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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. ? You don't mean the unmanned missile fighters, do you? http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/aero/umf.html
  2. I've never seen this in the form of a Japanese source... I wonder if one exists. Interesting missile.
  3. Quite interesting. Good show.
  4. Something that amazes me is the sheer number of "animation errors". Being creator, mecha designer, director, story concept writer and even key storyboard drawer would would think that there wouldn't be so many errors. It sucks. I wish Kawamori's visions were better realized. To think.... muzzle flash and gatling gun sounds from where beams are supposed to be fired from, beams and beam sound effects coming from a gatling gun pod.... its a real shame. So many published errors too. : (
  5. Even if the internal weapons bays were legit, the missiles being fired in the screen capture aren't originating from the weapons bays-nor are the bay doors open.
  6. The VF-17 is not that suited to the atmospheric role due to it's minimal atmospheric control surfaces. With it's large number of verniers (more than any other VF I think) it is far more suited to and is primarily designed towards operations in space. Also, although the VF-17 packs an impressive amount of beam weapons (head, forearms (wrists & elbows), & chest) as well as a gunpod and gunpod beam adaptor, it is very light on missile armament, unless the optional FAST Packs are fitted. Although no official figures have been given, I would guess that the 4 x shoulder-mounted micro-missile launchers probably only have enough internal space to hold no more than 2 to 3 micro missiles each. Graham I believe we see 4 missiles firing from each exit port on screen during the Macross 7 TV series at some point. The Nightmare I think is heavier than many VFs, I'm not sure if the internal weapons bays can be counted or not-since the VF-11's have been disregaraded. It probably just an animation error-but in The Galaxy is Calling Me, we see What looks like more missiles firing from the fighter's shoulder launchers than what seems possible. Then, of course the VF-17 has the FAST Packs which carry many micro missiles.
  7. That's okay. I've got at least one on Egan. : P Maybe he remembers. A long time ago (on 12-31-1999), I made a post on the alt.fan.macross newgroup which corrected his text about the VF-4's long-range missiles. : P The Macross Compendium merely carried the text from the This is Animation Special Macross Plus book--which stated the VF-4 carried six long-range on undering hardpoints/plyons. I stated: "...Armament includes: 12 semi-recessed long range missile (6 of which are mounted underwing [area] hardpoints) and two large beam cannons." See: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=long+ran...home.com&rnum=4 (I will add that the VF-4 [/VF-X-4 actually] was seen with FAST Packs (Funnels) in Macross Eternal Love Song for PC Engine Super CD--but it was an unofficial [battroid] design not done by Studio Nue.) The Macross Compendium changed its text right after I made that post to presently state the following: "Six long-range missiles semi-recessed on engine nacelles and underfuselage in Fighter Mode or on underfuselage, lower arms, and legs in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Underwing pylons for missiles. " Egan of course will probably say it was just a coincidence. Its okay, I notice the small mistakes and changes here and there. : )
  8. The above is not true. Not only has the name been published, it was used in the dialogue of Macross Zero Vol. 4 itself. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an...ve_action/zero/ You misundestood me. I was talking about the original/class name of the ship which was remodelled which was the became Auerstädt. I know what the ship's name is. I got the legit DVD 2 days after its release. You're trying to hard to make me look bad. Try not to slip up. Actually, the original post was specifically referring to the name Auerstädt itself, not any previous name it had. Here, you can see for yourself: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=154391 I was talking about published in print.
  9. Zentradi and Meltlandi are correct and official. Meltohlaeundy/Meltohlauendy is not correct or official. Thank Kawamori!! I get so sick and tired of seeing those spellings. Well, 'Zjentohlauedy' is still correct.
  10. Shoji Kawamori does not say that the sub-air intake "vent overflow/jets operation" is "mainly used for Battroid aerial maneuvers together with the shuttered verniers." This is made-up speculation. In fact Shoji Kawamori specifically says that two cooling sub-air intake/airframe lift adjustment slits mainly operate in lieu of glove vanes (such as those found on the F-14 Tomcat) by controlling airflow. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...s/variable/vf1/ I guess it must be a mix of an animation error.... You're saying that one of the greatest Macross dogfight scenes has such a big error? You can see forced air coming out of the sub intakes. The error was not in the animation--the error was in interpreting the animation and assuming it means the sub-air intake is "mainly used for Battroid aerial maneuvers together with the shuttered verniers." As Shoji Kawamori noted, it isn't. What about what appears to be the VF-1 reserving its engines/main engine intakes acting as nozzles in space? Was that an Anime Friend error?
