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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. Think "Navy". Get it? The "y" at the end? http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...pacy/index.html No. There are other branches of the UN Armed Forces. Noted are: UNS - UN Spacy (Space Navy, get it now????) UNAF - UN Air Force UNN - UN Navy UNSAF- UN Space Air Force UNSM- UN Space Marines http://www.anime.net/macross/story/glossary/index.html Space Navy.... is not correct Space Forces... The U. N. Spacy does not use Navy ranks. Only the U. N. Navy does. The Spacy uses Air Force/Army ranks. So Space Army or simply Space Forces might be more correct.
  2. Added an animated GIF
  3. While it maybe not be official, it is still pretty damn cool and I bet not many of you have seen it before. ; ) http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/bsl1.html
  4. Its not really a shot gun. Its a very large, long range grenade launcher.
  5. For your information.... From the Macross Digital Mission VF-X opening: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...e_launcher.html
  6. Personally, I think its a shame that Harmony Gold/Robotech is getting air time, even if it is bashing and the real Macross isn't. Robotech is crap and Harmony Gold is septic tanks which holds it. They have tarnished the beautiful original Macross and they now try to steal Macross' sequels. I propose a campaign to bring forth a North American Big West Office. Now that would be cool, it could be the HQ for direct the war against . I think Big West and Bandai Visual and other companies, should sue Harmony Gold for international copyright infringement.
  7. Okay, but we are talking about something in GERWALK mode here. If a VF-1 Valkyrie can reach hovering-flight speeds of 500+ km/h (about 270+ knots) while in GERWALK mode--wouldn't it still make use of it control surfaces? Such as what might be considered over-extending its flaps/ailerons upward or downward to maintain level flight or climb faster respectively?
  8. Hmm, interesting. I see, you are very knownledgeable. : )
  9. Perhaps not they are not an exaggeration, but may be like the variable fighter's transformation system. The flying controls could also use of the various high technologies such as super high-speed fluid pulse actuation to enable the ability to make faster changes to its its flying controls than a conventional aircraft can, as they might be needed. Since these machines transform so often, in many different air flow environments and under various other situations and surroundings--they require fast reactions. Ever thing in a Valkyrie is tied together for optimum functionality-the vernier thrusters and flying controls, the shuttered verniers and jet/over flow operation for highly maneuverable Battroid aerial combat, etc. While it can be an aircraft and a "half aircraft", it is much more.
  10. It doesn't just have a mouth..... I know all of the intimate details of every mecha. ^,^;; LOL
  11. Focker was chasing after D.D. in the canyon. In the first pic, I believe he was ascending downward, following him. The whole time he was in GERWALK, changing his altitude in the ravine maneuvering up and down and side to side.... I think the flap[eron]s are pointing upward to generate downward airflow to push the craft down-like Guld thought about before he wreckedIsamu's VF-11 in Macross Plus. The second pic-about the spoilers-the VF-1 has been drawn with its airbrake and spoilers extended to try and slow the beast down. In the third, Focker, dropped the flap[eron]s all the way, right before he increased his thrust hard and his Zero shot straight upward-so I imagine that having the flap[eron]s might increase airflow to lift the plane.
