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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. Actually the lastfew seasons were really bad for him. First he was just an average every day kid that did some stupid things. THen once he got into college he was made into a complete idiot which made you wonder how he ewven got into college but by the alst 2 seasons he was just insane. Particularly the last 8 or so epsiodes where I just waited for him to be carted off to a mental institute. Hist stupidity was suppsoed to help ratings but it ahd the opposite effect. I know as far as "teenie boppers and girl fans in general it made the character stop being "cute". Back to this topic. This series if it ever gets off the ground will flop big time. Everyone who said Lucas doesn't care is right. This thing is just an after thought to him.
  2. Damn, I didn't know I had strolled into CouchPatato.com. You guys watch a hell of alot of TV. The only shows I watch are Malcolm in the Middle and Family Guy. Anything else I watch on occasion like Six Feet Under (only cuz Mey will strangle me if I don't), South Park, That 70s Show and the Simpsons. Everything else is on DVD/TiVo, bit torrent etc and they are mostly imported anime.... Father of The Pride (which I think is lame) I *had/have to watch* it in post production so I'll never watch that on TV.
  3. Or the title Yogurt gave it himself.... "God willing we may all meet again... in Spaceballs II: The Search For Money." Wes, beat me to it. But does anyoene sle think this idea is lame?
  4. Are you serious? It's happen many times before. Even to a certain series with "Super Dimension" in the title. (Don't worry it wasn't Macross as that one got an extended run)
  5. I'm Stewie....... Victory is mine!
  6. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7479 Search function.......
  7. Maybe Soundwave but Hasbro is reluctant to market Megatron as a gun. Yeah, cuz guns are bad and Decepticons are not.....
  8. You talking about the stupidity with Rogue in X-men? Or you just like the color Rouge?
  9. Your post made ZERO sense form top to bottom. 1) What the flipping HEYULL does Arcadia have to do with your inability to stop acting M7's the epitome of "gayness" like being gay is thw orst thing int he world. (Not that the Pink Pecker Squad isn't) 2) What the bloody FLUCK does my gender have to do with me saying you are sounding really homophobic in regards to M7's "gayness"? And your over the top comments display that. 3) Your chin is bigger than Leno's (that's very unattractive to me) and your ego makes you about as attractive as a 3 foot tall naked midget with hairy cactus legs and a rubber chicken tied to his genitals screaming "SEE ME PICK UP CHICKS!!!". Confidence is one thing but the a head the size of Nebraska yet lacking balls of the same size to match with it is another. EDIT: Don't bother using the reverse psychology approach. Shant work.
  10. You took the words out of my mouth but since Jessica Alba is Invisible Woman, it wouldn't make sense to pair her up with soem old guy. Marvel it out of control.
  11. Musical suggestions mentioned thus far. Buckaroo banzai. Check. Springtime for Hitler. Check. Tora, Tora, Tora!! Check. Krull. Check. Tron. Check. Any more?
  12. It's weird but here in Savannah, Ga we've missed every single hurrivane thus far...... They either go inland past us or off the coast straight into the Carlinas.
  13. So I wasn't dreaming. I've seen a total of 3 episodes of TFA. The first two which turned me off of the series and then this episode. Only I thought I had Macross on the brain and was seeing things. However, it's quite possible Hasbro can get away with that since Macross license is such a mess right now due to those "not minding the store".
  14. Sounds like it's time to recall ALL the unsold DVDs to correct that scene and release another version that's even better.
  15. Ya know, John, has anyone told you you seem tres homophobic lately (as in today)? There are many more subtle ways you can suggest to someone to avoid Macross 7 without sounding like a rabid homophobe of Pink Pecker Squadrons.
  16. Hey, when dealing with new Macross fans can you try not to sound so negative? You want to scare them off with lines like the one in bold? It was mentioned, so I commented. If the first Macross someone sees is M7 it is a poor representation of what Macross has to offer. I just said to see it last or skip it, because (I feel) it is the lamest thing on Earth, a vortex of lame from which there is no escape. That's not what I mean. My point is the way you said it could scare him from Macross altogether.
  17. Give it time and you'll see.
  18. You think that's something? You'd be surprised how many guys I know int heir late 20s/early 30s that still collect GI Joes and other figures like that and play with them.
  19. Yeah, tell me about it..... Congrats, Kevin. She's beautiful.
  20. True but even the chip has it's downside. It will eventually eat your PS2 to it's death.
  21. You know that's the only thing appealing to me about it to justify getting it and I've been looking at it all day. It makes the swap trick loading boots for imports that easier. I ahd to modify my PS2 to be a top loader. This simplifies everything as a portable player.
  22. I haven't and won't be buying the set (consideirng the shoddy packaging that maybe the way to go). However, you're right that he does own it and can do whatever he pleases with it. Just like how I'm not buying it. Oh and neither am I getting a bootleg if that's what anyone's thinking.
  23. Thanks, that explains alot. I hope you don't REALLY believe that's the only reason he changed it. Like I told BSU elsewhere, don't give me any artistic integrity BS. This coming from someone who learned way more than she needed to know from the man himself and has come to regret it. Resulting in a difficult time enjoying a childhood fandom. I use Robotechies (diehard RT fans) because they always manage to find a way to justify the changes whether good or bad. In the end things for creative and artistic purposes have NOTHING, NADA, ZERO. ZIP to do with it. EDIT: For the record I was never that big of a Star Wars fan either but more of a fan of Darth Vader's character.
  24. Hey, when dealing with new Macross fans can you try not to sound so negative? You want to scare them off with lines like the one in bold?
  25. As far as praising him as an artist (as opposed to a whore) for his gumption on this issue, I think that's a bit more praise than is deserved. By that rationale, your assuming that offering the original cut of the films would have cost fans more money. I say it could easily be done. If the Aliens box can retail at $80 with 9 discs (including 2 cuts of 4 films + extras), why couldn't SW offer a similar value? And really... the guy sells Star Wars sheets, underoos, comics, books, toothbrushes, Taco Bell cups, Burger King glasses, and a million other products... if you think us voracious "fans" who want to watch an older cut of a movie would be the difference between artist and whore, then you really have some priorities out of whack, Maxie. Ok, I take back what I thought. Blaine, you at least DO know what you're talking about but you were harsh on Max. You should have just let him think whatever he wants like I did because that's how some Star Wars fans are. Hell, they are all over the net today.
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