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Everything posted by lebhead

  1. didn't Tatsunoko do a bunch of work on DYRL? if anything, i bet it has something to do with that. after all, HG and Tatsunoko are best buds these days - Tatsunoko is helping HG make RT 4 and HG is helping Tatsunoko with Mospeada 2. also, don't you think it's a little silly for any of us here to say "HG does not have ____ rights", etc. when none of us are privy to that information? sit back, and enjoy the ride before the market gets oversaturated and we are once again forced to pay $500 for a mint Joons on eBay. .: dru's 2 :.
  2. i love the Robotech soundtrack. even the Reba-mei tracks have an erie sentimental-cheese feel.
  3. In OS X, go to System Preferences -> Sound Then move the slider for "Output Volume" up to at least half way. Also, as mentioned earlier, check your volume settings on iTunes, or whatever music-playback app you are running. I highly doubt that this is a hardware problem. Also, some headphones have a wired remote with volume control. Check the cord, and see if you have this type of remote. If so, make sure the volume is all the way up on the remote.
  4. get the 1/48 VF-1J with FPs, and then later on when you can afford a VF-1S, pick one up as well. then you can do what i did, and give the 1S the 1J's packs, and let the 1J sit and wait for his armor.
  5. i'm definitely interested as long as the price is around $30-$35.
  6. don't worry... i have always felt that the story in DYRL was by far the weakest in Macross (even more so than II in some respects). it's hard/impossible to get 36 episodes into 2 hours. it just doesn't work. i'll always feel that the perfect Macross includes DYRL's animation and the TV series' story. if you haven't tried watching the original 36 episodes, then i think you will really enjoy them. and then if you watch DYRL again after that, you may enjoy it more as well. after all, DYRL was created for fans of Macross - so there is an underlying assumption that you at least know the main story going into the movie.
  7. i think Macrossworld needs a redesign in order to better link the forums to the rest of the site. for instance, the forums could be within a general site template as a table (frames bad!). that way you could have some SSIs (like news, etc) on the side at all times. just a thought
  8. thanks for the pics, graham!
  9. lebhead

    Custom 1/48 CF

  10. welcome to MacrossWorld! ------------ anyway, 1/100 is a waste of my money, unless it is just the holy grail of valks - which i doubt. i'll wait for the eventual "super sized" VF-0 - which you know will come. i guess 1/72 or 1/60... but knowing Yamato, maybe it'll be 1/55?
  11. [edo] it's MinG-Mei [/edo]
  12. not again... this has already been discussed to death. search the old forums for answers.
  13. werd. i think it looks great so far. of course i still think Battlecry wasn't a bad game.
  14. Mospeada was done by Anime Friend.
  15. But is that enough? Couldn't they have added something like "Original Story by Studio Nue/Artland" plus whoever wrote Southern Cross? well, they did give Tatsunoko credit. heh.
  16. i think VF1x used to carry a UN Spacy decal and that a lot of that stuff went to ValkExchange after the shutdown. however, i don't see that particular sticker @ the VX store. i would ask Kevin (Valkyrie-Exchange) about it.
  17. Japan may get "Mospeada 2", just like how the Alpha Fighter posables were packaged as "Mospeada", as the Alpha MPCs will be.
  18. oh, I'm sure Roy felt pain. of course, he could have always taken painkillers (which to Roy is about 2 bottles of Absolut ). basically what happened between when he was shot and when he showed up wasn't important. we were shown enough to know that after Roy got out of the plane something was seriously wrong with him. so when we saw him at Claudia's, it was easy to expect not all was right, which it wasn't. i think Roy's death was one of the most powerful sequences in the series. but, that's just my 2.
  19. as the creator of the lebatars, i decline comment.
  20. i'm sure Roy knew that he was shot. he just chose to spend his last minutes with the woman he loved. plus, he promised her he'd be there for Pinapple Salad - and there's one thing Roy isn't, and that's a liar.
  21. yeah, i think originally it was supposed to be Artland.
  22. the same thing that the Agent does to door knobs
  23. And that has what to do with my call for signing this petition? Shouldn't this be posted at Robotech.com...ohhhh I see you've posted this thread over there too. give it a rest already. ------------------ EXO, great drawing!
  24. lebhead


    lol! this is better than TV! i used to come to MW for Macross stuff. now i just come for the entertainment.
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