  12. Not just one guy, but a few. The mechanical designs for Macross II were supervised by Kouichi Ohata. Jun Okuda and Junichi Akutsu are also credited. What other works have those guys done? Kouichi Ohata worked with Kawamori, et. al on Dangaioh Found this list on the Anime News Network: Staff in: (English version) M.D. Geist (amerimanga) : Art Staff in: Black Lion (OAV) : Mechanical design Blue Gender (TV) : Animation Supervisor Blue Gender: The Warrior (movie) : Director Borgman (TV) : Character Design, Mecha design Burst Angel (TV) : Director Cho Kosoku Galvion (TV) : Mecha design Comic Gunbuster (manga) : Original Mechanical Design Cybernetics Guardian (OAV) : Director, Mecha design Dangaioh (OAV) : Screenplay, Mecha design Genocyber (OAV) : Director Gunbuster (OAV) : Mecha design M.D. Geist (amerimanga) : Original creator Macross II (OAV) : Mechanical design MD Geist (OAV) : Director (Director's Cut), Mecha design MD Geist II - Death Force (OAV) : Director, Screenplay, Mecha design Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (movie) : Mecha design Ninja Robots (TV) : Character Design, Mecha design Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody (OAV) : Mechanical design Sadamitsu the Destroyer (TV) : Series director Jun Okuda was an animation director on the Bubblegum Crisis OVAs, did the opening animation of the AD Police Files OAVs, Tenchi Muyo! GXP mecha design, Dual! Character Designs/Animation Director, designed the characters for Pretty Sammy and Dai Undou Kai; an animation director for Genesis Survivor Gaiarth; Armitage - Dual Matrix character design assist Junichi Akutsu Cooperative Design on Gundam SEED and Gear Fighter Dendoh's main mecha designer
  13. Sorry about the delay. Here are some images of the VF-0's left main wing flying controls. 1. shows the trailing edge flying controls moving in an upward direction 2. shows the trailing edge flying controls moving in an doward direction with spoilers extended. 3. shows the trailing edge flying controls moving in an doward direction with second section of flap[eron] extended Hope these help. Apologies if the images take long to load-I will not sacrifice quality. : ) Please do not redistribute these images and only use them for personal viewing. Thank you.
  14. Well, the GERWALKroid is pretty heavily armed.... and that Zjentohlauen Powered Suit were going beserk due to the Song of Death crashing and blowing itself up into the GERWALKroid.
  15. Not just one guy, but a few. The mechanical designs for Macross II were supervised by Kouichi Ohata. Jun Okuda and Junichi Akutsu are also credited.
  16. Time for truth. In order to clear up more misinformation (Palladium RPG crap etc.), recently I had begun adding Macross II mecha entries to the Nanashi's site. (Macross Cannon, and U. N. Forces Standard Battleship) Now I present to you, for your information: VF-XX Zjentohlaudyan Valkyrie http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/vfxx.html GERWALKroid http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...erwalkroid.html People have been given incorrect names and specs for too long. Times are changing though.
  17. Congratulations Graham! You're a dad now. Wow, that's great. If you can find the time.... (probably can't now LOL, but I'd like to chat with you on the phone sometime.) I wish you, your wife and your child health and good fortune.
  18. http://unsd.macrossroleplay.org/rorqual.html This submarine appeared before. Yes, there was another submarine. Alas, once again terribly inaccurate RPG stats.... That pages says that this unmanned sub has a crew of 20! LOL I have created an entry for it here so that people aren't misinformed: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...ps/rorqual.html
  19. Beyond a gratuitous "Huh? what the Sheol?"... I thought perhaps he had changed his anti-copy method is all (prob because the image is SO rare), and was hoping I was wrong (I was- drats<means no full image anywhere>). Apology accepted. Nanashi- I'm sure I and others will try to fill in the blanks on this image- not an issue if we post them-is it? EDIT:(FYI- I don't have a website, hate HG/Robotech for keeping my toys away, and haven't gamed in years. I have thanked him, despite any issues, and do read his translations, which I am thankful for) Just to clear any doubts as to why I was asking, I am obsessive- just like the rest of you fans What would I do with them? Print them and put them in my binders, same as all the other Macross images I have collected Actually, I ask that the scan not be redistributed. I am working on such a restoration project presently.
  20. "advanced small-scale stealth aircraft carrier"
  21. I don't think Focker had induced a roll long enough for the spoilers to be deployed. I'll get a pic of the spoilers up soon.
  22. It's the final boss baddie from the Dreamcast Macross M3 game released in 2001. The Macross Compendium has the following to say about it: - "Zentradi final weapon with two different combining mecha modes depending on ending". It's one of the hardest Macross mecha to find pictures or information on. I buy a lot of Japanese hobby and gaming mags and this is the first time I have ever seen that picture. So props to WJ for making it available. Graham I wish I could take some screen captures of the thing.... but my M3 game screws up during the stage when you get the VF-X-11. The whole screen goes black except for the HUD, you can here everything happening in the game, but you can't see a damn thing.... pisses me off.
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