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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. Clearing up some things here. FF-2001 thermonuclear engines-they... ....do not use nuclear fusion, but use something similar to it-thermonuclear reaction which is an OverTechnology, which makes use of the super dimension spatial theory to maintain this fuel in a plasma state with ease. ....do need fuel, but the fuel not need to be nuclear. ....do have afterburners. ....do incorparate a magneto-hydro dynamic drive component. ....have extremely high efficiency rate. ....are a source of excellent power. The above is official. The things that the MAT fan group came up with.... can be found here soon: http://doujin.macrossmecha.info/
  2. http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/armarty/hwrx/
  3. Point the main engine vectored engine nozzles downward [if needed] and use the verniers until the engine pods (legs) extend. The VT-1 [super] Ostrich is seen doing in DYRL and a VF-17D is show doing it in Macross Dynamite 7.
  4. Sounds like a piece of poo.... lol
  5. No official information on the missile launcher's ranges. Though, since they are able to be equipped with reaction-warhead-equipped missiles I would imagine that they would have to be able fire at standoff ranges. I don't recall seeing the line "numerous other armaments" in the Macross 7/ Battle 7's armament. One would hope that it has the same close-in laser phalanx units that the West Point Class Macro Training Base Ships have. If not.... there are always its large compliment of fighters and the other ships in the fleet to protect it... along with the barrier systems.
  6. For your information: http://www.macrossmecha.info/nanashino/fig...e_launcher.html
  7. Interesting. Never noticed this. Seems to be a Super Valkyrie variant with antennae on the FAST Packs extended along wiht a gatling gun combination with another weapon (launcher or beam gun?) which looks something like the Stampede Valkyrie's gun(s). Also, that second mounts under the left wing in place of a RMS-1.
  8. "Rinadow" is made-up....
  9. Something to keep in mind is the role that this ship serves within the Zjentohlauedy Forces. We know, of course, the Zjentohlauedy have different ship types and requirements than our Earthly ships, but they aren't that much different. Despite what is shown in Macross II [for the Mardook], I don't believe that the standard battleship possesses a bow/ship splitting main gun. If you look at the TV series and DYRL, just before the annihilation of Earth's life you will see that only the ships that were firing were the gun destroyers and the Nupetiet-Vergnitzs-class command battleships (which according to the Gold Book were designed to capture mobile fortress-sized ships and that there were no records of it being used for anti-ship warfare). Also, in the TV just after the bombardment we see that screens in the command center at have images (profile and other views) of the gun destroyer up on them. So these ships are primarily used during planetary bombardment and large fleet battles (for heavy medium/long range attack).
  10. Yes, those are the chadd/flare dispensers.
  11. After googling some Japanese site, I've found several that refer to gunboats / 砲艦 as being monitors / モニター艦. Interesting....
  12. Actually you do... ^^;;
  13. Don't think that's it. I believe Super Dimension is just a straight forward translation which could also be translated as hyper space. 超 chou : hyper- / super- / ultra- 時空 jikuu : space-time / dimension[al] Of course, its also been translated as "A Fortress Exceeding Time and Space" Which I think sounds pretty neat. But anyways 'destroyer' is a class of ship and I just feel that it should be present in the kanji if it is going to be used.
  14. Something I have wondered about... As we know in Macross there are various gunboats ('houkan' - 砲艦). The Supervision, Zjentohlauedy and Meltrandi all have them. That phrase is specifically used for gunboats. Once in one of the PS/SS DYRL games we see houkan translated as gun ship (Millia's warship). However, with the release of the PS2 Macross game this designation magically gets changed to "gun destroyer", which appeared on screen in English. I wonder what prompted the change. What may also be an issue is it is still written in Japanese as 'gunboat' (砲艦). Wouldn't a more correct translation be 'houkuchikukan' (砲駆逐艦)? I know its not a [common] phrase used in Japanese though, I think destroyer ('kuchikukan' - 駆逐艦) should be should be included
  15. I wonder if Shin will have a grey-colored VF-0S with red trim and dark blue-ish feet/manipulators etc.....
  16. The QF-2001 Ghost is mounted on the VF-Zero. The picture clearly shows this.
  17. Although the fact that the panels collapse into the arm may allow it to transform, let's assume it can't transform into fighter mode with that thing. You would waste fighter mode with that thing. To lose fighter mode for firepower.....I would not call that an equal tradeoff. "The loss" would probably only be temporary one and a ground fight may be required in a situation such as being pinned-down on the ground due to heavy anti-air weaponry etc. Fighter mode isn't everything.
  18. "Ghost Booster"
  19. I don't get credit for the original scan?
  20. The artwork looks nice.... but she doesn't look Japanese at all. : \
  21. Just a note the U.N. Spacy does not use Navy ranks (same as U.N.S. Air Force and UNAF). Ship Captain Global holds the rank of Brigadier General (准将). Focker is a Major (少佐). Hikura started off in the movie as a 2nd Lieutenant (少尉). See: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo..._nations_spacy/
  22. Added again. Scroll up.
  23. I don't have any line of this particular item. Just some design sheets, the books and 35mm positive filmstrips. What I posted before was @ 25% of original scan size:
  24. I have to disagree with you Graham. Also, if the weapon option allows the 19 to blow up something as large as a Monster in one volley... it would be worth removing a few panels from the arm and having to keep the hand out.
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