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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. oro? *knock on wood* mine is stil up and running You are on of the few lucky ones along with Jolly there. Like I am with my PS1 which even after being modded still works. Still, they aren't exactly the longest lasting systems made.
  2. Hey, Max, how is Tech Romancer? I never had a chance to play it and have a chance to get it super cheap. My PS2 (actually 2nd since the first stopped working despite limited use and good care) was more or less stolen from me and it never bothered me one bit. That's how much I was bored with the console.
  3. Pretty funny how everyone replied to Ladic with the same thing. I think the PS2 does so well is because no matter how many times a PS2 system stops working, there are people who go out and buy new systems. <_<
  4. Yeah, I was just reading that somewhere else. That really sucks. Ladic: it's funny that you say that. I was thinking the same earlier only I also remarked how terrible much of the PS2 library is.
  5. Based on the original.
  6. That is exactly whay I hated the film off the bat and could never possibly enjoy it and will always hate it. All that work in Aliens all for nothing. This film also seemed a bit too dependant on the use of explicit language.
  7. I have a friend who's more or less with the SIlent Hill games. He wrote a very good script for a possible movie and had been trying to sell it for some time. He's going to be crushed.
  8. Hey, Ian Holm is a great actor. Long before he was even a hobbit. I'm not so sure I should buy this set. How do I know 5 years or so from now there won't be another "special collector's set"?
  9. I was thinking the same thing. At least Lucas is showing some interest in continuity as far as style is concerned.
  10. I would hardly consider my interests as "obsessions". <_< Macross is just a minor past time of many of my past times.
  11. You've been watching Arjuna, haven't you? I like the concept of Blue Gender simply because the human race doesn't have any predators to keep it's population in check. So it was nice to see that idea explored a bit in an anime. However, I agree that the end did not make much sense. It didn't do much to explain Yuji's connection to the Blue and why only he could "communicate" with them. I totally understand how it does come off as a poor Starship Troopers wanna be at firts glance too.
  12. Why should anyone waste their time explaning? By calling the Game Cube a kiddie console you already proved you won't understand no matter what we tell you. Why is it better? Stable frame rate, better graphics, an actuall story, better characters, better track design, better sound... do I really need to go on? OMFG CELDA IZ SO FER KIDzzz!!!!!111 Well, now. I was going to say something pretty harsh but Abombz and Max's replies should suffice.
  13. I remember it. It was a decent series. I once had all epsiodes on tape but gave it away to a cousin of mine who's a comic book freak last year.
  14. No, the last episode was when planet Mars was "recunstructed" via some gravity device then soem strange unknown alien ship came and took the squad members while J.T. (?) stood back and watched as it all happened in space.
  15. LOL! Ditto!
  16. You are correct. I've forgoten most of the details but the creators were big Robotech/Macross fans. I liked the sereis myself bu it was never finished due to production problems towards the end. (and Nara Burns should have cut her arm off the moment she recieved that plant mutation shot)
  17. I've written to both Capcom of America, and then recently wrote a letter in Japanese to Capom of Japan. While I think that Dash/Legends was pure crap, Transmission wasn't that bad. I thought it was fun, once you got into it... it's just that only classic/X/Zero really feels like Megaman to me. And while the King levels in Megaman and Bass were ridiculously hard, I LOVED the game. I even collected all of the CDs. Actually I totally forgot about Transmissions. I didn't like it but I didn't hate it either. I dunno but Rockman and Forte felt different for me. I did like the gospel boost tho. Otherwise is felt very different from other games that were not X games. I haven't bothered getting the GBA version either. Count a vote for Pharoah Man as fave villan. Speaking of which, while I didn't care for the Mega Man cartoon but there was an episode where Pharoah Man starred in it. IN the cartoon Megaman had an annoying habit of stopping and saying "Now, I've got your power" whenever he knocked a bad guy long enough to steal his pwers. One time he did it to Pharroah man and only got to say "Now, I've got your p.." cuz Pharoah Man got up and punched the crap out of him. It just made me enjoy the great Pharoah evn more. LOL
  18. I did download them but I wanted to own the actual copies of the game (I'm like that with my colelction). It was either that or buy Tokyo Kid's arcade unit in Harvard Sq. Of cousre the release I want has to have all the tracks. I think Capcom would give a release 110% if they really were going to unlike many other companies. Capcom ahs been pretty good with the few rare CD soundtracks they have released out here even tho they were mainly Street Fighter dictated.
  19. It's about time. Mikeszekely, I can assume you also wrote a lengthy letter to Capcom begging for this years back? Best part about this is the inclusion fot he arcade games. I have often considered buying a NG Pocket Color just for Rockman The Power Battles port on it (as recently as yesterday!). Now I don't have to. Now if they would only release the soundtracks stateside. Oh, I hated hated HATED the Rockman Dash games. Moreso than Rockman and Forte (Megaman and Bass)
  20. Bah, Agent, EDIT my BUTTon!
  21. Everyone I know that pirates music would gladly pay a fee to download music. Its too late for CDs. We are living in a digital world. And I am a digital girl... er guy. That's why I'm really liking that deal Apple has going these days.
  22. You are all starting to scare me. My flashbacks of The Guyver are bad enough....
  23. You know....I have no idea. I think it mean I agree, or something. It means "For sure" and even"That's cool", 'that's alright', That's great" etc etc. EDIT: Nevermind, Isamu covered it.
  24. Hurin, that's because you cannot reason with a person who has abandoned reason to support an idea which is made up in his mind. I think the only way for him to truly understand what's wrong with his argument would be for the unspeakable to happen to any woman he cares about. From that perspective, things would be a whole lot clear to him. I'll stop here.
  25. I'm going to make this short as possible: 1. Getting an education does not mean rewinding 20 years but simply sitting your butt down and doing some research. You have the net at your finger tips. Use it. 2. The point of JsARCLIGHT's I'm talking about IS the social honor code of Japan that he even supports. So obviously it's not like it's comething I simply made up as you want to present it as. Not his rape story. If it's a load or crock then why don't you argue why he also supports it? 3. No sane enough woman on her own free will would sleep with a rapist and Myung is sane enough. Even if you wanted to simply point out that Myung could be in a very minute percantage of people reacting to rape it still wouldn't have anything to do with the overall story. I still want to know why is it so important to know if she was raped. Does it add anything at all to the story of Macross Plus? 4. I did post a link to RAINN.org. You may want to check it out as far as rape victims in the US go. 5. Since when did I ask how long you were in this thread? I simply question your motives for still arguing with ME on Japanese culture when you could have presented the exact same case to Js ARCLIGHT but you convieniently chose to ignore him. 6. To simply say "Myung slept with Guld after he raped her cuz she is messed up" without much thought or facts of such cases is BS. Sure Macross Plus was not some social study in post traumatic experiences such as rape but for people to just consider the idea as an after thought is terrible. Has anyone seriously considered how crazy Myung would have to be is she actually slept with her rapist? Sure it's just an anime but it's still no laughing matter and would be awful and irrespinsible writing on Kawamori's part. Of course I don't think he's irresponsible to lightly treat such a serious issue (and it very much is Japan) so I can only speculate on reasonings of the "fanboys" gathered here.
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