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Hikaru's VF-1S

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Everything posted by Hikaru's VF-1S

  1. ya, i really want to start first with the original final fantasy vii chars. is there any sites online that sell them at a good price? or any local areas around southern california to get them? how much is the original cloud with bike cost? i also think the yuffie thats coming out of set 2 looks cool =P
  2. hiya, well im deciding if i want to start collecting the FF play art figures. I really want to get the Final Fantasy VII (Game version) figures of cloud, aerith, and tifa. anyone have reviews of these figures? they look really cool and the original char designer actually over-looked the project for these ones and they look a lot better then the advent children ones. are any of the other series good to collect? (Im also interested in the VIII and XII figs). =]
  3. hmm, good thing i didnt pul lback on it. how do u get the gun cannon to fit in that area securely? it does seem to want to fit in the little peg in fighter mode for my shadow alpha =[
  4. hiya, well i got my shadow fighter i bought on ebay for $5 (paypal had this $50 coupon that i somehow got to work and i only then had to pay for shipping of $5 =P), is there a way to push the arms back closed in fighter mode cuz its still slightly not connected fully. also does the grey box piece on the back of the fighter open up to tuck the radar flap thing? seems kinda hard to open and i dont want to force it XP also any directions online on how to transform? i dont want to open the book =P seems pretty cool...
  5. thanks for these opinions on the alpha. i asked the guy who wants to sell me a blue alpha for $65 shipped to take pics of it and wanting to see the hands and radar parts to see if they are still good =P anything else i should ask about it?
  6. would $60 + shipping be a good price for the robotech masterpiece scott alpha? =P i would like to get a alpha and beta of this set.
  7. how much does the blue alpha go now? i would like a set of theses two and wondering if i should pick up one now or wait til we hear something from toynami about any alpha business. =P
  8. sooo.. did anyone know if the aoshima legioss colors match with the toynami tread? just trying to see if i need to get one thoses to get a blue one if they dont re-release them. =[
  9. are they making boomers and ad police now? http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_038/index.html
  10. soo.. im wondering if they going to re-release the blue alpha again... if not, do u think those posable alphas figures they made before would match with this beta? i would have the alpha in robot mode and beta attach to the back and wondering if that would look correct. looking at some pics from "scorched earth toys" has a mp alpha and the posable alpha and looks pretty close. http://anymoon.com/blog/2007/04/23/toynami...ndard-editions/ these are the figures im talking about.
  11. does over drive charge your card when u preorder from them?
  12. *cancels his betas orders* =[ ahh so it was only a dream... wonder if twpanime is going to do something like this too. edit* this was on the twin moons anime site... IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT TOYNAMI ROBOTECH BETA MPC PRICE We recently had the Toynami Robotech Beta MPC figures listed at $79.99 based on pricing information that we had received from Toynami. However, we were recently informed by them that the pricing provided was INCORRECT and that they would retail for around $150-$200. Due to this reason, we have had to cancel all pre-orders for these and will re-solicit them once we have exact pricing from Toynami. We apologize for any confusion caused, but unfortunately this is beyond our control.
  13. damn twpanime charges me tax cuz i live in cali ;; bah
  14. hmm.. for some reason the head looks really flat to me when its facing at you. is this the next one after priss? thought it would be the green one =P
  15. seems twin moon anime site has the betas and other figures up for the same price, but has free shipping =] wondering if i should change my preorder from bbt to twanime... do they have a easy cancellation policy at twanime? btw, how much is usually shipping on robotech.com? im interested in getting a alpha there for backup if they dont re-release any.
  16. i hope the vol. 2 is the green beta =P i really hope they are going to rerelease the old alphas, cuz that blue beta is going to look lonely by itself... or attach it to a green alpha for those brief moments it was attached to it.
  17. i was thinking of using a aoshima... but arent the colors a little to bright, so wouldnt it not match the betas? =P
  18. I like episode 8 cuz its funny =P for some reason i like episode 3, kinda sad and such. Also i like the fight scene when they use their motoroids and the song "blow up". its really catchy =P man i have a lot of mechs from 80s... i guess the new stuff doesnt hold as well for me =P
  19. ya i jumped on this beta even thou i dont have a Alpha at all... maybe i should try to find one >.> oh i also notice they have a preorder for the second masterpiece beta http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail i wonder if thats the green one? cuz that alpha is easier access to obtain =P -- also they have the Robotech shadow chronicles alphas up for preorder too for 79.99 each maia sterling: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail marcus rush : http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail (I notice that the description for marcus's seems more like for a cyclone *ponders* =P) *** i also notice they have cyclones for preorder too, their 79.99 too: Scott (says released 1st quarter) : http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail Lancer: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail Rand: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail Btw, i used bigbadtoystore.com for Gi Joes 25th line. you can cancel preorders really easily with not much hassle, u just update your preorder items by if u want to cancel u just put a "0" for quantity number and then it would remove itself =P
  20. i wish they used the suits from the 8th episode "Scoop Chase" (which for some reason is one of my faves, pretty funny and nene is cute in it =P), i like nene's colors in that one better, and makie's yellow armor suit was really cool, they should make a figure of that too. im trying to find bubblegum crash but pretty hard to find >.>
  21. man just finished watching the 8 episodes of bubblegum crisis. wished they wouuld use the updated stuff they had near the end like the new bikes and some of the armors. but then there isnt too much of a difference. just hope down the line they dont come out with like version 2 with the new stuff. i hope these are cool, cuz i always liked he series, but hope they arent too small =[
  22. how tall are theses figures? wondering if its worth it to get =P i do like knight sabers, but if its really small, i'll be sad =[ lol
  23. so any place to preorder theses for a good price and low shipping in the USA? =] im interested in getting one (or more if its really good) as i like how all theses 80's toys are being made.
  24. good review. im interested in the size thou. does anyone have one next something i can compare it to?
  25. woah those look really cool. man kinda pricey thou, but gotta see what its like and see some reviews of it when it comes out. hope the green one comes out next =] she was cool in the anime... man makes me want to watch this series again (the 1st series, not the tokyo 20XX whatevers)
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