  11. it can be classified as a Daisy Cutter because it is a large bomb with a long fuse which causes the bomb to detonate above the ground for anti-personnel and tree-clearing purposes. It *appears* to be a FAE Weapon. Which I believe is said in the dialogue.
  12. Shoji Kawamori does not say that the sub-air intake "vent overflow/jets operation" is "mainly used for Battroid aerial maneuvers together with the shuttered verniers." This is made-up speculation. In fact Shoji Kawamori specifically says that two cooling sub-air intake/airframe lift adjustment slits mainly operate in lieu of glove vanes (such as those found on the F-14 Tomcat) by controlling airflow. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...s/variable/vf1/ I guess it must be a mix of an animation error.... You're saying that one of the greatest Macross dogfight scenes has such a big error? You can see forced air coming out of the sub intakes.
  13. The above is not true. The creators do not say that the Auerstadt is "umbiquitious" or a "strong ally" or "strong alley"--in fact, the creators' own words are almost completely the opposite. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un/ships/auerstadt/ Hmmm what I that was the translation I got back from the DVD's liner notes.
  14. The above is not true. Not only has the name been published, it was used in the dialogue of Macross Zero Vol. 4 itself. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an...ve_action/zero/ You misundestood me. I was talking about the original/class name of the ship which was remodelled which was the became Auerstädt. I know what the ship's name is. I got the legit DVD 2 days after its release. You're trying to hard to make me look bad. Try not to slip up.
  15. You're right it is not HEAT. I drew a conclusion too quickly. But the Monroe Effect does happen according to the text. "....You're right it is not HEAT. I drew a conclusion too quickly. But the Monroe Effect does happen according to the text. "....as the Monroe Effect. This effect takes place when a hollow space is left in an explosive charge, causing the gases in that space to be turned into hot plasma by the blast. This plasma, when the space is given the proper shape, can become a high velocity jet capable of penetrating armor equal to 150-250% of the warhead diameter."
  16. (From Nanashi's GH-32 entry) Or is this overtechnology? Actually it an older technology.... its called HEAT armor piercing. ^^;; LOL See: http://www.battlefield.ru/guns/defin_2.html This is not HEAT armor piercing technology, nor is it a singularity. This is the result of bad translations. The Monroe Effect refers to armor piercing. The text mentions that.
  17. No comment. This is true. I appreciate your corrections. But they must know about the great works of MAT.
  18. According to Masahiro Chiba (MAT), yes, a VF-1 Valkyrie can stall at an air speed of 115 knots during a sharp 20 degree turn-back maneuver, This is unofficial, not credited properly, and inaccurate: 1) This material was written in the unofficial fan doujinshi by the Macross Attack Team (a.k.a. "Multi-configulation (sic) Analysis Team"). 2) Masahiro Chiba was not responsible for the entire text in these fan doujinshi unless specifically credited to him. 3) In the entry about stall speed, the doujinshi do not say "during a sharp 20 degree turn-back maneuver" or any maneuver--this is a very bad mistranslation of a simple aviation term. Yes, Egan we know its unofficial already. I am sure to include that. Masahiro Chiba et. al. is whom I credit if you read the MAT books' credit, Chiba is credited with being the producer and director. : P Yes, correction it says: "after an inverted 20 degree angle"
  19. (From Nanashi's GH-32 entry) Or is this overtechnology? Actually it an older technology.... its called HEAT armor piercing. ^^;; LOL See: http://www.battlefield.ru/guns/defin_2.html
  20. Yes, the H-22. [according to MAT] the H-22 could also be thrown. The GH-32s and GA-100s are used by the launchers on the GBP-1S.
  21. For more info see: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/gh32.html More to come.
  22. Bingo. Watch Macross 7.
  23. There are plenty of grenades for Valkyries.... H-22s, GH-32s, GA-100s etc. Most are "grenade crashers" or missile grenades.
  24. They are 'large-type hand grenades' It propels/fires the same type of large hand grenades that the Armored Valkyrie has mounted in its hip discharge system. H-22Ts [H-22Bs]. The explosive yield is not known.
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