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Everything posted by lebhead

  1. i just picked up a Scott and Shadow Alpha from Gamestop yesterday (impulse buy ). i must say that these toys are really cool, and well worth the $14 price tag. of course it sucks that the Alpha MPC will be delayed until next year, but i'm glad we have the Alpha SPs to hold us over until then.
  2. ditto. (at least probably not, anway)
  3. heh... i just got your PM and replied to it. i guess you can disregard it now though.
  4. well, the first screens look good to me. not spectauclar, but definitely not crappy. hopefully the cyclone effects will be cool, like the "ball" effects were in Metroid Prime.
  5. i don't know if my cookie settings are to blame, but it seems the time-to-live for the MW forums cookie is too short. after a couple of days, my login information is forgotten.
  6. my Matchbox Sparta Hovertank!
  7. I believe Shawn has to enable it (when he finishes reading the manual mind you). And since he hasn't finished configuring everything....wait. that is correct. by default the member title feature is set to change after you reach a certain number of posts (100 or 1000 - something like that). however, it can be immediately enabled by setting that to 0.
  8. i agree with the "plot hole" of DYRL theory. DYRL is just too much story for 2 hours of anime. it has spectacular animation, but the story is just too rushed. actually, it's rushed in some places and overly drawn out in others. plus, Max is just a pimp.
  9. i've ordered from just about everybody at one point. however, these days i usually shop exclusively with TMP Anime, although i have been very close to getting a few things from the Valk-Exchange a few times in order to support Kevin as well. in addition, i've had good experiences with HLJ, eBay (almost always), and here on MW - as well as a bunch of other smaller shops, like Toys-N-Joys and Collector Maniacs in Hawaii.
  10. albino drew, can you send me all your Macross ones? er... i mean... all your Macross icons are belong to me?
  11. major, you can get help with the technical side of skin-making here: http://forums.ibplanet.com/ for already-made skins, see: http://skins.ibplanet.com/ with Shawn's blessing, i'm going to try and draft up the contest rules sometime tonight.
  12. i think Shawn just gave the go ahead to hold a MW skin contest: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=21&t=320
  13. cool. hmm... so i guess this is a go for the contest? i guess it could be as simple as just starting a thread and having people upload their skins. then the mods and admin (or whoever) could vote on a few finalists, and the winner could be chosen by the MW membership via a poll. how does this sound?
  14. nobody would police the longest thread but mods. members would only PM mods if there was a problem. there would be no "mini mod" system, because those don't work.
  15. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=21&t=320 i think a MW skin contest could speed up skin development and keep some of the work off of Shawn's plate.
  16. i know the mods hate the idea of policing the longest thread, so what if participating members just self-policed it? i mean, not act as mini-mods or anything, but any members who are participating in the longest thread who witness a possible MW violation could just PM a mod. that way the mods only have to pop in once in a while. ::waits for Roy to unload the shotgun::
  17. well i can't really understand too much, but it looks nice!
  18. yeah, i tried to get her to watch Plus, but i guess it was too much of a guy anime for her. heh.
  19. it seems to Kawamori, each Macorss series/movie is just one way of telling part of the overall Macross story. think of it sort of like how almost every episode of the Animatrix made things look a little different. they all are supposed to follow one overall continuity, but the interpretations of each story are unique.
  20. yes.
  21. cool. Bandai parts.
  22. ooo. thanks for the pics, tam! i vote for by sets. it's more fun that way.
  23. a bunch of us were talking in AIM chat and the idea of a Macross World Invision Board skin contest came up. we know that Shawn's a really busy guy, and making a new skin for Macross World probably takes a while. to solve this, and take some of the work away from Shawn's busy schedule, how about we have a MW skin contest? the winner's skin could be used as the default MW skin - quite a prize if you ask me. plus, we'd have a whole slew of great skins that we can use in no time. thoughts?
  24. if you take away the funny aspect of it, this could actually be an interesting case (legally) in regards to Internet privacy. anyway, here's a link to the original video and a bunch of "clones" http://www.jedimaster.net/swk_videos.htm
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