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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. That's exactly what I mean. A couple were treating her like she's hideous when she's not. So she's not drop dead gorgeous like some other actresses. It doesn't make her ugly and needs to star on that ABC plastic surgery show.
  2. Hey wait a minute, I take offense to that... I'm shallow AND I like Carrie-Ann Moss! The fact you like her despite her umm... shortcomings means you aren't as shallow as you think.
  3. Yup. The outfit is just trashy.
  4. Haha, I like how you are complete farking uninformed jackass. So I guess you personally know everyone's gender, right? Who the hell are you calling a "He"?
  5. Oh stop, you know she's an ugly. She's not ugly. Ok, so she'd never win Ms Universe (maybe it's the nsoe) but she's not ugly.
  6. There's nothing wrong with a purple helmet. It's just that particular shade of purple that's ugly. In fact I always hated yellow helmets as well. Too damn bright.
  7. Wow, the shallow men don't like Carrie Ann Moss. Whoopee-dee. <_
  8. Clones/Cloning.... <_
  9. You think that's bad? Imagine being a female who loves guns. I find it doens't take long to get labeled "butch" or worse just for sharing. Offline it tends to scare men away. Alas, I did eventually give my dad my collection for safe keeping when I decided to rid my license for firearms. The temptation to hunt some morons down and shoot them was too great. Far difficult to think "harming" someone with a more personal weapons such as katanas.
  10. That's what I thought. He turned her into some kind of hermaphrodite hybrid by mixing her with his body.... Yuck! It was terrible. Imagine if one of you guys were possessed by a female entity and she took away your Pink Pecker Squadrons? Absolutely terrible.
  11. Notice my strainuous effort to stay silent..... <_<
  12. For some reason I hold Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi on some different level. I can't figure it out... That's probably because they can run circles around all the other women on and OFF the camera. Actually, I agree. I think that's why Thelma and Louise was the only movie where the women kinda struck me as "real" action heroes because they were not over the top like super heroes.
  13. Really? THe first epsiode was ok amd the second put me to sleep. Never bothered to view the rest of it.
  14. Exo, where's the Mighty Michelle Yeoh in your list?
  15. OMG! The McDonald one is hilarious!
  16. I'm going to see this tomorrow morning. There's a special viewing going on right now at the university but I can't make it to see it.
  17. LOL I was just about to say that.
  18. Hmmm... actually, the character in question is the bridge bunny to be featured in the upcoming Macross PS2 game. If I'm not mistaken, the Harry Porter books are out already, so anything is possible. Oh, sorry I didn't specify. I wa stalking about the Basara references. I think whoever is designing the game is a Harry Potter fan. It would be cool if Rowling was a Macross fan.
  19. Ever heard of something called importing? Ever notice not all members here are americans? And that some of them can speak and read japanese, meaning they could have played those games already. Just because you can't play them now, doesn't mean other members haven't played them already. Then explain to me why FFT Advance isn't on the list either. Its a completly different game from FF Tactics, and it should have been there. And for the record.... neither is FF3 but due to some miracle.... it made it into the poll. Nah, to him only elitists do that.
  20. Old news but a new link from the old board is always good.
  21. The only upcoming movie I want to see him in is King Conan but it does not look like it will ever happen now.
  22. Hello... Harry Potter came AFTER Macross 7 and well after the original Macross. <_< It's just a coincedence that the actress who plays Hermione Granger's name is really Emma. If anything this would suggest JK Rowling is a Macross fan.
  23. Not really. That's how I got Metroid Fusion long before it was released. Unfortunately I haven't seen any of those kits (and I don't mean the e-reader like some may think) on the market anymore. Did Nintendo make some kind of injunction against them? Lan Kwei even took them off his site. It's also how I've been playing Rockman Zero 2 while I wait for the US release. But, what I meant was that there are emulator programs out there for the GBA, too, and I'm not talking about the kind that let you play GBA games on the PC. I mean the kind that let you play NES and what not on the GBA. I know. For a while I was determined to make my GBA a mini NES and SNES. Very tricky to set up the SNES games due to the lack on control buttons. That's what I figured. Thanks for the details. I'm not looking to buy one as I already have one. Just wondering why they seemingly vanished off the market.
  24. Yet, it has a political agenda..... Personally I tend to find men who are "over buliking" to be extremely unattractive. Especially with veins being so visible and popping out of the skin. Ewww.
  25. Why didn't they photoshop the correct open missle hatches onto Miriya's Quadrano while they were at it? Everything they do is half-assed and always will be.
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