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Aurel Tristen

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Everything posted by Aurel Tristen

  1. Translated text added~!! New info! http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerosp/qf2200d.html Looks like MAT (Masahiro Chiba)'s concept of the Ghost's origin (the SuperBird) as been officially affirmed! Woo Hoo!
  2. correction: 50cm linear cannons A linear cannon IS a rail cannon. Both use Electromagnetics to propel their projectiles. Same concept, different names. Yes, but I wanted to be more specific quoting the Japanese text.
  3. For your information: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/misrock/rhe0.html
  4. Klimoff RD-35A/R booster engines with turbo fanjet and ramjet modes In real life. Klimov is the name of a Russian aircraft engine manufacturer.
  5. correction: 50cm linear cannons
  6. I don't think using them as tie-downs are the claws primary purpose. They would perhaps be used at close quarters to grapple smaller enemy vehicles and throw them out of the way, hold them and shoot with the missile launchers or slash trees to clear a path. The Monster's crew was just "digging-in" to use the rail cannons during that climatic scene. Stop being so negative. Its an awesome design. The thing is a true Monster now.
  7. Yes, they are shown again on screen in various battles, they are shown quickly and are hard to miss. Hikaru takes an Armored load-out (GBP-1S-equipped VF-1J) out for recon instead of standard Ghost escort. At the beginning of this episode (Miss Macross), we see a few Ghosts flying around or by the Macross.
  8. LOL That's not exactly to scale ^^; But funny.
  9. For your viewing pleasure: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variabl...1-boosters.html Text translation will be added soon.
  10. Which Ghost are you referring to? There are than half dozen known Ghosts. The QF-2001 was in service during the United Nations Wars. This one, the QF-2200D was in use during 2008.
  11. Here we go: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variabl...ostbooster.html Text translation will be added soon-Enjoy!
  12. The true Mark I Monster: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/armarty/hwr00mki.html (Translation in the works) More to come!
  13. Translations of text about this Macross Zero mecha and others will be added ASAP: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerosp/qf2200d.html I bet some of you all didn't know that the QF-2001 Ghost wasn't the one used as the "Ghost Booster" hehe ; ) (Enjoy viewing new line-art for now : ) More to come soon!
  14. Where did the hell did my posts go? No complaints, no PMs. Those were from very rare MAT fan books-translated. There was a warning on the topic. Don't give me crap-other people have posted stuff like that on here before and these were just offsite links. Shawn has been WAITING to see MAT stuff translated and somebody goes and removes them. I'm f*cking pissed.
  15. I just voted for Macross TV and it didn't register my vote. Talk about a fixed election... Anyways, dude your poll sucks Robotech should not be present. Where is Macross Zero? Macross Dynamite 7? Macross 7 Encore? What about the PS/SS DYRL Opening movies??
  16. From the MAT group: http://doujin.macrossmecha.info/mat/ref/itawds.html
  17. Monster Destroid Monster Prototype from Macross Zero episode 5: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/armarty...roid_prototype/ It features a type of unfolding claw/hand mechanism.
  18. I recently got ahold of a rare old Macross/Orguss model booklet that featured some interesting VF-1 variations: "GERWALK Helicopter" and "Valkyrie Cowboy" (Hand-to-Hand Combat Type Valkyrie) Scanned and cleaned up them up--check them out at: http://doujin.macrossmecha.info/gheli_valkyriecowboy.html (More pictures to be added)
  19. *waves* ahem. first. post. "Heavy Battroid MBR-08 Mk. II" A completed pre-production design that did not appear in the Macross TV series making it unofficial. No doubt this must have played a part in the Robotecher's line "non-transformable battroid".
  20. They are much too large to be PBG-11s. Unless you mean the kit bash...
  21. I believe the VF-1 was made to look like a contemporary fighter. Also, the VF-1's stealth counterparts are the SW-XA I Schnee Blume design and the VF-0. Hmmm....
  22. First of all, Final Vegeta is either pulling my leg or using a different definition of "plasma" from what physicists mean. Fire is just incandescent gas, or a rapid chemical reaction producing incandescent gas. Anyway, on to Nanashi's comments... A bit vague here but I gather that the OT "thermonuclear reaction" is still a form of fusion power (i.e., releasing energy by fusing the nuclei of light elements to turn them into heavier elements). What makes it different from the kinds of fusion we know about is that it requires neither a solar mass nor a fission reaction to generate the heat and pressure necessary to cause atomic nuclei to fuse. What does "not nuclear" mean? Do you mean, it doesn't need unstable isotopes of heavy elements? What David said. Thanks for the info, Nanashi. Where did the official info come from? The fuel does not need to be nuclear. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...tion/index.html
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