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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. man, that is excatly I was thinking when I saw that last night. First thing I thought was "It's Milton!!" then I noiced he had a weird shaped ass and seriously needed a cup. Hilarious and dangerous to eye sight indeed.
  2. Sure, if you not only like parodies, also understand the source of the parody and don't give a damn about actually following the correct dialogue and story of the anime you're watching.
  3. Previously on the old boards, I reviewed Manga Video's butchered version. And I don't want to talk about that particular version anymore. Amen, brother. I just also recently got my Dangaio bootleg DVD untill I can track down a used R2 release.
  4. I can't believe you guys actually tried to watch that. Seed isn't even a good Gundam show. Let alone what CN has done to it. I didn't even need to read this thread to know what CN would do. The one time in recent weeks I actually watched Adult Swim was a very disappointing InuYasha episode. The dubbing was horrendous and heavily edited. To top it off someone at CN thought it would be funny to scribble mustashes, black eyes, and glasses etc on the faces of the characters through out this episode. That was all it took to seal the deal for me to never watch anime again on CN. Not even for a moment A shame really cuz years ago when Adult Swim was being put together I had alot of high hopes when Cowboy Bebop was aired with very little editing. Made Toonami look like a joke. Now any anime on that network is a joke. So I'm sure whatever of Seed they air is a joke too. (I will never watch this Knights of the Zodiac crap I've heard about because I love my Saint Seiya too much)
  5. See. That's a typical soldier's life for you. Perspectives tend to change after working with those who have been involved in actual combat (except in my case because I'm fascinated with my own mortality and others). Glad you enjoyed the second film. Graham's right about the colored fght. After you see it you'll never want to see it in black and white again. blain said: That's not weird. I love violent films but I also have a big soft spot for movies like the Sound of Music and Disney's butchered version of The Little Mermaid. Your GF, A1's GF and I aren't weird. Just "cultured" enough to appreciate a variety of things.
  6. My goodness. You'd think that after all this time if I thought you as:"You guys are too stupid to know a good movie from bad one." I would have said all that as by now one would think you know I'm very blunt and frank and have NO trouble telling you or anybody else on here exactly what I think. I do wonder if some of you had your own open minded expectations or really just were giving into the media hype (which we all know hype tends raise expectations for no reason). I guess what should have just asked is why on earth do people always give into the media hype and only the hype without the single possible thought a movie just may suck no matter who directs it. Remember the days when John Carpenter was all the rage? Then there are those who talk about they could not picture Uma as a swordsman because she had sort of a Barbie prissy girl image to them (and it's not just here at MW). So ia sked if they could do better if they want perfect so badly. Or even realism. Ya know I don't believe Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was at all realistic but the American audiences and critics embraced it while foreign audiences and critics weren't so kind. I also wonder why that is. And ya know what... It DOES get very irritating after a while of reading the same complaints over and over again which have to do more with the weird looking director's past style than the actual merits of the film itself. So I'll apologize for being a bit harsh. Again if I was thinking you guys sucked then I would have told you in those very same words.
  7. Well, I'm not the type to think "people suck" just because they don't agree with me. I'm actually a bit offended you could think me as one of those kind of people. I enjoy life better when people don't agree with me and respect my opinion than those who would say they do just to avoid any kind of confrontation. Those are the people I think "suck" for not voicing their own opinions. I think you may enjoy this film as it's very different from the first. Lots of dialogue expanding the characters and the story and only "some blood' in the fight with Elle. Mech, I guess I must have been sleeping under a rock because I haven't witnessed anybody worshipping her. Aside from Tape and Kill Bill I don't recall any film I've seen her in and liked it enough to remember it (PF doesn't count as it's undeserving of it's status). I was never expecting realistic fight sequences. That's really hard to do when the director had the intention of paying homage to and mocking alot of previous movies with very unrealistic sequences (Fist of the North Star). Otherwise, I think we are in agreement.
  8. Don't be a ridiculous baby full of sour grapes, Jason. Your presence is not what pisses me off. You're like a tiny tack in the middle of a pile of tacks pricking my finger as I shuffle through the pile regarding this issue. You're just one person of many I've heard complaining about elements in previous films lacking in this one. I don't like this film because it was made by Tarantino either. Of his past movies the only one I really liked was Jackie Brown and I thought PF was terribly overrated. So I suppose I had an advantage here by not expecting "too much" when I learned more of the upcoming KB films 15 months ago. I was not looking for a masterpiece. Just looking to be entertained and I was. mechamaniac said: Maybe I'm forgiving of Uma's "crapass swordplay" because I'm a long time practicioner of kendo (a total of 7 years tho quite sporadic in training) an I have to say it's hard. It's really F'n hard. Especially if you're a female who lacks the upper body strength needed to perfom certain disciplines. While I've had a whole decade to train and adapt, Ms Thurman did not. So I can appreciate the effort she put into it without taking that aspect for granted! I didn't need you to add that tidbit of your training and interest in Japanese culture because for the most part, all of us here have the same interests. Plus the fact you've mentioned your training before. Still, that won't sway me to believe you actually appreciated the effort she put forth into the film.
