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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. As a martial artist, yes. As an actor, No. Cannot forgive him for "Double Team" with Dennis Rodman.
  2. You forgot the following; Chris Kleine (ya know, one of those idiots from American Pie who alwaysplays the same part. See the film Election) Tom Cruise (yeah, that's right. HIM!! When will he ever "won" a role and not simply "play a part"?) Amy Smart (she should stick to just being naked breasts on film. I get a headache whenever she opens her mouth) Kate Bosworth (see Blue Crush and you'll understand) Michelle Rodriguez (I like her but she can't act and plays the same damn role over and over again) Will Smith (I never considered him an actor to begin with) James Van Der Beek (I'm so happy Dawson's Creek is over so he's forgotten) Must be mentioend again for repetitive sake: Colin Farrell Freddie Prince Jr Steven Segal Jean-Claude Van Damme Paul Walker Ben Afflleck Keanu Reeves Not that I think they suck as actors but I can't stand them on screen most of the time: Skeet Ulrich Seann William Scott Mathew Lillard Gabrielle Union
  3. http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=news&id=4957 http://www.variety.com/index.asp?layout=up...egoryID=13&cs=1 Excuse me while I go scream my head off now.
  4. Stupid OT thread going on here.
  5. What are the contents of that DVD? The Beast Buy Lithograpgh so far is the lamest "freebie" associated with the DVD.
  6. Only if it comes with Love Live Alive and even that is "meh" at best. This is all just a tad too late.
  7. If they are crazy enough to actually do a remake with John Cena, does this mean he has a shot at becoming a governor someday?
  8. Hmm.. Nope. still not interested.
  9. Do you mean this one? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399563/
  10. ...Which is what I did instead of wasting time with the comic menu. I didn't even bother with the comic.... Ditto. It should be manditory all DVDs with tons of extra have an index feature.
  11. I already posted that gif.
  12. Thanks for the input, guys. I can't justify another purchase for editing sake. However, while the new extras sound interesting I think I'll just look them up online. I just can't justify buying a second set and I'm more or less a DVD freak. Heck, I'm still holding out on buying Kill Bill because I know there will be a new set containing both volumes eventually.
  13. Uhh... Ok.... Why do we need an extended edition?? Added deleted scenes?
  14. Hudson, sir. He's Hicks. Perfect quote. I can actually picture Bill Paxton correcting Zor Primus with that. lol
  15. Ah, so that's why the Snorks went misssing..........
  16. I don't know what a double dicker is but it sounds like one hell of a ride.
  17. Yeah, saw it yesterday. Pretty funny. Still not sure how that's supposed to inspire world peace.
  18. Yeah, and I can't wait for Kane to come back so he can Tombstone her again. We really don't need to see her (or any of the McMahons) on TV. No, but you gotta admit that Shane getting stunned for no reason at all after haven't been around in ages by Stonecold was funny.
  19. I have a question. Why does John Cena carry a pinwheel around in his back pocket?
  20. Um... Why would you announce such a thing to the board? ((trying to convice us or just enjoy bragging?) I don't see the big deal over RR6. Unless you are personally working on the game, I see no reason for all this excitement.
  21. Tell me about it. No offense to you or your friend , Hikuro, but your friend Ry-Guy sounds like what I would imagine the McGruff the crime fighter dog sounds like playing a drunken combat pilot.
  22. Actually, it's no secret the creators of Exo-Squad were BIG Robotech fans and drew alot of inspiratiosn and ideas from it (hence the tie -ins).
  23. Nah, I'll never be your level. I don't beat up on defenseless little children. Child beater. I will face the "turth" tho. Whatever that is.
  24. "I see that you haved improved on your intellectual capacity to argue in a mature and productive manner, so I will do the same:"You lost all rights to reply to ANYBODY in this thread when you made that statement and FAILED to back it up in that long winded post. Understand why it is you must shut up? You should have just kept your mouth shut instead of insulting the "intellectual capacity" of others when you are incapable of showing any. You shot yourself in the foot when you mouthed off and I threw it in your face and you deserved every second of it. Face it. It's the truth and it hurts, right?
  25. "I see that you haved improved on your intellectual capacity to argue in a mature and productive manner, so I will do the same:" "I see that you haved improved on your intellectual capacity to argue in a mature and productive manner, so I will do the same:" Show me where I made such a claim to reinforce my points and grammar (DUH). You failed back up your first sentence so shut up untill you can do EXACTLY what YOU SAID you would do.
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