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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. Phew.... Ok, that makes alot more sense.
  2. Are you MAD!?! How can you sell them? If you do sell them I bet 10 years from now you will regret it. I love the guy's work even if I don't care for the Stand ALone Complex TV series. Still, how can you sell it? They are like timeless classics which you have to check abck to every once in a while.
  3. Heheh. This therad is funny. Rand, how do you manage to get yourself in these situations by asking such simple questions?
  4. Man, did you read the movie's plot? If you did can you make sense of how this will fit into the Alien movies continuity? If you can please tell me because despite all the comics, games and other spinoffs from the movies I've seen, they don't connect with this plot. Ok, now I know you didn't read most of that thread. Many were actually criticizing Halle's acting ability and just how bad the outfit looked. Not the film itself. Very few actually bashed the film right off.
  5. From Max: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!Max, are you sure you read all the replies before you conclude that is the only thing people are doing in these threads? I still say she's weak as a super hero actress. Halle as Storm was enough for me.
  6. In other words, you ARE clouded by the graphics! I've never ever ever considered putting away my SNES and I never will. I'll be 80 years old and still playing old games like Super Metroid when my grand kids will be telling me how lame the graphics are when they are teleported into the TV screen or whatever new technology will allow by then.
  7. I was only joking about the Jr crack. Notice it's what some seem to prefer to use as put downs where games are concerned. I thought the smiley would help get my point across. I guess not. Lighten up. <_< How can you say they are just not fun anymore? SOme of those games have higher replay values and more fun factor than many games coming out today. I have just recently replayed Luifa 2, Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong country 1 and 2 (even having remembered how much I hated the Web Woods level), Mega Man X2, and a bunch of others. I even popped in Ninja Gaiden, Super C and Double Dragon 2 which are far more difficult than most games these days (any of the NG and Contra games and the gears levels in DD). I still play Super Mario Bros 3 and even Duck Hunt (yes silly little Duck Hunt) because they are still FUN for me to play. My NES is still alive and kicking. I had actually boxe dit under my bed from 1996 to 99 after I beat Mega Man 6. I couldn't believe how much I missed playing all those old games for the sheer fun after many of the PSX and N64 games had very little replay value. I dusted off the NES and hooke dit back up. Have been replaying old great games ever since! You do speak only for yourself when you say they feel old and outdated. Graphics get out dated but never GREAT gameplay and just being FUN!
  8. Togo, you give far too much credit to FF7 where opening the doors in the US where RPGs are concerned. You forget another little Square RPG that introduced many to genre for the simple fact it starred Nintendo's biggest star, Mario. I'd say that RPGs were being more appreciated after Super Mario RPG and it opened the doors. FF7 simply fortified the genre in the states.
  9. I agree with you there to a certain extent. I think she's a good actress but terribly overrated and her Oscar win was nothing more than a politically correct sham. Had she not been cast in X-Men and made it 'big" she'd still be in the tabloids for that hit an run accident she had. Now, I do like her I just think she sucks as a super hero actress. She was just so terrible as Storm in the first X-Men film. There's alot more to Storm than being sexy in a tight outfit and throwing lightning bolts. Halle was miscast for the part and proved she didn't even appreciate the character of Storm when she kept whining about the wig through out the filming of X2. I'm not being bais because I wnated Angela Basset in the part but Halle really was a weak Storm. I also think she will make a pretty weak Catwoman. Besides as films go Michelle Pfeifer is the only Catwoman in my heart. Hey, Max Jenius, you gonna lecture us on how we bitch too much about movies again?
  10. *raises his hand* Me, for starters. If you want a much more likely and proven loss of eyesight you have to look no further than the electronic gizmo you're currently sitting in front of. Heh, I was gonna reply but JsArclight beat me with the wraning label I was gonna post. I don't think the Virtual Boy was the worst system because it at least had a few decent games. In fact many dead consoles like the Wonderswan handheld, the Nuon, and even the 3DO can at least boast about a decent lirbary even if it's just a handful of games. The Philips CD-i not only was a lame duck and rightfully dead it had ZERO decent games. (Note decent. Not even good)
  11. Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh... that's it. That game was addictive. It's a good game and why I still have it and my Saturn. Of my Saturn library I only really thoroughly enjoyed most titles by Working Designs and the Panzer Dragoon games. Radiant Silvergun is quite overrated for the price people pay for it these days.
  12. Are you talking about Dragon Force?
  13. Urban legend? How many people do you know who played a Virtual Boy for over 20 minutes and did not complain of a head ache, trouble focusing their eyes, or simply had a very hard time seeing afterwards? And wasn't Bonk the the named mascot of the TG-16?
  14. The Phillips CD-i "thing". I can't even refer to it as a console. While the Virtual Boy seemed to exist only to make children blind at an early age the CD-i only gets credit for having the 3 singles worst Zelda games in existence if anybody even wants to include them in as Zelda titles. Not to mention the worst and most obsure Super Mario title: HOTEL MARIO!!!! I won't go any further.
  15. HA! Speak for yourself, Jr. Actually, I remember very well what I enjoyed during my entire 22 year gaming history. Including a strange weekend in 1989 with my NES when my younger sister (who turned 21 this Sat) had a tough time with SMB 2. I think you are just clouded by new graphics and limited memory.
