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Hikaru's VF-1S

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Everything posted by Hikaru's VF-1S

  1. ya i'l probably sell the exosquad robotech toys together on ebay. the mospeada figure is on ebay already if u guys wanted to see, started with $0.99, hope it goes up...: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=001
  2. hiya, well searching through my closet i found some of my old toys i had when i was in middle school. im probably gonna put on ebay but wondering how much would theses actually go for? Zentradi battlepod from exosquad robotech, its missing one of its gun things, box and manual is in great shape =] Veritech from exosquad robotech, has a bit of yellowing on the left side, missing one booster and only found two missiles. has gunpod, box and manual in great shape Mospeada 21, seems like its missing something in the box where the sticker was, not sure what else is. has decal and manual in great shape, box is in good condition. just wondering if anyone can help me out. thanks =]
  3. just saw the movie, was pretty good, was a enjoyable movie with interesting scenes. was wondering if there was anything after the credits? =P
  4. damn that would be cool to ride around in. wonder how much it costs?
  5. i would pilot any valkyrie.. just hopefully its painted in red or blue so it gives me +10 defense and +20 skill =D
  6. man i havent seen any wave 4 or 5 in southern california yet... really want a snow job... .. ... .. lol =P
  7. btw, i was wondering how do u guys display your 25th figures? im trying to figure out how to display mine since im running out of room putting them on top of a shelf... was thinking of like hanging them on the wall in a row or something =P
  8. so i just got back from target, i wen tto the alicia one and they only had the legion one remaining so i got that one (there were 2 left i believe). I also got zartan, beachhead and cobra trooper also. I also saw a Transformers Movie Bumblebee '08 camero there which i have never seen before ever, and also got that cuz well... i like transformers too. (but i only really collect the Classics line, waiting for Classics 2.0 to come out... ) since i couldnt find the good guys set, i went to the one on alicia by 5 freeway. i got lucky and found a good guy set, and it was marked 17 but it scanned 12.48 which was good. i also found shipwreak, which i rarely see so i got him too... good day for me... now hope to someday find a Transformers MP Starscream (Walmart edition)... =[
  9. man im interested in one of theses since the CM's seems really pricey... recently watched all of mospeada again and would like to have a legioss in my mecha collection =P hope i can hear a good/decent review for it.
  10. man i really one a legioss/tread set, but price is kinda high for me =[ so what is the best legioss toy to get besides this one? im just wondering if the big gakken one is cool to have =D
  11. did they have a lot of 6-packs there? btw what street is it located on? seems like theres two in mission viejo. i live close by and wondering if they still have any left if u know. =D
  12. hiya, i was wondering for the yamato stand, are u able to make the grabber hold on the fast packs, so it looks like its launching upside down like how the movie does it? just curious.
  13. wikipedia about idolmaster: The Idolm@ster (アイドルマスター, Aidorumasutā?, officially romanized as THE IDOLM@STER) is an arcade game released only in Japan by Namco (now Namco Bandai) on 2005-07-26. It was released on the Xbox 360 on January 25, 2007. The game follows the career of a producer who works for the fictional 765 Production studio and has to work with a selection of nine prospective pop idols (one of them is a pair of identical twins).
  14. any information on this revoltech? havent heard anything about it, but looks really interesting. what series is it from? i guess there gonna make some idomaster revoltechs too. =P
  15. is that taller then the fate-stay saber figure? just trying to geta idea... wnder if the rin figure will match with the saber figure
  16. so i got my first revoltech, VF-1A, its a pretty neat figure. been posing it and such and having fun with it, now i wish i had some other cool ones. heres a pic i took for fun with my cell phone now i wish i had a VF-1S and the 1J to have a cool scene. next one im interested in is the Rei figure, so how tall is it exactly? is it taller then the saber figure?
  17. hiya, im new to the revoltech line. i just had a couple of questions. well the first is i wanted to get one of the valkyires (of course =P ), but wonderng how tall is it and is it good quality? think there will be a hikaru's vf-1s coming out? the other ones im interested is the optimus prime one and the rei one, how are thoses? also where does everyone order from? if anyone goes to frank and sons in so.cali, doe they have any there at a good price? havent been there in a long time. thanks
  18. woah i like live right there, so are they still in stock or has it disappeared already? do u know when they usually restock their stuffs? im still trying to find a MP starscream at walmart, rarely see any GI joe stuff there =P
  19. hey what part of the OC r u finding these figures? =]
  20. hiya, well im pretty new to gi joes collecting. i just recently started getting the 25th figures, right now i have... snake eyes storm shadow cobra commander cobra officer red ninja firefly serpentor i have an extra red ninja and firefly. just wondering if there worth anything if anyone needs a trade... (looking for flint or beach head or the navy guy) what are the rare 25th figures to get? what are the ones that are worth to get... or people just getting them all cuz its pretty hard here to find them, always disappears after i see them 1 day.
  21. btw, how big are these figures? im interested in getting into revoltech... be kind of cool if they made the macross II valkyire, they had some cool poses and such.
  22. cool vf-1j figure, i'll probably pick one of thoses up. btw, does anyone know a good place online to get the optimus prime and megatron revoltech figures? trying to find a good deal online for them. =]
  23. i mean more of a japanese series =P
  24. i wonder if it could be voltron, supposedly this review of early script: http://www.latinoreview.com/scriptreview.php?id=65 it talks about what the early script of voltron is, and actually does take place in NY, as some drule empire takes over the world in the ONE DAY WAR, and the world is all destroyed and such. If it was a trailer for voltron, people saying that it wasnt voltron that was attacking. But maybe it was a ROBEAST, there alive, fleshy, and monsters, and they probably the ones attacking NY. Well just throwing out some ideas. Also seems kinda too conicidence if they are talking about Going to JAPAN... it has to be something japanese made...
  25. heres some AX pics i took of the robotech figures...
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