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Everything posted by elrollo

  1. Just beat Fable 2 last nite, what a great game, still have tons of sidequests to do and i have only found one legendary weapon. The main quest isnt that long so if ur worried it will take up too much time b4 Gears 2 or Fable 2 ...err i meant fallout 3...dont count on it. If u liked fable 1, 2 will blow u away lol...except for the coop which is pure poop... my 2 cents.
  2. Sweet TV oh and nice!
  3. Im definately getting a Zaku II!
  4. the cg was top notch wanted to see more of vincent kicking ass tho
  5. I havent been here sine august, its good to be back! Things havent changed! what did i miss?
  6. Wow another one! I believe this kid's name is Ben. I've seen another vid of him playing some similar stuff. He's got some talent! http://minutillo.com/steve/weblog/2003/8/2...s-piano-version
  7. Hi from Honolulu, HI 21.281084 N, 157.826616 W
  8. elrollo

    Newbie Intro

    Hello and welcome!
  9. elrollo

    MW Updates

    Sweet, thanks man Gonna check it out now
  10. Wow that looks very photorealistic! Awesome stuff
  11. What ^^ said... awesome job!
  12. elrollo

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Nice custom Jung
  13. elrollo

    Im New Here

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay
  14. Really gorgeous work! The stands are nice too
  15. Mmmmm.... GBP... mmmm 1/48...mmmm!!
  16. elrollo

    A low vis VF-1J?

    Id also like to see a low-vis 1j!
  17. Im still me
  18. 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 3 1/48 = 1
  19. I passed out on Roy's vf-1s since it has it's issues. Ill definately pick up one of the hikaru 1s.
  20. Awesome job on the new forums!
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