM derived I say "reactive weapon" (反応兵器 / hannou heiki) because that is how it is written in English on the Macross 7 liner notes which would make it an official spelling.
  23. 'Reactive Weapons' (also 'reaction weapons') are nuclear, thermonuclear, or certain other extremely destructive weapons; especially those that were developed with OTM (Over-Technology of Macross); either, but not limited to ones whose primary designated use is anti-ship, air-defense and/or anti-celestial object (planetary bombardment). These weapons can either be launched from a fighter and/or a warship etc. The first successful test of an OTM-derived reactive weapon took place on the lunar surface in the year 2004 (February). These weapons were used in Space War I and their use was subsequently diminished and limited shortly thereafter. In 2040, the AVF Program, Project Super Nova on Planet Eden was developing next generation of Variable Fighters which could use fold boosters and could perform so well that, among other things, reactive weapons would not be needed further except in extreme situations. One such instance in which they were issued was towards the end of the Macross 7/Protoculture conflict in 2047. Information on some of the various types of reactive weapons can be found at the links before: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...ve_missile.html http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...ssile-2047.html http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/rms1.html http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...les/srmh03.html http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...ea_sparrow.html
  24. I wonder why I even bother....
  25. Yes. If either one of the engines were lost or exploded one of the following would happen: http://manuals.macrossmecha.info/vf1/fact/accom/escsys/
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