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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. Actually I would except the page I would link you to on an excellent research paper written by a bunch of Japanese college students on the issue is in Japanese which is obvious you wouldn't even begin to know how to translate. Furthermore, I have a very mixed family and happen to have relatives who live in Japan and live in it's culture (it's a soldier's life). I spent a good deal of time in Okinawa during my childhood so their way of life is not alien to me. There is also a very interesting social divide between adults and the "trendy teens". I would tell you all about it but I think it's best you do the research on your damn own. I'm sure if I posted cold hard facts and statistics you would find some way to twist it around and rant some more. Your problem is that you are viewing it from the outside western perspective who really ONLY sees the "Japanese pop culture" aspect of it all. I would give you a short lesson but I'm gonna let you go and find out for yourself because it's evidently clear you are not interested in learning anything. You just want to start a fight and argue. I don't see you even trying to counter JsARCLIGHT's points or any other for that matter with the exception of BoB's latest posts. You just want to bitch and play devil's advocate. I wanted to ask earlier why people felt the credence and need to even look in deeper if Myung was raped or not. Do people need to know the details? My conclusion is some are just really sick and insensitive bastards.
  2. What century are you living in exactly? What a crock. Again, get some education THEN post.
  3. Again, being an animation the unique "Zentran pity factor" is in play here between old best friends. That's why they still want something to do with him. Otherwise we wouldn't have a story plot. Now, the education comment was not directed strictly and specifically towards you but in general to the responses I've been reading. I put in that link ro RAINN.org for a reason. So don't take it personally. Still, I'm disgusted at the rational excuses for her being/possible rape. The fact here is Guld didn't rape Myung. Guld didn't rape Myung. Guld didn't rape Myung. Kawamori is not so callous a writer he would let a serious detail like that slip by.
  4. That's been in the back of my mind the whole time. Every now and then the Japanese write very "american" flavored stories but their sense of honor and values are usually infused into them... Macross Plus in my mind is a very "japanese" story. I this point made by Jem should be the cornerstone of this argument. These values are inbedded in Macross Plus. It's why Guld wanted to kill Isamu so much. The only misinterpretation in all of this is not how far Guld went but how far Guld believed Isamu went. There's enough to prove Guld did not get very far at all or Isamu nor Myung would have ever forgave him. EDIT: Very Special Kudos for Beware of Blast, JsARCLIGHT, Hurin, thedarkmarine, and anyone else I missed for bringing some sense into this discussion. I also recommend the movie TAPE (starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman) when another trio of friends (2 guys and a gal) weren't getting quite along because one guy believed the other guy raped her 10 years before.
  5. Oh and Isamu dying would be REALLY idiotic and detrimental to the overall story as explained by others.
  6. You are forgetting oen thing. In real life nobody knows the reasons otehr than the attacker of why it occurred. However, being that this is an animated story we are told that it's because he is half Zentraedi and cannot control himself completely. It is that reason their tightly knit friendship was broken up. What Guld did was terrible but not enough for Myung to overlook that A. he's half Zent and B. he's a close friend. Still, if he ahd gone far enough to do the deed even for 2 second she would NOT want to be around him at all and neither would Isamu. You cannot even protect a friend with things have gone that far. To suggest Kawamori and the animators would allow Myung to even want to be in bed with him had he raped her is a serious insult to Kawamori's writing and to women. The comparison to M7 was already made so Kawamori's treatment of it was already explained well enough. There is no such thing as "hiding" rape. No matter how mucha victim tries to forget and act like it never happened it's always there. I am also not going by the stories and cliches you see in movies and on TV everyday. You have NO idea what it can do to people. I know and it's why I relunctantly gave up my gun license years ago after a "friend" attempted to rape me. Afterwards became a supporter of RAINN . I used to deal with rape victims on a weekly basis, know the statistics and what happens to most women when they are raped and they really cope with it. Macross Plus is not that and it would be a tremendous slap in the face to the female gender as a whole if it even tried to depict Myung as a victim of rape. I would certainly not be a fan of Macross Plus. Macross Plus certainly does not go into that realm of the aftermath of a rape no matter the genetics of Guld. It only touches the issue just a bit as it was very much an attempted rape but not a rape itself. Myung is messed up but not so messed up she'd sleep with a rapist even if she did love him (but yet again it's clear she loves Isamu more). They are disfunctional as a group because of what Guld did, the fact he's in denial, and being his friend they don't want to hurt him. Had it been rape they would not at all want to forget but face it head on. Then there would be no way Guld would have denied it for so long as we would not have a story to begin with. What happened was assault sexual in nature but not rape. For anyone to believe it was rape then must secretly want it to be, suggest Kawamori and friends are disrespectful and insensitive crackpot story writers AND/or that Macross Plus does not deserev the "deep praise" it has and this thread shouldn't exist. I am actually very disgusted how you people could even suggest such a dispicable act and dismiss it's serious and very real consequences just because Myung slept with him afterwards. (which is enough proof that he never did the evil deed tho he came close to). That's a crock and I suggest you get educated before you even come up with BS like that again. edit: A Japanese view would be HARSHER than the western view as rape is the ultimate shame for a woman and ultimate dishonor for a man.
