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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. Conflicting source materials newest issue: In one of the 4 newly published PS2 DYRL game books there is the assertion that the designation for the micro missile which are fired from the HMMP-02 FAST Pack launchers are the same missile which are used by the GBP-1S (Armored Valkyire), the GH-32. This is interesting and mayve proviable since we that the VF-0's micro missile launcher (leg/engine pod-mounted FAST Packs) use GH-30s. So there is a corrilation between micro missile model numbers. The problem is presently we have been going off Tanaka Kiyomi (Studio Nue)'s VF-1S Strike Valkyrie cutaway schematic. That cutaways depicts 3 micro missiles in each launch tube (12 per HMMP-02 launcher pod). These micro missile have been designated HMM-1. Masahiro Chiba (MAT) has also referred to these missiles are also HMM-1s and says that there are twenty 24 per Super Valkyrie. Which is supported by Studio Nue. Now another issue: Considering the above... Shogakukan published a photo card collection which states that each launcher has 20 micro missiles not 12. This is later seen in Yamato's Valkyrie figures. So which is right? Another thing... the UMM-7 micro missile pods also are said to have HMM-1 micro missiles contain within. Yet, visually these missiles are not the same type of missiles found in the Tanaka cutaway mentioned above. Kawamori's illustrations show that these missiles are different as well. On screen in DYRL we see what looks like "MG-37" (missile grenade - ?) written on the side of the missiles fired from the UUM-7 pods. So which is correct? Egan Loo, do you have any comment?
  2. TANMEN had to estimate as there are no official numbers for this one.
  3. Its 'DCIV' not 'DOIV' this DAICON IV and the DAICON girl. http://www.gainax.co.jp/soft/daicon/index.html
  4. "Zjentohlauedy" is an English official spelling its on Studio Nue design sheets for DYRL, the ARII model boxes, and it is also seen on screen in the Macross movie (in Zjentohlaeudy). 'Meltohlauendy' is my own personal romanization I came up with based upon the official 'Zjentohlauedy'. Egan Loo corrected my own misspelling.... I typed 'Meltohlauedy' when I meant to type 'Meltohlauendy'... either way since neither has been seen written in English I can't say they are official. But, I will keep using it. : )
  5. I didn't know about the Bionoids part, but I did know both races were genetically engineered. What I'm asking is that are they Cyborgs, i.e. are they artificially enhanced with robotic comoponents and the like? From those descriptions Nanashi, it seems that the Meltran are from the description of Lap. The Gold Book says: (See http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...amiz_fleet.html ) "..... Meltohlauens created these women with her genes.... the Meltohlauen-type Bionoid is the compound creation with an artificial body and optical nerves through the complicated combination of heredity bionics, laser optics, holography theory, synthetic frame and external leather armoring. Unlike Zjentohlauedy types, the dependence is higher with the inorganic optical systems. ....." Note: There were Meltohlauendy who created Meltohlauendy Bionoid. See: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=bionic genetically engineered female warriors who manufacture female bionic/bio weapons which are partly snythedic (enhanced mechanics) and part of their genes... real flesh. Compound creations.
  6. Ack, no way. Otaku no Video was just great.... it was a trip. Another good anime that is a parody many SF anime, including Macross is Project A-Ko. The first one was awesome and downhill after that unfortunately. I watched the LD to this one again recently after so long. Very cool. The fighters and other mecha designs were really nice. Love those Pepsi Can missiles lol ^.^
  7. Ah, forgot about the organic part. Maybe I filed that in my mind under Robotech-only ideas... Ug. And that was apparent too.... Oh, speaking of mechanics, are the Meltran soldiers mechanically inhanced? I gathered that from your site Nanashi, can you clarify it? (and might as well say what armor they are made of, if any ) We all know of the imfamous term "Clash of the Bionoids". Its not really a made up thing that was magically pulled out of the air. Not too many people know this, but according to the Macross the Movie "Gold Book" text, the Zjentohlauedy and Meltohlaeundy are Bionoids. The genitically engineered warriors created by the Protoculture to fight their proxy wars against each other (factions of the Stellar/Galactic Republic). The Meltohlauens are synthedic bio organisms. [Try to] Read the following: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...amiz_fleet.html http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...k_laplamiz.html
  8. In Otaku no Video, I believe [Hideaki] Anno (of Gainax/Evangelion fame) is credited with designing the VE-1 as a joke (?) Kazutaka Miyatake was actually the real designer of the VE-1 ("Elintseeker") accordning to Shoji Kawamori Macross Design Works.
