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Hikaru's VF-1S

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Everything posted by Hikaru's VF-1S

  1. no the hands are intact and working fine. The joints a bit loose thou (due to the metal in the arms weighing it down). The radar flap thing is loose too.
  2. i been trying to fit the cannon in but for some reason its not working. oh wells im leaving it in guardian mode displayed for now. btw, anyoen interested in the blue toynami alpha? i have an ebay auction for it. http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Masterpiece-A...1QQcmdZViewItem also have other stuff there like mangas and other figures. Help me recieve a legioss/tread combo! lol
  3. well im going to sell my robotech masterpiece blue alpha to help try to buy this XP anyone interested? lol http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Masterpiece-A...1QQcmdZViewItem i have other auctions too if anyone is interested in some manga and other figures. =] Help a MWer out!
  4. heya, question on the shadow alphas. im trying to put the canon on top of the alpha in fighter mode, but for some reason the tab isnt fiting in that hole in the grey box of the alpha. should it fit? is there a way to make it fit?
  5. cool looking pics. man the legioss in guardian mode looks really, really low (lower then fighter), but probably due to the arms and legs being used. anyone think these would go down in price soon XP lol... *prays ebay items sell well*
  6. well seperated and displayed would be nice. i just wanna see what it would look like and if holds well. be cool if they sold the red and green legioss's in a package (hopefully cheaper), then u can get this and have thoses to make the "freedom fighters" team. =P gosh i wish i had the money for this.. lol
  7. heya, can someone take pictures of the legioss and tread in guardian mode? notice people havent really posted pics of it in this form. wondering if it looks good and such. anyways, im hoping my ebay items will go higher in price, i might sell my Blue alpha to help the cost of this (PM with good price if anyone is interested lol) XP we'll see.
  8. good, i always hated her =P but i have a feeling she'll show her ugly head again >.>
  9. neat first episode. i like the kallen in a bunny suit =] lol
  10. ya im hoping the shadow chronicles alphas will have better QC on it. i wonder if they really are suppose to come out april or may. i'll probably be getting 1 of them (probably maia since i liked her way more then marcus). wish more news would come ouut for it thou. soo.. anyone got ecchi pics of maia sterling? lolz jk ... or not...
  11. im mostly interested in finding MH cyclones for a cheaper price =P maybe i should just concentrate on CM legioss/tread with my money lol
  12. hiya, so i notice now on robotech.com that their selling the MH cyclones and the aoshima legioss fighters. MH Cyclones - 59.99 each http://www.robotech.com/store/viewcategory.php?id=9 Aoshima legioss - 69.99 each http://www.robotech.com/store/viewcategory.php?id=2 well... there goes my hopes for the prices to be cheaper for US distribution =[
  13. man, i been thinking about getting one and i really want one =P i'm like seeing what i can sell in my room to afford for one XP lol.
  14. where are you guys ordering the green and red sets? btw i notice overdrive doesnt have an image anymore for their mospeada section, wonder if they stopped taking orders. =[
  15. wow, i knew golion was pretty violent, but didnt think stuff like that happened, just thought it was like the monsters getting cut or a few blood. lol, no i wanna watch the japanese go-lion series. =P i still got my 90's die cast voltron that came out when they made that 3rd dimension one. anyone remember that? lol was thinking bout selling it. wonder how much its worth. so is there any news on the toynami plastic version?
  16. *drools* man i wish i had the money to spend on this. =[ that armo-soldier link-up looks really cool. kinda sucks that the fighter mode people dont like the linkup.
  17. heh, maybe i'll wait till someone buys it and doesnt like it and then hopefully buy it cheaper XP i could be saving that money for more useful stuff. jenius are u going to be doing a review of this when u get them? =D
  18. wow, thoses pictures look really good... i really want to get one =[ maybe i should sell my MPC blue and shadow alphas to help fund for one. but then im also a poor college student and should try to conserve money... think theses will become rare? btw, how big are they? good size? do they FEEL like $200 bucks in your hands when you hold them?
  19. so... any way to tighten the joints? =[
  20. hows the connection to legioss to tread? are the transformations easy to do? are they solid toys or does it feel like it could break easily? how are the hands? was it WORTH it? =[ (i really want a legioss + tread combination)
  21. so i got my Blue Alpha, looks pretty cool, looks a lot better with the stickers applied. I notice his joints are loose thou =[ is there anyway to make them tighter? also is there ways to fix the flap panel (where the radar thingy goes by its head) cuz its really loose and falls out sometimes. i'll probably leave him in fighter mode but just wondering if hteres ways to fix theses. Hands are in good condition at least =] now im ready for a beta! =D
  22. i actually saw mospeada earlier this year because i only watch robotech 3rd generation and with all the news of he CM and MH mospeada figures were coming out i wanted to see what the japanese version was like. I actually like mospeada more, parts actually made more since =P character personalities were better and they had reasons of why they acted like they do. Stick - seems pretty similar to his US version. military bound and always gotta finish the mission till the very end. rey - he was more outgoing, country boy, that would hit on the girls in the group, thought that was kinda funny fuuko - she seems more tough and such, but a good overall character. her backstory made more since in here =P mint - pretty annoying, like her US counterpart. yellow belmont - his character actually made since in the JPN version with his backround. transitions in his voices were kinda weird thou. Aisha - didnt know her name was different in the jpn version, thought it made since why she was called marlene, but then when i thought about it be kinda sick naming another girl after your deceased one =P wonder whos idea that was in the US to do that. Mechas - seems way more important, as most of the time they were talking about either protecting them or resupplying them most of the time. it was a good watch to see all the diffences in the japanese version.... now wish i had a legioss + tread set figures =[ lol
  23. lol interesting box. for some reason when i see it gives off a KO to me. Probably because of all the colors and such =P nice to see an image on the box of dive-bomber mode of the legioss + tread connection. wish i had the $ for this. hopefully reviews will be up soon.
  24. so i been trying to search for the FFVII game edition figures, but either they are sold out on sites or cost way too much. I notice estarland.com (for 62.XX for all 3) is restocking in april and wondering if other sites would be restocking. Hopefully due to the cloud + bike coming out that they will be restocking on the wave 1 figures.
  25. nice price for them at that site, but wish it was in stock =[, how much was shipping for them (3 fig set)?
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