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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. That race was hilarious. Topped with Tony Stewart's comments about how people said he used to be the bad guy and a red flag mostly to get them all to cool off. I just wish Kasey hadn't said in way "Dale Jarret did it at Bristol so I did it" when he tried to run over Busch in relatiation. So much for that 7 second delay Nascar claimed it would have for broadcasts last year, huh?
  2. Like some discs Central Park Media releases. The Arslan discs are region free.
  3. Midnight Eye is available on DVD (actually saw it on Cinemax one night). I'm not sure about Kabuto.
  4. If that's the case, someone might want to inform Dean in the anime DVD bootleg thread.
  5. I've seen both volumes and owned it for like 2 days. Piece of crap. Basically it's a hentai version of James Bond in Outer Space.
  6. Friend of mine was drawing "New Smurfs" for a laugh some many months back. Then the other day I saw his original "Gangsta Hefty" pic online complete with those subtitles. Don't know who did that but it too good pass up. It was that or my stupid Halo Kitty. Now what was that about Unicron's farts being deadly?
  7. Well you did have to fight him in FFVIII. 330437[/snapback] It's also why we fought an evil Bahamut in FF9 because Kuja was evil. I guess the thrend continued in FFX when we also fought an evil Bahamut but that's one of those fangled FFs, Mike is referring to.
  8. 2 words to decribe Advent Children: Tech demo. It worked cuz I want the software.
  9. I seriously doubt there are star eating, acidic dust nebulas out there. Cambridge? Sounds like an MIT injoke.
  10. Tales of Symphonia is a co-opt multiplayer game for the Gamecube. The mulitplayer (up to 4) is actally more fun than the single player version. The game is only $20 now. Just a suggestion.
  11. Talked to them last week and talked to them this morning. They have just one employee (just one) sorting thru all the orders. They claim they just weren't prepared for the sheer volume of orders they got and they should have it all settled by late this week. I hope so cuz my credit card was charged on the 7th and I have yet to even get a confirmation email from them. The worst that can happen is some DVDs people ordered are out of stock and must be credited back. It's all very retarded but it is ADV afterall. Oh, yeah they admitted I wasn't the only one who had issues regarding their "email response".
  12. I noted and don't care. Only recent game related anniversary that interested me was Aug 22, 1995. When one of the greatest games of all time was released; Chrono Trigger.
  13. No, you just have Hyper ADD with newly acquired toys and DVDs resulting in quick burnout with them.
  14. Yeah, man, I saw that today and was hoping my eye sight had gone bad. WHy would one want to watch bodied floating in the water? Tasteless is an understatement.
  15. Latest Mission accomplished to get a new convert. Was nerve racking there for a while but there's at least one more Firefly fan in the world.
  16. It's not about being a fan. It's about being embarrassed of the "fanhood" thanks to the sheer stupidity of so called "uber fans/otaku".
  17. I can because I no longer watch anime that much as most if it sucks now. I also never dress up like anything, speak japanese, think japanese or do any of the other dorky things associated with "otaku" stuff. By your logic simply because I have watched a few episodes of Star Trek in my life that makes me a Trekkie. I know for a fact I've seen a lot of Dr. Who episodes so I guess that makes me a Whovian as well. The point of this thread / group is that we are people who occasionaly like something only to have a thing we occasionally like make us feel totally ashamed thanks to the other uber hard core nutso fans who ruin it for everyone. I'm very familiar with this feeling being a gun owner. Thanks to all the yahoos out there who shoot up places and kill people everyone on the street thinks just because I'm a gun owner that I'll shoot them where they stand and dance on their body. It's guilt by association. Against our wills we are associated with these dorks and tools that take everything too far. We do not want to be associated with these people and that is the gist. 325934[/snapback] Amen, brotha. Amen.
  18. Hate crime? Don't be a damned idiot. That would be self defense as nobody in his/her right mind would call that a "hate" crime with the chaos playing high definition on their screens. So If I popped a looter, would it suddenly be a "black on black crime" when I'm just looking to protect my own neck from the scum? Again, don't be a damned idiot.
  19. I'm not an anime fan. I'm an animation fan that treats them like I would any otehr piece of entertainment. I do howver HATE the stupid fans that will watch any piece of crap just because it's "anime". Like those bunch of idiots that run the so called anime club which supposedly only shows quality shows. Yet they won't watch the original GunBuster because it's "old" yet play the new crapfest.
  20. It's Conan! The Adventurer.. Conan! Warrior without Feaaaaar He's more powerful than any man... His legend spreads across the land and seeeeeeea... (random man screaming) (narrated) Conan, the mightiest warrior EVER. His quest; to undo the spell of living stone cursed upon his family By driving the evil serpent men back into another dimension And to vanquishing there leader... The cruel wizard Wrath-A-Mon!! (end naration) (singing with Awwing chorus in the background resumes) Conan! The Adventurer! Conan! Man of Braveryyyyyy! With his his many swords protecting, The Mightiest of Warriors is heeeeeeere... (narator) Feel the Power!! (/narator) Conan! There ya go. Guess who has all of it and many old shows (and many more listed) in her vast VHS animated collection having been an animation major)
  21. Dude, that's hot. Me wants. :wub: (the sword. Not A1... thought I'd clarify)
  22. There's some kind of messed up delay with shipping from wherever they are being manufactured. I spent a good hour hollering at the local Best Buy Bums on where the hell my set was on Tues and then on Wed. Looks like the release has been pushed back a week.
  23. I'm boycotting this poll. None of those ladies classify as a "chick" except for Robotech Minmay. John, you suck at this.
  24. Ok, now this is just too retarded for words.
  25. Silly Mospeeder fan (yeah, I'm makin' fun of someone by writing the name wrong), you have Rey from MOSPEADA fighting Corg from Robotech The New Generation. Go outside and hit yourself with a paddle a few times in front of your neighbors as punishment. Besides, you got my boy all wrong. Rey never fights Batra (RT's Corg), he fights some blonde Inbit and royally hoses the guy but the animation isn't all that wonderful for it. I LOVE the sounds of the huge shells of the Beta's gun nailing that sucker though. 313380[/snapback] Which ironically is the scene in Kin's avatar. LOL
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