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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. ....with notice: http://www.macrossmecha.info/
  2. The Metal Siren does not have a model number. It is simply called Metal Siren. Also, ""VC-079" is not the model number either. It is simply designed SNN Valkyrie. You forgot something else. Note that I don't think it completely official to link Macross 2036 with Macross II. However, if you are going to blend those continuities, it should go more like this: - VF-X - VF-X-1 - VF-1 Valkyrie - VF-1 Custom (VF-1AR, VF-1JR, VF-1SR featuring the SP-II Super Pack) - VF-XX Zentradian Valkyrie (stated to be older than the VF-2SS Valkyrie II) - VF-XS Valkyrie II (prototype) See: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/vfxs.html -when site is restored - VF-2SS Valkyrie II (SAP-Super Armed Pack option available) - VF-2JA Icarus (stated to be newer than the VF-2SS) - Metal Siren (New Valkyrie that will replace the VF-2SS - Metal Siren Replica Also, when the Nanashi's website is restored, see http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/vfxx.html for information on the Zentradian Valkyrie
  3. The Metal Siren does not have a model number. It is simply called Metal Siren. Also, ""VC-079" is not the model number either. It is simply designed SNN Valkyrie. You forgot something else. Note that I don't think it completely official to link Macross 2036 with Macross II. However, if you are going to blend those continuities, it should go more like this: - VF-X - VF-X-1 - VF-1 Valkyrie - VF-1 Custom (VF-1AR, VF-1JR, VF-1SR featuring the SP-II Super Pack) - VF-XX Zentradian Valkyrie (stated to be older than the VF-2SS Valkyrie II) - VF-XS Valkyrie II (prototype) See: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat/vari/vfxs.html -when site is restored - VF-2SS Valkyrie II (SAP-Super Armed Pack option available) - VF-2JA Icarus (stated to be newer than the VF-2SS) - Metal Siren (New Valkyrie that will replace the VF-2SS - Metal Siren Replica
  4. Apology accepted--now let's get back to what makes Macross fun: talking about it, asking about it, writing about it, and yes, speculating about it like fans will do for any story. Once again, just please do not present something as accurate when it isn't, something as official when it isn't, something that trumpets "facts" when it itself is wrong, and something as being copyrighted by you when permission was not asked from the original creators. Alright, I won't.
  5. the bayonet is shown in use by Isamu's VF-11B in the opening combat scene in Macross Plus OVA episode # 1. the bayonet is standard on the VF-11B. Later varients such as the VF-11C and VF-11D use a different type of gunpod without a bayonet. Graham Just a note, the Pink Peaker Squadron's VF-11s had bayonets. I don't think those were VF-11Cs (flashback from a long time ago)... but their gun pods did not look like the Macross Plus VF-11B's gun pod. Standard-looking VF-11[C] gun pod with a bayonet.
  6. lol nash is sentence to watch robotech and he must like it. ..............
  7. Then, I ask what my punishment will be.
  8. Please explain how you think my posts here should be even more detailed and accurate about the creators' own official material *where they permit.* Please explain how you think detailed inaccurate, unofficial speculation is more informative than detailed accurate, official information. Please explain how you think my corrections of the wrong, mistranslated information posted here should be even more detailed. Please explain why you think that not answering questions with inaccurate, unofficial speculation is "avoiding the meat of people's real questions." Please explain which questions you think should be answered with more detailed, official information--when the creators do not have such information themselves or deem not to provide them. Please explain why you think working the Compendium--where questions can be answered once and set aside--is not as important than answering questions elsewhere. Please explain why I have been asked to work even more on the Compendium, answer even more email, and make even more forum posts--all on the same day--but not asked why doing all three and sleeping is not possible. Please explain why I should answer the questions asked about incorrect information such as the cost of the Prometheus or the class name of ships when I was not the one who had given that incorrect information in the first place. Please explain who else you think is giving more accurate, more official English information on Macross. Please answer all of these. Meanwhile, I'll go to sleep. I cannot explain these, because there is no explanation warranted or proper. : ( Again, I am sorry.
