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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. This is an old topic, apologies. But, it hasn't been talked about in a while. Just got the two Macross Plus DVD Box Sets in the mail today(Man they are so much clearer than Manga Video's crap) while watching Episode 4, I pondered about is shown in Macross Plus. The Ghost X-9 appears to drop two large dispenser which split into two halves well in front of Guld and Isamu and release tons of sparklie stuff. Someone (Dave Deitrich ) might think that its just chaff. But if its just chaff, why would the Ghost drop it when no missiles were fired upon it? and.... if it were just chaff, why would there be so much of it? : ) As the particles disperse are spread out They appear to pass through the parameter-then out out no where.... explosions in mid air-no missiles fired or guns or beams. This must be an exlosive which reacts to elements within the Earth's atmosphere. At least that's what I think. Anyone else?
  2. Studio Nue has not stated that the gunpod beam adaptor from Macross 7 is a laser. This is made-up. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../variable/vf17/ That is not what I meant. What of Macross VF-X 2's VF-17 laser gun[pod]?
  3. Nanashi- I wasn't in any way critcising you for the information, simply the fact that the source material is off by a bit. No worries. Okay I'm glad to provide information and pictures for viewing that no one else has ^.^
  4. Okay. He is right. Thank you for your interest and support of Nanashi's website. : )
  5. unofficial number of VF-1 series units produced
  6. Close race... interesting so many people like one or the other.... and not just one
  7. Welcome, perhaps "Quamzin_Prime" might be a better name.
  8. Tough crowd.... Anyways, there of course other charts available Mardook http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...dook-sizes.html Meltohlauendy (Meltlandi) http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...endy-sizes.html Zjentohlauedy http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...uedy-sizes.html I will be compile one for U.N. Spacy ships next, starting with the Uraga class, Saratoga II and Macross 7.
  9. Its just an approximation Its not a scale drawing. It appears how Studio Nue drew it. With Chiba's official specs added.
  10. For your reference: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...uata-sizes.html
  11. Oh sorry. I thought you said ventral, not vertical. My mistake. Yes, you are correct.
  12. VF-0B, official? ....no response. lol "vertical Stabs" Next to the main intakes? Kawamori called those mini-canards on the VAL-0B.
  13. I hope not. The thing looks like the production line had a major FUBAR. Worker #1: Man, I had a great time. Worker #2: Oh poo, we farted up this VF-0. Worker #1: I know! We'll call it a special issue Valk andno one will know the difference! Seriously though, with no (apparent) weapons other then the ABL it seems about as useful as a VT-1 (unarmed) in an actual engagement with other aircraft, and the Valkyrie doesn't strike me as a great aircraft to put chem.lasers on since it really couldn't carry that much relatively speaking to say, a 747. Its not a standard/main fighter nor is a it a multirole craft. It is a craft that has a specific mission. I'm sure if it was placed in the timeline, it would have an escort or two. Egan Loo has already pointed out that the VF-1 already has chemical-based beam weapon. As he said recently, the RĂ–-XA2 makes use of a chemical reaction for beam generation.
  14. I don't believe so. It was just for the VFERR column in Character Model Magazine.... for now.
  15. Links of possible interest: http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/abl.htm http://www.f5.dion.ne.jp/~mirage/hypams01/al-1.html http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/abl/flash.html http://lmms.external.lmco.com/lmms_images/abl4.pdf
  16. Thanks to Overtechnology, ABLs can be made on a very small scale now. LOL I imagine that this ABL has similar uses as the real life ABLs do.
  17. i think the 'Short-range electron beam gun' you're talking about is the gun seen in this picture of the TV n-ger. though the DYRL n-ger seen in this pic isn't similarly armed. Actually, no I'm not. That is the minature main laser machine pistol. Here is the DYRL-style equivalent:
  18. Error: Topic Description should read "From Character Model Magazine"
  19. I don't think so. I believe the arms have something to do with the laser system weapon power.
  20. You people are too harsh. It is an interesting design. It uses a COIL (Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser) type laser among others things.
  21. ABL stands for "Air-Borne Laser".
  22. Hot off the press: Recognition first. More info to come.... http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/val0b.html
  23. Not just what I say. The fact behind my words. It is a rough design for the VF-14 according to Kawamori which makes it not the VA-14. We don't know what a VA-14 really looks like. It could be quite different. We only have a written description and the Az-130 to look at and to speculate about.
  24. For viewing reference: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...eapon_bays.html
  25. It is not the VA-14. It is an early concept/rough design for the VF-14. Its was labeled as such and in the dialogue it was called "VF-14". The VA-14 is said to have a larger body. This does not mean that its for full-sized Zjentohlauedy pilots. It means it is for pure Zjentohlauedy, such as those who served in the Macross-05 Emigration Fleet (The origin of the Varuata's Az-130s)
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