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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. There have not been any model letter designations released yet. Only merely "VF-14". Its Macross mecha information, that's what my website is about. This poll is just a poll. Something to talk about.
  2. Yes, you are correct about the Compendium.
  3. ..... err.... They are Zjentohlauedy issue weapons. Apparently, not standard. I believe since it was a boarding party-they were given a heavier armament.
  4. Nope. The rough design seen in Spritia Dreaming (Macross 7 Plus short) was an first animated, yet unfinished design of Kawamori. (Like the VF-11's internal weapon bays I guess) Kawamori later finalized the VF-14 as it appears in Macross M3. Personally, I prefer the early design.
  5. I don't think anyone has ever pointed these or at least they are not present on any other website. So I will be the first. The boarding party seen in the Macross movie shows a Nousjadeul-Ger armed with a beam gun/rife option: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...tional_gun.html Note that this is not the foot soldier standard rife nor is it the movable top-mounted large-bore medium range liquid-cooled plasma cannon that the Nousjadeul-Ger uses. It is a manipulator-held gun/rife. also there shoulder-mounted missile pod option: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...issile_pod.html
  6. just a note beam guns, not laser guns per Kawamori's design sheets *nods* I could arguel I meant laser in the generic sci-fi sense of "anything that doesn't shoot bullets", but it'd just be silly. Yup, hehe
  7. just a note beam guns, not laser guns per Kawamori's design sheets
  8. Umm, I think that's the wrong link. Check again now-scroll down.
  9. I like the armored cockpit/canopy cover of the early design more than the finalized design. The rear view of the Battroid seen in Spiritia Dreaming is nice-showing the colors used on those covers-they make it seem like the VF-17's "older brother".
  10. Refresh for screen captures from Spiritia Dreaming: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/vf14.html
  11. RPG sites confusing you. The VA-14 was never seen in its pure form... only in the form of the modified/derived Az-130.
  12. They can be viewed here: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/vf14.html
  13. Shoji Kawamori has finished the design for the VF-14 Vampire. It is seen in the Macross M3 Dreamcast game. However an early rough concept was seen in the Macross 7 Plus short "Spiritia Dreaming". Which do design you like more?
  14. Do you mean my site? This entry: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...w_hmm-2040.html
  15. very cool I always wanted a model with that loadout.
  16. Just note that the description on the missiles is an unofficial one by the MAT fan group-still cool though.
  17. The VF-17 is not that suited to the atmospheric role due to it's minimal atmospheric control surfaces. With it's large number of verniers (more than any other VF I think) it is far more suited to and is primarily designed towards operations in space. Also, although the VF-17 packs an impressive amount of beam weapons (head, forearms (wrists & elbows), & chest) as well as a gunpod and gunpod beam adaptor, it is very light on missile armament, unless the optional FAST Packs are fitted. Although no official figures have been given, I would guess that the 4 x shoulder-mounted micro-missile launchers probably only have enough internal space to hold no more than 2 to 3 micro missiles each. Graham If you compare the VF-17 to the VF-11, its got a heck of a lot more missiles. If you take into accord that the VF-11 has no internal weapons bays (covers eyes while watching Nightmarish Invasion (the coolest Macross 7 episode there is) and the fact that Shoji Kawamori has not specified that the VF-11 has any underwing hardpoints. That leaves the VF-11 Thunderbolt missile-less without super packs or a protect weapon system. Which I think it pretty ridiculous for one of U.N. Spacy's main fighters. Even the VF-5000B, even though it was a lightweight fighter-it still had missiles without FAST packs.... in the beginning anyways. The VF-5000G/-T has propellant tanks which may or may not have exit ports for the machine's base leg micro missile launcher additional launchers. They appear just to be propellant tanks with cut-outs for the missiles to pass through and not additional detachable launchers themselves. Must be why all of those VF-11s get shot-up in Macross 7. ; ) lol Too bad, because it is a nice looking machine.
  18. I made mistake-I was refering to the Macross Which We Love book published by Takarajima. On p.15, there is obviously an error in which the HMMP-02's missiles are named as being GH-32 micro missiles. The HMMP-02-use micro missiles look very different from the GBP-1S' GH-32s. You avoided most of the original post....
  19. Gents, Scroll down to the VF-11 entry note: http://www.anime.net/macross/feedback/index.html I remember reading previously on the Compendium that the VF-11's leg weapon bays were not official, but I didn't recall any mention of the VF-17's leg weapons bays. Anyway, for those of you too lazy to read through the Macross Compendium, it has the following to say on the subject: - "Shoji Kawamori did make leg weapon bays part of the official specifications for the VF-11MAXL variant, as well as the General Galaxy VF-17 Nightmare and Shinsei Industry VF-19 Excalibur". Furthermore, the Armament section of the Compendium's VF-17 page includes the following statement: - "Internal standard equipment capable of being exchanged for other weapon packs" This seems to support my theory that the VF-17's leg-bays which were shown holding Reaction Weapons during Operation Stargazer, could instead be optionally fitted with other weapons such as extra micro-missiles, which would explain the greater than normal number of missiles being fired in 'The Galaxy Is Calling Me'. Graham Another possibility is that the scene of the VF-17 firing its missiles in the Macross 7 movie was nt well animated, but could show the VF-17's maximum micro missiles load being fired from its shoulder launchers. If the launchers are capable of firing at such a rapid rate. It could have been the rapid firing salvos of 2-2-2-1 from each shoulder (14 missiles total).
  20. ? You don't mean the unmanned missile fighters, do you? http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/aero/umf.html nope it looks more like this http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...w_hmm-2040.html Rearward... sort of however there is no central nozzle hole-the end of the thing comes to a point. while thats true you still have to consider is it a animation error. not like macross has a shortage of that. Everything in Macross is not an animation error. These camera devices were tracking on Isamu when he intentionally flew too low to the ground-they followed him down as he smashed into one of the targets. Isamu deviated from the planned mission altitude so that he could ditch them to have privacy during his brawl with Guld.
  21. ? You don't mean the unmanned missile fighters, do you? http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/aero/umf.html nope it looks more like this http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...w_hmm-2040.html Rearward... sort of however there is no central nozzle hole-the end of the thing comes to a point.
  22. Probably some Robo-crap comic picture
  23. the interesting thing about the cameras is how they are propelled.... I'm not certain what their form of propulsion might be. I'm thinking ram air. But if that is so, then where is the intake scoop? Maybe an anti-gravity device?
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