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Everything posted by Jemstone
Good review. I saw this a couple weekends ago (and then the first episode again alst weekend) and I couldn't agree more. Too far few laughs in betweenand mroe fan service than anything. It did however make me wonder if the companies involved producing this thing even really respect their fans and fellow otaku.
Ya know, haterist, you are trying too hard. Too damn hard. You look foolish there, bud. Yankees got their ass handed to them in the most humiliating way ever in baseball history and it was their own fault. I can't understand how you can crush a team 19 to 8 and beat them 3 in a row and then get murdered the way they did. Dunno but it happened to your Yanks. Just accept it and quit being a whiney ass baby about it. Now if only the White Sox could bet their act togetehr (87 years ince their last championship) and of course the Cubs (96 years since their last championship).
Yankees and their fans.......
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Jemstone replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Totally understand and agree. It's actually what's fueling ym anger. I wouldn't be having the trouble I'm goign thru with n00bs if Gunbuster had been released. Many of these guys don't know what it is and can't just go to the store and pick it up unless they do an extensive search for the US Rendition tapes. This is all Mangle's fault!! -
Same here. It was more fun watching the wars going on there. Wars which had later resumes on RT.com against Walker and Thomassen.
I can't stand the Yankees more than I care for the Sox so I've been on cloud 9 since they choked and may have ushered in the "Curse of A. Rod". This just sweetend everything. I didn't get any sleep last night because relatives back in Boston kept me phone ringing off the hook all night (and I have to eb up at 7 am every monring). I admit I'm somewhat upset I couldn't be in my hometown to enjoy it last night but afre further thought I think it's a good thing I'm not in Boston. The next couple of days will be surreal for them. BoSox fans will be wandering the streets in a haze not quite sure what to do with themselves after it has all sunk in. Now itt's tiem for the White Sox and Cubs. Whites haven't won since 1917 and the cubs.... well it's been 96 years since their last World Series. But damn, I ahd a greta night last night. First Peter O'Toole gives me permission to call him "Shamus" then the Sox win under a lunar eclipse. Don't get any better than this.
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Jemstone replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I HATE THE NEW SERIES!!!!!!! Why? Because it is infesting the local anime club here. Unfortuanetly new fans who aren't familar with the original are looking at this series and thinking thatg THIS POS is what the the Gunbuster series are all about. It's worst than tragic. Anyways, I just stormed out of a "Bring Your Own Anime Night" showing because for the final series someone (not just anyone omsone but the Anime Club President who is SUPPOSED to know better!!! ) picked that stupid crap. Of course the n00bs are gonna eat it up cuz it has cute girls with bouncing jugs but the ooriginal which si a true classic will have gone completely over their heads!!! ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! -
Ahem.. AHEM.......
Um I did say I didn't think it was a good show... just that I had fun watching it cause I can laugh at it... its corny and it's a nostalga thing... The Simon Belmont in Captain N has nothing to do with the character in the Castlevania games as far as I'm concerned... the show was so totally off anything from any of the games they are not even worth comparing. Did King Hippo in Punch-out have blue skin? Was the main character of "Kid Icarus" even named Kid Icarus? No he was named Pit. Did Mother brain have a lair ON metroid? Was Metroid a place? I thought it was a lifeform. Even the comics which did a much better job... were pretty far off... lets face it Gameland... isn't the land of our games... the fact that Kevin even understands whats going on shows he isn't from our earth, cause if he was playing the same games as us he'd wouldn't be able to say "I've played this game before the warpzone to metroid is here!" He'd be scratching his head and wondering what the hell was going on. But back then I'd never heard of any of those games much less played them... that cartoon was my first exposure to Megaman, Castlevania, Metroid, Punch-out and scores of others. And you just hit on a really good point, the Zelda Cartoon had great music... mostly redone themes from the games... and some of the episodes (a very few of them) were actually pretty good. I had played Zelda before but it's not like the first game had developed characters... you had a guy in green who had to collect the triforce, defeate the evil wizard and rescue the princess and that is exactly what the cartoon gave us... not on the epic level Zelda desreves but on a cartoony silly level that fit most american cartoons of that era. I think you missed the part in my last post were I said these WERE NOT good shows... but there is a nostalga factor and I can laugh at them. Ahem.... What exactly are you still arguing and why did you even question why I picked both shows IN THE FIRST place if all you were going to do is practically repeat what I said? Are you arguing with me for the sake of arguing or was your first reply to me not a defense of those shows?