  9. But that's armor. What they want to know what it's actually made of... "hyper carbon"* and/or space metal(s) From anaylizing OTM, a new company (Dyna-Metal) new made OTM material composite armor from these space metals in space-mass producing them. (from MAT text/unofficial) * from DYRL dialogue Anyone ever heard of 'Warmolium'? ; )
  10. The Zjentohlauedy relay on more organic materials while the Meltohlaeundy rely more mechanical materials/systems in their ship and mecha construction... (DYRL) The Supervision Gun Destroyer that became the Macross (TV series) was made of "hyper-carbon". According to MAT (Chiba, et. al), the VF-1 is made of special metal [composite) (processed/recreated by Dyna-Metal Company ?) That is unofficial of course.... as Egan has pointed out. We now know of something called SWAG energy converting armor.... with the VF-0 and other VFs.
  11. There are seat belts in the VF-1 (TV series) also the Valkyrie has a gravity inertia control (GIC)system. (MAT) The chest straps of the flight suit (TV series) connect the parachute in the ejection seat. Since the VF-1 has various escape procedures (phases/contingencies) See these: http://manuals.macrossmecha.org/vf1/fact/accom/escsys/ (May not be considered official)
  12. Perhaps its the Propulsion Control System signature detetion reading of an OT thermonuclear reaction engine....
  13. Because it was the VF-1A is the mass production model. There were few VF-1S models that were made. They would be more expensive because of more weapons and better avionics. The first VF-1S models' avionics were equal to the Block 12 VF-1A Avionics. And the S-type had better thrust.
  14. fixed-thanks btw, those were adjusted as well
  15. To view information with images on the Meltohlaeundy Forces' Long-Range Firing Medium-Scale Gun Destroyer (Pre-Fallen/Pre-Remodeled Macross) seen in Macross: DYRL go here: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat..._destroyer.html (includes new Macross the Movie "Gold Book" translation)
  16. I believe its just "credits". Onboard the Macross if you're hungry, you can get a Macro-Sand for 200 credits.... hehe (DYRL) Perhaps Macross money... or maybe UN money... if there is a one world govenment.
  17. I don't think so... they would have just written electronic warfare or something related to it. http://manuals.macrossmecha.info/va3.html : / hmm...
  18. Actually it s designed for ground combat. The GBP in GBP-1S most likely is "Ground Battroid Protector" (?) (Alternately "Grenade Box Protector" in Macross Hobby Handbook 1) http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf1/index.html Officially the Armored Valkyrie is for ground combat. Read Macross Perfect Memory & This is Animation Special Macross Plus (OVA).
  19. Hmm.... what operations make use of the processes of diverting and/or expansion...? Cooling/Refrigeration... and what else?
  20. The VA-3C Custom is in Macross Dynamite 7 OVAs, not the Macross 7 movie.
  21. No. Actually its a different item. For clarification see the image below:
  22. The Octos is a variable combat system... to view images of it you can go here: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/octos.html Well, official (), that information has not been disclosed (to my knowledge), and if we fan want to speculate on the topic.... I would add to this, saying that I doubt the bad guys would have or even need a nuclear reactor for the Octos. I would say that it most likely uses a dual/multi-system method. It does sound like it uses a diesel engine over the ground and perhaps a gas-powered turbine was used for its fast surface movement on the water that we saw. That is guess work of course. Maybe the next episode will reveal more....
  23. I was wondering if anyone here has an idea or knows what the VA-3C Custom's Morris Pair (?) storage tank/divert-er/ing expansion pod refers to? I don't think its just a fuel tank-perhaps it is like a recee storage pod (pilot's personal belongings)? or a coolant tank? Or perhaps something else. Discussion?
  24. The TIAS MP text says Zjentohlaeudy Tactical Pod specifically. Now if you read the Quel-Quallie text in the Perfect Memory (See here: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...l-quallie.html) it states that the Zjentohlauedy designation formula dictates all mecha that do not possess a fold system are classified as pods-- so the powered suits would be considered a pod as well. Thanks! So everything without folding system is a pod. That could be OK as a generic rule but not to mention any specific pod. As tactical pod could be almost any Zentradi mecha there should be other indication of the type (as for instance the Regult Tactical Pod): Nanashi's Regult page So, it is a Nousjadeul-Ger Tactical Pod what the VA-3 resembles? Isn't it? The Battroid mode of the VA-3 Invader has likeness to the Nousjadeul-Ger powered suit (a type of tactical pod).
  25. Layout changes and additional pictures will be added soon (VA-3C Custom and VA-3M).
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