  9. I saw this film last night and again today for a second viewing. I liked it last night and loved it today. I don't know what the hell people expect of Tarantino. I don't know why people expect artists to stick to a certain style rather than change and evolve in their work. I would be pretty pissed is people expected all my works to be the same and never have an range over time. I don't get why people here won't allow Tarantino as a film maker to grow and test the waters. It also seems some people saw either Kill Bill with closed minds because they already didn't like the established style of Tarantino and expected the very same all over again. What you expect from Tarantino... Or is it what you bought into the overall media, the hype, and shallow expectations dictated by the media of what a Tarantino film should be? Yeah, their were lots of flaws as a martial arts film but I've seen plenty otehrs as well in 99% of American made films anyways. In fact this was much better than 99% of films made today with all for it's shortcomings. Definately better than Hellboy or the predictable Punisher. It wasn't long ago people were laughing when they heard Keanu Reeves was taking martial arts for a film and he was still ridiculed after that filmw as released (ya know that little movie about a guy in virtual world called the Matrix). Now Uma's not good enough on the screen. Damn, I'd sure like to see you anime watching, couch potatoe boys do better in some real training! My only gripe is that I was expecting more gunplay but instead got very little (despite the use of my favorite gun, the shotgun) gunplay. Otherwise solid film that has a story (unlike what some bitched about the first) and I'll be waiting for an un abridged DVD release. EDIT: I never thought of Superman from the angle the movie tackled. Then I suppose to some of you only a comic book fan or Superman junkie could "get" the insight of Bill's analogy.
  10. Ditto what he said. I wa shoping Spidey would be better looking this time around but he looks more play-doh than ever.
  11. Wait! I've ehard the Vol 1 DVD doesn't have much at all in extras and pale sin comparison to the overseas release. Most likely Trantino will release a dual movie set (ya know one of those Special Ultimate Superbit 5 Star Criterion Collector's Edition) sometime in the future with everything. Might as well wait for that. Also hoping a box set comes out for the Matrix as I refuse to buy any of those films seperate and extra DVDs seperate.
  12. Thanks guys for all the input. Sounds like it was a great episode.
  13. Quick one? RIP Gayel. Even more people in the hotel are dying. Mastermind behind the virus is one of Jack's old wartime buddies. Jack and Chase end up at MI:6 (L.A Division) and get ambushed by Sommers helicopter. They acquire the hard drive (with vital information) and take it back to CTU headquarters. Sommers wants Ryan Chappelle killed. Kim nees a haircut. The President is now Sommer's biatch. Thanks. At this point I'll take a balck wig for Kim rather than that flat mop do of hers.
  14. I have a general question about Tokyo Pop's soundtrack releases. Normally I import soundtracks with the exception of Pioneer releases but Tokyo Pop's been coming out with alot of stuff. Are they worth getting because I hear they don't release all the available tracks form a show/series. I know their FF9 CD was a let down for me because many tracks were left out. Also the GTO soundtrack didn't contain any of the opening and closing themes like L'arc En Ciel's "Driver's High". Are all their releases like that? Thanks.
  15. Hey, I missed 24 the other night. Can someone please give me a quick plot summary? Thanks.
  16. Hmm.. Am I the only one next to Radd that didn't care for Naruto? Other than the fact it makes a great example for animation students the whole thing is pretty weak.
  17. I played this game for a good part of last night to get the feel of it. So far my only beef is the camera. I the difficulty is a welcome change. Most games lately seem to have been pussified from their originals and very easy. This game is the opposite. Did bring abck fond memories when I played the original trilogy and how happy I was when I had beat them all. They were all very hard but easy to master once you learned the pattern of enemies appeared and moved in. So far this one is turning out quite the same. Abombz, thanks for the tips the other day. So far the game hasn't sucked but you were right about the story. Ninja nonsense!
  18. low ratings killed that show. Partly. That was the first blow with all the very early morning time slots. The suit from Toriyama was the final straw that kille dit completely. I don't think anybody even knows what has happened to the TV series license now.
  19. Thanks but that's not the right one. The one I'm looking for is 32 episodes long and from 1988 to 1990. (Saban aired 13 episodes here under Dragon Warrior but didn't finish it cuz Toriyama sued them)
  20. Doesn't anything from Hong Kong that's in VCD format usually mean it's a bootleg? This one certainly looks it with all the inconsistent art.
  21. From what I understand (haven't watched Eva in over 5 years) Second impact was when/the result of Adam reverting into an embryo despite that it says the Angels were all from Lilith. When that happened the other "attacking" angels (including Kowaru) were all created from Adam and seperated into individual angels from him during 2nd Impact. Don't know if this counts for each Angel but it seemed to in Kowaru's case. The Angels were trying to return to Adam believing he was in Terminal Dogma and thus attacked NERV HQ. Evidence to support this is Kowaru's age of 14 (he was born the year of 2nd Impact) and was found in the sea as his last name Nagisa translated suggests. A process that may not have been very different from the first Impact when humans (Lilim is a term that can describe the ANgels too, no?) were created from Lilith. How exactly 2nd Impact was triggered or what made Adam seperate is a mystery. Most likely the work of the team Misato's father was a part of. My guess is they poked Adam with the Lance of Longinus discovering the pwer it had over Angels. At least that's what I got from it. Haven't brushed up on Eva in years.
  22. That's not Mega Man music. It's one of the 3 themes from Rad Racer for the NES. (Ya know old Squaresoft racing game you could play in 3D)
  23. No. Why would they do that when they can bitch about you guys behind your backs on other boards? All of this is pointless tho.
  24. Anyone want to purchase a like new SC2 for PS2? PM me if you are interested. I need to reduce my playing hours of this game so I'm keeping only the GC copy.
  25. Yes, and that's the way it should be. Before yesterday I would never have even dreamed of posting a Rainbow Brite topics or any of it's nature because in reality I don't care for those shows like I did 16 or so years ago. If some people want to discuss them then they should be free to since it is within the MW guideline. I efuse to accept "It's Rainbow Brite" as n answer when far more lamer topics have been permitted. I'd like to know so that I know in advance not to post a "She-Ra" topic in the future.... <_<
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