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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. For your information: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...11b_gunpod.html
  2. This is very odd. Kawamori's illustration of the super-pack equipped X-9 says the packs have missiles launchers. On the sides of the packs are what appear to be the capsules that dropped the chaff... could these thing be dropped, split, dump chaff and then fire missiles, hitting the its own chaff?
  3. I will have an entry on the X-9 Ghost soon
  4. broken links
  5. Excellent results!
  6. New URL: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...mera_drone.html (site updated)
  7. Macross 7 is da bomba!! Basara Rules!! LOL
  8. The only question is was I wrong? LOL (Second guessing myself.) I still say that these things seemed to be flying level until Isamu changed modes and went down and kicked the target. These things followed him down and hit the ground. Could Col. Millard have been cautious seeing Isamu's recklessness and ordered the use of chaser missile-cameras so that another VF-11 wasn't lost during weapons testing? They can't be bombs.... why would practice bombs have camera/sensor eyes on them and sustain level flight/tracking on Isamu? If they were just bombs, where are the VF-11 chase planes which video the test flights? and if those weren't devices which were meant to chase Guld and Isamu why did control bring up the surveillance satelite in orbit? Perhaps it was because those devices were meant to follow the 19 and 21 during the testing. Their detour to the city battle test course wasn't scheduled. They were supposed to be shooting ground targets over a range. I wonder who had a hand in changing this scene so much from the rough timeline story boards.
  9. Chaser (1, 2.. etc.) were the planes who followed the YF-21 during (the) test flights, one whom Isamu flew in, in the VF-11B as Chaser One with a rocket booster. That's correct.
  10. Sorry folks, I've gotta take this one down. After doing a bit of researching I must say that I was mistaken about these. According to the original script (continuity storyboards) Guld fires missiles (micro missiles from the BML-02S launchers). Isamu changes to GERWALK flies down and smashes into the target before Guld's missiles reach it. While this is still different than what actual appears in the finished product, I can no longer keep full heart that these are some type of camera devices. Missiles or not according to what Kawamori intended, they would be Guld's munitions that he launched. So, I will apologize to those who thought that they were some type of precision guided bombs and I told them they were wrong. You may correct, but they cannot be positively identified at this time. I can accept when I am wrong.
  11. Minowsky particles in Macross was simply a joke, enforced by a detail like "Ionesco City". In fact, Macross has its own ways to obtain basically the same effects employing different technology, like active stealth, ECM and the like. For istance Zentradi were able to block radio communications between SDF-1 and Earth. As for the scene of the Ghost, I remember I saw something similar in Macross Zero when Roy was chasing Ivanov in the canyon, and Ivanov unloaded on him what should have been some chaff/flares (I think it's a mixture of the two), so I don't think it was a weapon. Maybe it simply blinded or impaired sensors for some seconds. In Macross Plus case it added a smoke screen effect which was still nice. FV Yes. Very yummy stuff indeed. Save the origin of the explosions. : ( Off topic, but you mentioning smokescreen made me think of Genesis Climber MOSPEADA-the Leigoss has a smokescreen dispensing system which reminds me of something the MAT group talked about. Of course its not official and its fan work (stated for Egan : ), but still interesting that they specified that the VF-1 Valkyire was equiped with a smoke system for anti-beam weapon defense. I thought that was pretty neat.
  12. It could be that. I believe most (all) chaff looks like that in Macross. Here are various countermeasures: top large image: the VF-0's chaff (?) center images: YF-19's chaff canister/cannister dispensing chaff particles and YF-19's flares (red) bottom large image: SV-51's flares
  13. looks like it was some sort of cluster munition... I think modern weapons of that type are usually anti-infantry or anti-airfield.... but since those bomblets were suspended in the air for a while before detination, perhaps they are some sort of proactive chaff system? designed to detonate a multi missile barrage perhaps? and though the explosions looked large, both guld and isamu seemed pretty unconcerned so I doubt the actual damage potential is all that high... reinforcing the idea that it is some sort of defensive weapon rather than offensive. Cluster bomb bomblets don't glow or look like chaff.... at least not in this day and age. Mostly chaff. But still those explosions... argh. Sure they weren't too worried about them because they were yelling at each other about who could beat the Ghost/Saving Myung.... they are both pretty cocky.... both not fearful of death. lol
  14. yes yes, interesting large-explosion-causing chaff-that's it ;; haha
  15. *Ahem* Time to get back on topic.... : ) Now that is a whole lot of chaff..... and some pretty large explosions.
  16. Yes they are my scans, I own both sets.
  17. I like this one more : ) Minmay.....
  18. Why wait? We don't just provide information on mecha ^^; Please don't redistribute-for personal viewing only. (Caution and Apologies Large Image)
  19. Actually, the R2 box sets are a mixed bag. Like Nanashi wrote, the video is far superior to the Manga versions. The colors are just right (Manga screwed them up) and there is less pixelation. However, the audio is a different story! The R2's feature Dolby Digital 2.0 whereas Manga's features the better Dolby Digital 5.1 mix! To be fair, the R2's came out before Manga's release, before DD 5.1 was the standard. If you're watching the DVD's on a TV, you won't notice the difference, but on a full blown home theatre system, it's painfully obvious Anyways, if you guys are looking for clean images (ie: no lame tags or watermarks) and possibility of owning your own "box set", check out this thread from last week. 56k'ers beware. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=5050&st=820 The Japanese audio on both are Dolby 2.0 if I'm not mistaken.
  20. Umm.... all Zjentohlauedy have pointed ears.
  21. Anyways, back on topic.... Thinking back about it, I seem to recall Egan Loo stating that Kawamori said that it was chaff on the old Macross World forums. I could be mistaken though. However, if this is true.... where do the explosions come from? There are no missiles trails....
  22. dumb question, I know, but what boxed set? These: Japanese release box sets
  23. It is likely that at this point Isamu and Guld are out of of missiles or nearly out-wasting them them on each other. If you recall, Isamu fired the large B-7 or B-19A missiles (not known for sure) which took up the major of the weapons bay-if not all and shortly there after Guld shot-off Isamu's engine-mounted FAST packs. As for Guld... well, I think in that rage of getting Isamu-he used all of his missiles as well. That is why we do not see any missiles being after Isamu's narrow escape. Also, if it is only chaff/flares, then where are the explosions from? They aren't from missiles.
  24. Actually, I don't think they knew what it was.
  25. they aren't that hot.... they have the same appearence as Macross chaff/flares-which aren't hot enough to do anything to the armor of the fighters.
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