God, man are you listening to yourself? Do you realize what you've just said to support your argument? Why shouldn't we like the first hero in a long running GREAT series of games? Cuz Nintendo is stupid and thought to make him an idiot? Konami should have sued for defamation of a great video game character.... Obviously whatever game Lana was from failed badly because everyone I've asked who seem to have been playing games since birth have no idea either (and I can think back to 87-89 when I played at least 150 games and still have no recollection of an "important" Princess Lana. There's just no defending the the Zelda cartoon (which I have the entire season on tape and about 5 episodes on DVD since it's all about the music) and one word could describe Zelda in it; TEASE! You know the shows are pathetic yet you still support them? What am I missing here that's not making sense to me?
You took the words out of my mouth. What a cruel way to wake up this morning.....
You mean to tell me you actually LIKE "arrogant, big-chinned pretty boy"Simon Belmont who wasn't even heroric and a flying talking Game Boy console midget Mega Man and a Princess that had nothing to do with anything previous with games? Or even a "Mother Brain" that sounded like she was rejected from the Little Shop of Horrors Broadway Play? I could go on but that's just some of the faults. So far the only good thing I saw which was ok about it wa sthat it had Pit and he wasn't a loser like most of the characters were made out to be. Talking about losers..... Link was the epitome of a girl crazy loser and Zelda was a bitch. Often times for no good reason even if she every once in a while had reason to for putting up with that incarnation of Link. Plus you could only here "Excuuuuuuuuse me, Princess" so many times before rolling your eyes. I really appreciated the existence of this cartoon but it also summed up to me how Nintendo in general as a company feels about American audiences.
You mean ala Flash Gordon? If so I don't see how.....
I liked Bionic Six tho it was cheesey at times. I think it may have been the first animated super hero cartoon that fetaured a pretty multi-racial family. I used to wonder who would win in a match race. Rock-1 or Cheetera from Thundercats. EDIT: Another horrible show, oh yes, add USA's Highlander starring "Quinton McCloud". Can't forget that one. Also Cartoon Network's airing of Sailor Moon S was very painful thanks to bad voice acting and horrible editing.
Pretty short list. Many games have caught my attention but very few I could play non-stop. The Legend of Zelda A Link to The Past: I had beaten this game like 20 times before I even realized you could talk to certain trees among others things. Super Mario Bros 3 It doesn't matter if it's 1 player mode or 2 players mode playing old Mario Bros style mini games. It never gets old. Most Megaman/Rockman games excluding Legends and EXE I once played a Megaman marathon starting if Megaman 1 thru 8 then the X series thru 5. Could do it again easy. Street Fighter II series Don't think I need to explain. How many years was it before the official sequel simply titled "Three" came out? Contra 1 My sis and I have spent 8 hours straight replaying it over and over and over.... Super Smash Bros Melee multiplayer/tournament mode It really is the only way to get the most out of this game. Tetris virtual crack!
Max, don't try to be a smart mouth. It may seem like that but that's not the case. I can also list many shows that were decent and or good for their time. Heck I thougth He-Man, GI Joe, Visionaries, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, the ever favorite MASK and even the Smurfs were decent for their time. I also found all of the Disney shows eitehr good or decent with the exception of Bonkers. I think you and many on here actually forget just how many TV shows aired on TV and what I listed is quite short. (I actually know the insane statistics on just how many shows aired from that time frame you gave) However, this is thread is about what we thought were bad. I found these shwos to be terrible for one reason or another. Then again I could have just listed all MTV stuff to be "cool" and not really give my list much thought, huh? EDIT: Worst cartoon of all time has to be Barbie and the Rockers in 1987. I could give a synopsis to explain why but the fact this crud was created to rival Jem and the Holograms is reason enough for anybody to knwo just how it doesn't even begin to describe craptastic.
Are you talking to me? Anybody who liked Silverhawkes was a retard plain and simple. I realize American children are simpletons in general thanks to TV like PBS (which you most likely watched) but I do expect some something above down syndrome intelligence for those not born handicapepd. Anybody who could prefer BOTP/Eagle Riders over the originals (which they most likely never even seen to begin with) is not an anime fan PERIOD! The other stuff you supported sucked period but I'm happy to know your friends find ways to support themselves without resortign to pimping. As far as Beast Wars/Machines went it does not matter if the writing was bad or good. It's nearly impossible to pay attention to show that looked so terrible. P. S. No, my parents let me watch and record R rated films off HBO, Showtime and Cinemax when you were still just jizz in your daddy's sack.
