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Everything posted by valkyrietestpilot

  1. this is 1 of my airshow favorites
  2. the only thing left for you now anubis is: "intergalactic commander of the universe" you'll make chingy noises when you walk w/ all the medals on your chest.you get 1 of those big commodor hats too
  3. yeah,cause you know,people have been camping out at their computers waiting for them to go up on ebay the parents will be sitting around bragging to their friends: "yeah,got ours on ebay in the first 5 minutes they were up" "missed our tune-up appointment for the benz to catch ours.it was quite a thrill" "did you get yours on ebay?" "no,that's ashame"
  4. man,the mw forum critics will tear this movie a new 1 from now till it releases.your forgetting 1 thing.george lucas told the story of star wars for him.not to please the public or hope someone liked some aspect of this part or that part.he always had this story in his head that he wanted to tell & now he's realized it to the end.he doesn't care if you guys liked jar-jar or not.he was part of the story in his head,so on the screen he appeared.i've personally liked all the movies,i've been a big fan since opening night in '77.there's stiil more cool here than not-cool.but,the point is moot cause ole'george doesn't care if you hate it or not.he completed his story & it took almost 25 years to do it.now that's devotion to your dream
  5. man,somebody put some tv style yamato hands on luke.they're huge.darth vader will need the force to move those giant boots too. are they supposed to be for 3 year-olds? i can't see older kids or collectors wanting those
  6. so millia will be an exclusive release? that made sense to me right up till the part were you said there was 3 of them.3 millias in 1 box? in different poses or something? or will there be 3 variants that you could possibly get when you buy 1.she'll fit in yamato's q-rau too?? is that a quinky-dink or is CMS working with yamato on that? help!!! i'm so lost!!!
  7. yeah, graham,your free time is toast bud.you might get to sleep once & a while,but don't hold your breath.you just might have to give the keys to the store to max for a while
  8. connor99,my friend will do work on 1/48's.i asked him when they first came out & he said he'd love to customize 1.pm me if you wanna get in contact w/ him & i'll get you hooked up
  9. so what other CMS figures are gonna be in this series? is millia the only 1 that's been confirmed? there's usually like 6 in a series or something...right? any other pics around of the others in the series?
  10. 1/60 VT-1 "hey guys,look up there"
  11. devin(anasazi37),my man,your method of sticker making is very durable.i put the extra,big valk-girl(minmay guard) you sent me in my elint set on the slick skin of my bodyboard & she's holding up to the abuse of the ocean & waves.i was worried the ink would come off,but it's holding rock solid man.keep making them durable like this,they rock
  12. i have a great customizer i can refer you too also,if your other offer falls through.
  13. so is that pic of the CMS millia? i've not seen the figure that comes w/ the q-rau up close,so i'm not sure.why did they make her hips all over-bulbous like that? maybe,it's the uniform that's giving them that appearance?
  14. my dad took me to see topgun in the theaters in '84.i think that was the hey-day of jollyroger squad & nimitz.i know i saw stock footage of jollyroger tomcats launching in that movie.......i think
  15. hey man,that's a cool display.i have anime girls up all over the place on my walls & girls don't get jealous over stuff like that.unless,you sit in front of them & drewl all day,that's a different story,but i've yet to have 1 of my girlfriends cause grief over them.guys do this,we have girly calenders & posters & such,it's natural behavior & most chicks accept it.
  16. yes,my friend,anasazi37 is the guy you want to make your decals/stickers.i've bought like 10 sets from devin in the past & i've been wowed every time.he's got the best detail,selection,prices & options for either decal or sticker & different scales
  17. i guess i'd call it an emergency too,spent mad loot,must see fans under covers now.....can't wait,can't wait
  18. yeah,we're very lucky here.shawn could ask us to help offset costs,but doesn't.i know everybody would gladly give too.
  19. the fx is a nice disc.first thing i noticed was how much brighter the picture was from my old vhs.tape of dyrl?.i was so happy to be able to see more detail in the art.....sigh.the chinese subtitles option is always a hit w/ my chinese girlfriends too.she only wants to watch my dvd's that have that option in my anime collection.
  20. wasn't the aircraft carrier used in this movie the "nimitz" or at least some of the stock footage of her? i heard kawamori visited & spent time on the nimitz studying the tomcats & watching how they moved to get background info for the valks.jolly-roger squad was serving on her at that time,so hence our roy valk's appearance.only makes sense that he probably saw the vf-1 on 1 of the pilots helmets & decided to use it too
  21. well,my dad served 2 tours('67 & '68) in the bad bush('nam) w/ the 101 & 82nd airbourne divisions.seems your dad provided some air support for my dad in addition to "operation lineback" perhaps?
  22. B-52 gunner.that's really cool you took your user name in honor of your old man's former gun position.i was unaware they had gun emplacements on the "strato-fortress".i thought she was up to high to have to worry about fighters.did he serve on 1 when they first came out or did he serve time in 'nam in 1? cool thread btw.i hope your getting all the info you need for your project
  23. i prefer the subs too.i like as much of the artists original vision to be there as possible.but,i have to admit,the dub for this wasn't bad.malcolm in the middle's dad was perfect for isamu.but,guld just looks like he should be speaking w/ a japanese-hakuza accent don't he?
  24. my roy has 1 leg shorter than the other i think.he's all canted-down while he stands there.someone needs to make him a little orthopedic shoe. and,yeah,superglue seems to be the best way to stick mao & sara's little toes in the sand were they belong
  25. yeah,danny,when you gonna finish those hands man no fair teasing us,then going off on holiday w/ some girl for some indescriminent amount of time
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