  16. A7, do the PC and Macs count as "other"? Is this strictly a home system/ console poll?
  17. The Super Nintendo. I've played more games than I could count since I first picked up an Atari 2600 joystick back in 1981. Since then I've been wowed at how far gaming has advanced in terms of game play and how technology has advanced the graphics. Yet out of all the consoles I've touched from the Atari 2600 (ALL of them except the Atari handheld Lynx) to the 3 top consoles of today, the era that stands out best in my mind is the Super Famicom/ Nintendo era. Many of it's games have withstood the test of time depsite the grahpics long being out dated. Sure, I've played some great game since then on all the major and "favored" consoles since then but the SNES is still IT for me. The fact the GBA is being made a portable SNES is pure bliss for me (except for the fact they have dumbed down a few great games like Breath of Fire 1, 2 and Zelda: Link to the Past). It's not nostalgia but the fact the SFC/SNES had many great titles for it. So great some are still being rereleased today. Some of Square's best titles on the PSone/PSX are SFC/SNES titles. It's a shame some great ones like Seiken Densetsu 3, Tales of Phantasia, Star Ocean and Terranigma never got an official releases here outside of emus. Sure the PSX and PS2 have it's share of great games that have come out in recent years but not at the sheer volumes the SFC/SNES had. Whether it was racing, RPGs, strategy, sims, shooters or good old fashioned platformers it hardly ever disappointed. It even managed to have a couple of first gen first person shooters and even "fake" 3D. There's no denying the Super Famicom. Nintendo was a top notch console and still leaves some of later consoles after it in pure shame by comparison. IMO, it's the greatest console of all time. EDIT: Guess where the Fighting Game genre as we know it today started.... The SUper Famicom. Nintendo!!!! BTW anybody know where I can get a Vectrex console super cheap? That I want back for pure nostaliga's sake.
  18. I like alot of things. What I don't like is Hollyweed (Thanks Abombz) messing with good things just to make a fast buck. That anything they make will be loved and accepted to the 18-35 crowd. So they are just digging up allt eh stuff we liked when we were kdis and teens and turnign them into movies that will suck. I remember the first time this project was announced some 12 years ago this month. I was excited and couldn't wait and thought the ideas they had then were pretty cool. Alot has changed since then and Hollyweed has changed alot too for the worst. Not much time and effort goes into making "summer blockbuster special effects action" films like they used to. In the past there was at least a decent plot and characters to go with the special effects and actions. This piece of shoe has neither. These days it takes a really great director, writer or any producer who's a big fan of something before it was a film to make it worth anything. It does not seem like this project has any of that either and Paul Anderson is already a step in the wrong direction as a director. The modern day plot idea is enough to show very little thought went into this. In other words: IT WILL SUCK!
  19. See, Effect, this is why I love you. That's why I can't believe a word that comes out fo the HG camp because what they have done as of now is very little for Macross (that includes the DVD release which barely has any advertising for these days if any). You understand the reasons why the so called "hardcore Macross fans" do not believe HG wants the original Macross to co-exist with Robotech. You pretty much listed all of what they could do if they really wanted to without insulting the fans by claiming the fans would get confused. Still they have only shown that they wish to claim all that is Macross so they may bury it and promote only Robotech. The small mentioning of Macross on RT.com are just forms of covering their butt to give the illusion of their support of Macross IMO. I've often stated they could release a whole new dub unedited which is closest like they had originally intended (even witht the sorry corny Macross theme music). Thanks, Effect, for being an open minded RT fan who's not out to strictly defend HG's actions no matter what.
  20. That's a goood question I'd like to know the answer to myself. A few years ago I wrote to them regarding that and they replied by telling me that it was a consideration and highly possible in conjunction for the Xenosaga release. Of course it never happened...... Yeah, I forgot about Vagrant Story. That was the third Square game I found truly worth it in my top 10 list. FFT and Front Mission titles I only recommend to those who love stragety/battle sim RPG games. I notice that the casual RPG gamer of today's age find them too hard. <_<
  21. You mean so long as it hasn't been opened and messed with inside. Something about a strip being removed which shouldn't. The Gamestop nearby checked for that and wouldn't take it. I talked to the EB store clerk and he inquired baout that as well. I have 3 PS2 consoles on my bedroom floor that my friends broke in one way or another. None can be sent to EB or Gamestop. I can repair two of them by replacing the lens but one is definately a goner.
  22. Yeah... but when you walk in a movie so bad, it gives you a feeling of dread.... you will wish you had clicked on those movie threads. B) If I'm ignorant I won't even know if the movie exists at all even when it's in theaters. That's how I feel about this and the GI Joe film. I would rather not know the ideas were even conceived. <_<
  23. Because it's hard to find. It wasn't really popular in it's first run, so not many went out. But then it refused to die after they quit making it. The price bounced down when Square shipped a second run, but it's bounced back up again since then. And to think I sold 3 brand new copies total on MW back in 01. JBO, actually most of us from the NES days know Square made Rad Racer along with some very subpar games. It's really the casual gaming generation of the PS1 game fans who don't. It was no wonder back then when they were going bankrupt and created their first (and should have been last with that title) Final Fantasy game. I agree with you that Square is just another video game company and not that special. Despite my 2 top RPGs being Square games, they only have 3 games in my top 10. I was a bit shocked at the amount of "Squareheads" in the FF 72 thread but surprised I haven't seen more here. Only Square games I really recommend are Xenogears and the SNES Chrono Trigger.
  24. I really have to stop clicking on these new movie threads......... There are somethings I'd prefer to be ignorant of.
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