  9. You are right....
  10. There are more than two Fighter mode illustrations and three Battroid mode illustrations of the VF-11D Custom. Specifically: Macross 7 Memorial Materials Book laser disc liner note supplement Page 139 5th design sheet (Macross 7 Version VF-11-D Custom Thunderbolt Fighter Mode [sic]) Bottom left illustration Rightmost note (with arrow specifically pointing towards the leg/engine-nacelle FAST Pack) http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../variable/vf11/ *Digs out Macross 7 Memorial Materials book* There it is.... I apologize. Again, you are correct Egan Loo. I am sorry that I gave you a hard time : /
  11. Shoji Kawamori specifically does not call these Fast Pack "weapon bays" so that people would not get them confused with the "internal weapon bays"--as has already happened here. In that respect, they are no different from the FAST Packs containers for several other variable fighters. The Compendium will update even more if you promise to stop posting wrong information as accurate. ^^ Less time correcting other people's inaccuracies => more time updating Macross Compendium LOL I think you should post on the forums more often with more detailed information and stop avoiding the meat of people's real questions when they ask. : )
  12. Hmmm. I didn't read anything specific on the Macross 7 liner notes that states there are any micro missile launchers are specifically located on the leg/engine-mounted FAST Packs. It seems pretty general-just talking about how the Jamming Birds super version has a sound energy system and micro missile launchers etc., but not stating anything about their placement. Nothing in the This is Animation Macross 7 Animation Materials book either. Not just two fighter mode illustrations..... two fighter mode illustrations and three Battroid mode illustrations.
  13. The VF-5000G's leg pods are specifically described as micro-missile pods as well and are not just "propellant tanks with cut-outs for the missiles to pass through." http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...ariable/vf5000/ Very good. The illustrations are almost seemless... its a little hard to see where the pods begin.
  14. The Ghost X-9 and its Super Packs were not illustrated by Shoji Kawamori. This is a bad misinterpretation. With widespread misinformation like this, people still wonder why I don't have time for updating and answering email. Excuse me, Miytake's Ghost X-9. Now... could you try explaining what was shown in the OVA?
  15. Interesting! Thanks Egan
  16. And anyways, getting back to one of the points. The Macross Compendium does not include any information for the VF-11C's atmospheric FAST Packs or their weapons.
  17. Maybe I should make it in more bold: VF-11D Custom Now...sure the lineart for the VF-11C atmospheric FAST packs says it is but you're using the wrong statement to prove a different point. I should also note that the Compendium still doesn't lists those atmospheric FAST packs... And that the VF-11D Custom uses a different style FAST pack than the VF-11C. Now as much as the lineart explains (and it does, that's a good find), you're using the wrong listing to prove it.... Actually, that is another error of the Macross Compendium. The VF-11D Custom does not have micro missile launchers on the engine-mounted FAST packs. There is no mention of them on the design sheets. There is however mention of them on the design sheets for the VF-11C Atmospheric FAST Packs (engine-mounted). What I was really trying to do was point out the fact that there was no info on the VF-11C's weapon bay [hatch] (Atmospheric FAST Packs) on the Macross Compendium's VF-11 Thunderbolt entry. Shoji Kawamori's mechanical designs and specifications specifically state that the VF-11D Custom's FAST Pack system has micro missile launching ports in the engine-nacelle-mounted FAST Pack pods. The VF-11C is not listed as having "weapon bays" by Shoji Kawamori. Shoji Kawamori makes a distinction of the "containers" (which FAST Pack systems all are be default) from the internal weapon bays. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../variable/vf11/ Yes, but specified where exactly? There is no mention on the designs sheets: None of the views say anything about micro missile launchers in the leg-mounted pods. Only mentions propellant tanks....
  18. Shoji Kawamori's mechanical designs do not say "weapon bays," and specifically distinguishes the term "weapon bays" from the containers that the FAST Packs are. (It should be noted that the image shown above earlier mistranslated "hatch" as "bay" before being edited as seen now.) "Numerous optional weapons" are listed in the official specifications and in the Macross Compendium specifically for these FAST Pack pods, as excerpted above. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../variable/vf11/ You are correct. I corrected the image once I realized I translated it wrong. Still, weapon hatch.... if its a weapon hatch then there has to be a weapon bay for that hatch. Regardless, you should update your site to reflect in more detail what some of those "Numerous optional weapons" are, as some of them have already been specified. : )
  19. Maybe I should make it in more bold: VF-11D Custom Now...sure the lineart for the VF-11C atmospheric FAST packs says it is but you're using the wrong statement to prove a different point. I should also note that the Compendium still doesn't lists those atmospheric FAST packs... And that the VF-11D Custom uses a different style FAST pack than the VF-11C. Now as much as the lineart explains (and it does, that's a good find), you're using the wrong listing to prove it.... Actually, that is another error of the Macross Compendium. The VF-11D Custom does not have micro missile launchers on the engine-mounted FAST packs. There is no mention of them on the design sheets. There is however mention of them on the design sheets for the VF-11C Atmospheric FAST Packs (engine-mounted). What I was really trying to do was point out the fact that there was no info on the VF-11C's weapon bay [hatch] (Atmospheric FAST Packs) on the Macross Compendium's VF-11 Thunderbolt entry.
