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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. Nanashi's Information Group (Windjammer/Nanashi) http://www.macrossmecha.info/ decimal deg-min-sec latitude 37.0076 37° 0' 27" longitude -76.3699 -76° 22'
  2. 勿論 ; ) http://www.macrossmecha.info/joke/daicon_vf1.html
  3. No one said the Daisy Cutter was an FAE.
  4. Yes I agree, DAICON and ELO rule! ^o^
  5. Scale wise, taking into account the overall length of the SV-51 in comparison with the diameter and the length of the carried bomb, I'd say it a quite a bit larger than a 1,000 lb. or 2,000 bomb lb.
  6. I present to you, my fellow fans, The Super Macross (Super Attack-Type), from the people who later formed studio GAINAX. Enjoy: http://www.macrossmecha.info/joke/super_macross.html
  7. For info in regards to my previous post: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/xs06.html
  8. Updated with translation of related DVD liner notes.
  9. Could be one.... could be several there is no information on that. There is only reference to a 250 meter class.
  10. That's right... like this: from the FAS Org website Like that only on a much larger scale.
  11. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...s/sv51-sae.html
  12. no, its the Cheyenne Destroid missile launcher variant
  13. My error. Its been corrected. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...s/asuka_ii.html
  14. I know Daisy Cutters aren't FAEs, I was referring to the size/explosive yield.
  15. I don't think they were nukes as some people have asked me already. They appear to be very large fuel-air bomb.... Maybe similar to the "Daisy Cutter"?
  16. Excluding U.S. domestic releases, I own the following Japanese releases: Laser Discs Macross: DYRL? Perfect Edition LD Box Set Macross 7 TV LDs 1 - 13 Macross 7 Encore Macross 7 Movie Macross Dynamite 7 1 - 4 DVDs Macross DYRL Perfect Edition Macross Flashback 2012 Macross II Collection/Special Box Macross Plus DVD Box Set 1 & 2 Macross 7 1 - 13 Macross 7 Encore Macross 7 Movie Macross Dynamite 7 1 & 2 Macross 20th Anniversary Macross Zero 1 - 4
  17. Not meaning to sound like an ass (again) but that poll you will find will be very, very lopsided. I only know one person who has legit R2 items of Macross... everyone else has bootlegs or the handfull of R1 that has been released. Well, lets just see what the people have to say...
  18. Lets have another poll. Who here has the original official Japanese DVD releases? Which ones do you own? List legit products only-no bootlegs.
  19. BTW, "alternates versions", I trust can mean the original offical releases. This poll has poorly worded choices : P
  20. Yes there should be more of them.
  21. What did Kawamori (and Bandai Visual) say when they were at Anime Expo when they were here? Shoji Kawamori personally asked us to buy Macross Zero. He was asking us to support them. Who should we support? The people who made Macross or those who take it, screw it up and then call it their own? I say we boycott Harmony Gold and buy Big West's official products. If anyone needs some help aquiring official Macross items-just ask. I will help.
  22. Macross 7 rules for many reasons, here are just a few: Mylene-chan, VF-17 Nightmare, and the XS-06 : )
  23. Enjoy-new pics from the DVD. http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...s/asuka_ii.html and http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/img...ships/asuka_ii/
  24. I think they will try to steal everything they can. I say we promote legal action against Harmony Gold. Show our support. I believe that Big West, Studio Nue, Artland, Bandai Visual/Emotion and Shogakukan etc. should all bring Harmony Gold to court for international copyright infringement.
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