  7. Roy, I am going to say this to you once. Women do not have consentual sex with men who raped them. PERIOD! I don't know how you view Myung or even the entire female gender for that matter.... but there's now ay Myung would have any feelings left at all for Guld ahd he raped her. Just the same how Isamu would have most likely killed Guld that same night.
  8. Sorry! The reason for the change in the return policy is because if you bought a game, played it for a day and returned it because it sucked, we'd shrink wrap it and sell it as new, because it basically was and because we'd lose a lot of money if we refunded full price but had to sell it as used. I don't think most of us hear would mind to buy a "new" game that might have been played one time in exchange for being able to return a crappy game, especially since you can return defective games if re-wrapped game didn't work. But you know, somebody always ruins it for everyone, right? In this case, that someone sued. Gamestop may been one of the biggest retailers of videogames, but we really don't have the financial resources of Wal-Mart or Best Buy, so it hit us hard. The change in the return policy was inevitable after that. So somebody finally sued. I can't say it surprises me. I'm someone who likes to buy things that are virgin new so I always make sure that it's not home shriink wrapped but still has the bar code and hologram label on the sides. I have a few friends that work at Funcoland turned Gamestop. We all hate the company and would love to rob it blind should the oppertunity ever come up. The trade in policies are just ridiclous. I wanted to trade an X-Men GBA game which had never been played but they offered me $12 credit for it. When I asked how much they would resell it for my friend told me the price would be $44.99. (which I then looked ove ron the stock shelf and saw the price.) Gamestop is the rip off king of games next to EB. it's why I shop at any other small video game shop and not the chains.
  9. It's all about Link. Has been for me since 1986 and always will be tillt he day I die.
  10. They're running all the epps on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim monday - thursday nights. No new epps but the same old ones with no edits. I have also seen Family Guy airing on TBS but don't know their actual schedule.
  11. And worst of all, the Wingers and Poki Go Beyblade kiddies will eat it up. Dark times are ahead, methinks. Perhaps it's better that the Gundam forums are all gone after all. What? You don't think old Gundam fans can stand kindergarden kids invading their forums to talk about collectable SD Gundam cards? That's a very scary thought. 1 more vote for a Gundam section. Consider it a tribute to the series which is a reason Macross exists. EDIT: On second thought it would be a bad idea. Imagine tons of kids signing up to MW just to discuss Gundam Wing.... Then getting wind of the rest of the boards!
  12. That would be the ultimate dishonor... Wrylac or BOK usurping Abombz moniker! Now that you guys mention it.... I can think of a a certain "vacant" username the trolls could use to start trouble... and I bet so can most of you. Now that you said that... I did see a "skullone" in the "who the hell are you" thread typed exactly as "skullone".
  13. Ah... Interesting. I wouldn't know that as I never edit. I'll ask Shawn to make it perminantly checked. What the hell is up with you and the edit button? Give it a rest already. Is that important for you to know who said what then changed it?
  14. I'm getting both. I liked the extras more on the regular Fellowship DVD than the extended version.
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