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Everything posted by lebhead

  1. just to update you guys on my progress... there hasn't been much lately. but it's not because she didn't like it, but rather that i've been too busy to sit down and watch it with her. however, the last episode we watched (about 2 weeks ago) she enjoyed.
  2. very nice looking! unfortunately i don't think i can bend my wallet enough to get one right now.
  3. LOL! Keith, you so crazy! Of all the RT, you want THAT? Why not ask for that clip of RT3K as well?
  4. this poll exists because...
  5. i think this is what you're talking about. sorry it's a crappy screen grab, but you're right - the name there is definitely Hikaru Ichijou. things that make you go hmm...
  6. i've had that problem before, but i haven't been to the site in a while. definitely don't remember seeing Hikaru, but maybe i'll check it out.
  7. i doubt Toynami pushed back the Next Gen MPCs for the Jack Archer. rather, it's probably that the Jack Archer is a stop-gap (a VF-0, if you will ) holding fans over until the Alphas.
  8. Not like the rest of the characters, Hikaru is a real guy.
  9. they must have raised the priced. when i ordered mine yesterday it was $15 regular price, -$5 = $10. oh well. you can always use the coupon for something else.
  10. Sorry, but the bashing will continue. THEY DESERVE IT!!! That's what purist Valkaholics do! Until they make up for the Sentinel travesty, I will always bash those pigs at HG. Damn oinkers!!!! Macross forever !!!!! as Skull Leader already mentioned to you earlier while many here agree with your feelings toward Robotech and many more agree with your feelings towards Harmony Gold, it really does none of us any good for you to go around expressing your utter disdain at all things Robotech here every chance you get. again... "Robotech sucks donkey ass." - NO "Robotech was a poorly organized show and I thought it was nowhere near what Macross was in terms of storyline and music quality." - YES the admin of this site has repeatedly expressed that he does not want to harbor any "Robotech/Macross war" here. please respect his wishes.
  11. you could schedule an in-store pickup online i believe. almost the same thing. i just don't know if it'll work on pre-order items.
  12. no. they flag your account. i guess if you signed up for multiple accounts you could. i don't know though - i haven't tried.
  13. Get the Matrix Reloaded DVD for $9.99 + free S/H (plus tax) from Best Buy.com. Of course you can also use this $5 off coupon on anything else, but I think many here will choose the Matrix. Instructions: 1. Close out all BestBuy web browsers 2. Go to the Search function. Browse to your Temporary Internet Files. In XP Usually C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files Then look for any 'bestbuy' files. About 4 temp BB files came up and I had to delete them one by one. 3. Clear out all cookies. 4. Then log back on and try again with THIS LINK. It finally worked for me after I removed the BB files in the Temp Internet folder. i found this deal posted at: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cf...hreadid=1160065
  14. to their credit Harmony Gold was smart enough to kill RT3K before it even hardly began...
  15. it looks like a damn fine game! my only complaint from the video is that the SDF-1 looks like it may be too small compared to the Valk. or am i just cock-eyed?
  16. if you boycott all music written/performed by people who have been under the influence of drugs in their lifetime then you're really limiting your listening selections. Bob made some of the damn finest music i've ever heard. IMHO you're missing out.
  17. i second getting it at TMP Anime. fairly low price, great service, fast shipping. for more suggestions, i'd try the "where to buy" forum.
  18. i listen to a wide variety... but mostly: -reggae -hip-hop -hawaiian -r&b -80s as Macka B said, everybody loves Bob Marley.
  19. its low vis.... well, to be fair the scheme was out long before Yamato's low-viz.
  20. damn Harmony Gold!!!
  21. lebhead

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    it looks great and all, but i think i'll wait for the 1/48 version. i think it's a pretty safe gamble.
  22. hehe. i loved those. funny memories.
  23. now that you mention it, a new Roy would be better than the one i have too. mine has crooked skulls AND a backwards arm. at least i think it's backwards - the screws are exposed on the wrong side. now i just need me some money. I have that too, on my Hikaru VF-1A... The shoulder and upper arm are backwards. you think we can get our money back? depending on my cash reserves at the time, i think i'm leaning towards buying another Roy.
  24. that is just a bad ass prime!
  25. ::walks towards line on the ground:: ::looks down at the border of fanboyism:: nah... ::turns around and walks back away::
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