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Everything posted by lebhead

  1. SNES!!! NES is a close second though... Super Mario 3... Zelda... Mega Man 2... soo close!
  2. now that you mention it, a new Roy would be better than the one i have too. mine has crooked skulls AND a backwards arm. at least i think it's backwards - the screws are exposed on the wrong side. now i just need me some money.
  3. damn skippy!
  4. psst... there's a thread for this discussion, and it's not here. i think this thread has served its purpose.
  5. it sounds to me that nothing has changed and we're still unclear of the verdict so any further speculation can only lead to misconceptions and trouble, which will lead to arguments, which will lead to fear, which will lead to the dark side. so again, we wait and continue on...
  6. lebhead

    1/48 VF1J

    i'm getting the FP version. the VF-1J Hikaru TV is my baby!
  7. lebhead

    Your Valks

    you guys are making me want to spend money that i don't have.
  8. i believe whenever babblecrap mentions "child side of the dragon" they are talking about Tatsunoko.
  9. http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20030925...001048-mai-soci from what i can make out, this article talks about Macross and Tatsunoko. i'm pretty illeterate in Japanese these days, so i was hoping somebody could translate it for me. i think it has something to do with the court ruling, but i'm not sure. sorry if this has already posted. thanks.
  10. ugh is right. thanks, Supes.
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=29&t=1081&st=0 check out Vostok's post (the last one) on the first page of that thread. i think he linked to an image and it got zapped by the host. what they left in its place is.. well... yeah...
  12. the old "OT" forum was the Cool Links forum, which housed the longest thread. but it was spammed and using too much bandwidth/ram/etc, so it was rightfully closed. but now we're on a bigger and better server, so maybe...
  13. "Hiiikaaarruuu! *hic*"
  14. i'd like to see an OT forum again, but i doubt it'll happen.
  15. yep. thats what i'm talking about.
  16. lebhead

    It's official!!!

    i ran out of shelf space a while ago to display all of my stuff, so i had to put away everything but my 3 Skull 1/48s, and one VF-1J and one Alpha superposable. of course now my closet is running out of space to store the boxes. and it's a rather large closet.
  17. ditto.
  18. all i know is that i'll be getting my beloved Hikaru 1J TV! and without those stupid mechanical/wimpy hands!
  19. i've decided to cut down on my Macross budget recently, so i vote no. although if i won the lottery or something, i'd definitely pick one up.
  20. this is very helpful for a lot of people, including myself - who just got around to adding the FPs. thanks!
  21. lol!
  22. sucks... his new show was gonna make him big again... RIP
  23. so nobody has a problem with the LED in Prime's chest? i thought we didn't like LEDs in our toys?
  24. you can change it, but an admin has to do it. login to the admin CP, go to "Manage Emoticons" under the "Administration" header. there you can specify which shortcuts generate which emoticons. you can even add/delete your own emoticons. albino drew, for now i suggest just adding a "." after the letter B. for example... A.) B.) C.) D.) . . .
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