  20. LOL Its too heavy!!! HAHA
  21. The VF-11's armament according to the Macross Compendium (As of July 11th, 2004): "ARMAMENT: VF-11A, B, and C: Fixed rear anti-aircraft pulse laser gun mounted on central dorsal section in Fighter and GERWALK mode or on head turret in Battroid mode. Standard bulletproof (anti-projectile) shield mounted on center rear dorsal fuselage in Fighter mode or on lower arm section in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Standard external multipurpose 30 mm 6-barrel gun pod with sensor, foregrip, anti-armor bayonet (on early space models), and large barrel magazine mounted under center ventral fuselage in Fighter mode or in manipulator in GERWALK and Battroid modes (with two spare magazines stored underneath shield). Four special equipment hard point stations for external space FAST Pack units with four Hughes HMMM-Mk 6 micro-missile launchers mounted on dorsal fuselage (exit ports in front of booster units) and two chaff and flare dispensers mounted in FAST Pack propellent tank units on engine section in Fighter mode or on lower-leg section in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Option of Protect Armor with reactive armor shield, Hughes HMMM-Mk 6 micro-missile launchers, four shoulder-mounted laser guns (capable of firing 20 pulses from energy pack), and long-range high-piercing-round gun pod for ground tactical missions in Battroid mode only. Numerous optional weapons. VF-11D Custom: Standard bulletproof (anti-projectile) shield mounted on center rear dorsal fuselage in Fighter mode or on lower arm section in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Standard external multipurpose 30 mm 6-barrel gun pod with sensor, foregrip, and large-barrel magazine mounted under center ventral fuselage in Fighter mode or in manipulator in GERWALK and Battroid modes (with two spare magazines stored underneath shield). Pin-point barrier system. Micro-missile launch system in dorsal and leg/engine-nacelle space/atmospheric FAST Pack pods.[/U] Two chaff and flare dispensers mounted in FAST Pack propellent tank units on engine section in Fighter mode or on lower-leg section in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Numerous optional weapons. VF-11MAXL Custom: Standard bulletproof (anti-projectile) shield mounted on center rear dorsal fuselage in Fighter mode or on lower arm section in GERWALK and Battroid modes. External speaker-pod-shooting launcher pod mounted under center dorsal section in Fighter mode or in manipulator in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Pin-point barrier system. Two laser cannons. Four internal Little Rock launch systems mounted on dorsal section in Fighter mode or in shoulders in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Two internal Little Rock launch systems in lower leg/engine-pod bays for six micro-missiles each (VF-11MAXL Custom)." -Macross Compendium (Egan Loo) I think there is something that needs to be addressed. We know that what we saw in the animation was a mistake. As Egan Loo said, the Macross 7's animators used a draft concept for weapon bays on the VF-11. However, they are not a part of the official specifications. This is truth. However, guess what? The VF-11C does have weapon bays. : ) HAHA Of course, I should say that they are located on the engine-mounted atmospheric FAST packs, in addition to the rearward micro missile launchers. This is how every fighter was able to carry reaction weaponry even with the animation error. I guess even the animators got nevious about all those reaction weapons being loaded on the VFs. LOL I just thought this should be pointed out since its not mentioned on Egan's site, but it is on Kawamori's finished designs for the VF-11C Atmospheric FAST Pack-equipped version. ^.^ Shine a little light on the subject:
  22. Probably one of them is to deploy the bayonet while the other as Nanashi so elequently put, shoots the gun. Great job again big N, so....got any info on the VF-19s pod? Thanks. I certainly do. There is so much stuff to be released on Nanashi's. : ) Everyone give thanks to Graham on this one. He and I are teaming up. The Information Group has its second staff member.
  23. Probably one of them is to deploy the bayonet while the other as Nanashi so elequently put, shoots the gun. Great job again big N, so....got any info on the VF-19s pod? Yes, most likely the bottom, larger trigger is for deploying the bayonet. Note the outward curvature towards the bottom of that trigger.
  24. I would imagine they are to shoot the gun pod.... haha sorry, couldn't resist
  25. I would say Miyatake, but I'm not certain. Its not signed and it doesn't have his shading style. It was from a Triangle Staff design sheet. They area covers for the drive and the extention mechanism.
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