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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. That's how I feel. Super Smash Bros Melee keeps coming to my mind. 3D but 2D gameplay. Playing as Samus in Adventure mode in the Metroid stages looks just find on that console. MMX7 should have been set up more like that.
  2. OMG!! Take that back!!! This is my 4th fav series of all time and in a way I've come to despise the 2040 version.
  3. What makes you think they will or can actually do anything about it? For one thing, they legtimately own Mospeada without any question yet I still see HK boots of the thing on ebay all the time. Let's not even get into the tons of Macross bootlegs being sold in their "supposed" market for years now. HG can't do a damn thing. Still, someone would have to be dirt poor or extremely cheap to even consider buying boots to already inferior quality DVDs.
  4. And here I was lookign specifically for you tonight. Just make sure you get your things back even via court orders if things do not work out with your wife. Not because they are yours but a drug addict will sell off anything to buy more drugs. Kanata, best of luck.
  5. That's a good question. I thought it was because Bill Murray is "out" and Bernie Mac was "in" and popular at the time.
  6. I choose none. Most anime are just fine the way they are and don't need to be live action. I not even going to read this thread as I'm sure somebody has already made this very same point.
  7. Yep. That's why I taped the extended version off DirectTV PPV. Just to have a seamless version. Kieth, you had better rethink that. Jackson said on the Fellowship Director's commentary that he may release another DVD version of the films with the deleted scenes and other extras (like bloopers). Yeah, it's silly and pissed me off when he said it.
  8. You beat me to it. I love Amano's anorexic, pale druggie style.
  9. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways.
  10. I was booted cuz I wasn't cool enough too hang with the HG brainwashed crowd. B) For something I didn't even say to boot. Oh, no, no no, no, NOOOOO. That's not why he got demoted and he was around at the old Battlefield board bashing Lebhead. I'll tell you all about it via PM.
  11. I remember another poster, who long ago vowed to give us all a "Cold Hard Dose of Reality." I sense something. A presence I've not felt since.... Tell me about it. I mean really.....
  12. I vote the DVD will be unrated and that scene will have 2 angles. One in color and the other in black and white.
  13. Easy. The kind of parent that's not a parent at ll but then will try to sue the film and video game industry should their child ever commit a violent crime. <_<
  14. My sister was complaining about that too. I figured that O-ren has her own well funded private "Winter-time room". My sis concluded it was simply added because it looked nice and is a cliche used in many Japanese films (swordfight in snow) and was there for the hell of it.
  15. But you can't create anything without the watermark logo on it. This version is for those who want to dabble and experiment with it. Before even to get Maya Complete you were basically "renting" it as it would expire after a while. They stopped that nonsense so anyone who buys it can actually "own" a copy now without paying ridiculous prices.
  16. I was thinking the same thing but then Hot Shots 2 is a parody of the very scene he described.
  17. But what will you do to him?
  18. That and simply using smaller fonts in the closing credits... There is no excuse for not giving credit where it is due. I have yet to see character or mecha designs credited in even the comic books unless I've missed them.
  19. Do you really think it's worth having both sets? I have a pre-order of the Japanese set (Limited Edition). I don't think I'll be getting the Disney set.
  20. That's exactly how I feel.
  21. Are some of you saying you actually had no idea about the Perfect Collection tapes? They were all over the place when they were released. They were at every anime store I stepped foot in. Advertised in at least Protoculture Addicts and even on the back of Robotech Pefect CD soundtrack. Unbelievable. Any of you who ahve the Robotech soundtrack set open it up and look at the inner back page. You'll see a VHS set ad with Misa/Lisa and Hikaru/Rick from episode 27 in black and white. Mind you, I think the original year of release for the CD was 1996 or as early as 95. Streamline distributed the Perfect Collection VHS sets. (May have distributed the first set of the CDs too)
  22. Huh? 1stBRD, are you saying if you had a domestic release of Southern Cross you'd stop liking Robotech and switch to just the SC release (sans RT)? That's what it sounds like. That your only interest in RT is the fact it SC is currently only available as a part of it.
  23. Vostok, and Yohsho, they aren't listed as problems. Just cliches.
  24. I always thought ID4 was a model of "excellence" for using overused cliches and where people were a third of what was listed. Especially the hax0r and ace pilot stuff.
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