I think some of you guys are being very unfair in focusing on "girl" shows as crap. Do you hate anything made for girls? Not that some weren't indeed crap but to fill your page with things that for every intended purpose could never appeal to boys is borderline misogynism (look it up if you don't know what it means.) I'm listing US TV shows s if this were a general anime/cartoon list this would be a never ending list. My list in no particular order: Captain Planet Whoopi Goldberg and other celebs lend their voices try to and save the planet via some green guy with a mullet. Beast Wars/Beast Machines I think 3D was the kiss of death next to horrible designs. Voltron 3D There's just not much to say..... Silverhawkes Yay, we are a Gatchaman/Battle of The Planets copy cat team and not much more The Get Along Gang Everybody hold hands with a talking moose, rabbit, puppy dog & friends and sing Kumbay ya! The Care Bears Get along gang not warm and fuzzy enough? Try Care-Alot! Mighty Orbots tied with Challenge of the GoBots We wannabe Trannies!!! Trolls That's right, those wacky haired good luck charms had their own set of series. One for girls where they are cute and live like smurfs and one for boys where they are space fighter crossing planets! Jem This show actually could have been better if it weren't for it's twisted premise; If you're a skank then get a holographic machine that makes people believe you're a beautiful rock star! Toxic Crusader Thought Captain Planet was bad? Well how about a team of mutants fighting to save the Earth after being transmusted by wastes!! Excatly what this show was The New Adventures Series: Speed Racer, He-Man, Johnny Quest, Scooby-Doo and our unfavorite green haired mullet hero Captain Planet! Street Fighter tied with Darkstalkers ited with Mortal Kombat Ugh! Simply, UGH!!!! No more American fighting shows PLEASE! GI Joe Extreme We all know anything with "extreme" in the title generally sucks! Extreme Ghostbusters Ditto above Beverly Hill Teens I actually believed that the producers of 91210 where trying to make a live action of this craptastic show. I still don't believe I was off. I swear Shanon Doherty studied "Bianca" for her role on set and off! Macron-1 tied with ROBOTECH tied with Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years tied with Battle of The Planets tied with Voltron tied with Saber Riders and the Star Sheriffs - The Japanese originals were great but let's face the fact all shows involved came out horrible with the cut and paste edit routine. Surpsiingly, what befell these shows didn't deter Force Five one iota. My Little Pony The original hour long special featuring the ponies being transformed into doom dragons by some evil felien sorceress actually was decent. It goes downhill from there. The Legend of Zelda tied with Captain N and the Game Masters The Mario stuff was tolerable but the rest.... I swear Nintendo execs were on drugs! Ghosbusters A secret elevator for tarnsformations, a Gorrilla team member and a talking skull phone are disaster in the making! Any sequel with Kids and/or Babies Flinstone Kids, Tom and Jerry Kids, Muppet Babies.... Dinosaucers We are dinosaurs from outer space come to hang with brother and sister tweens that share the same bedroom and drink Coca Cola! Punky Brewster Adding Glomer didn't save this crap Rambo I have no idea why an R rated film character became a kids' show.. Shows/movies that had no business becoming cartoons..... The Gary Coleman Show (he becomes a gaurdian angel and guides other children thru troubles? WTF?) Back to The Future tied with Bill & Ted Uninspired by one hit wonder films. CBS should paythe FCC fines for setting this crap loose on children! WWF Pro-Stars An animated Hulk Hogan? Nuff said! The New Kids on The Block In the 8th grade I got into a big fight with half the tweens in my school cuz I said the New Kids sucked. After seeing this show, they all agreed with me! Hammer-man Who the heck is MC Hammer? Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos Why oh why.....? Police Academy Tired and over-run series of stupid cop films becomes stupid cartoon show.... Mr T or whatever He ran around with a bunch of kids. Makes sense to me... The Real Ghostbusters The only good thing about this show was Slimer. Beetlejuice Not a bad concept considering what kind of film it was but horrible execution! And Sergeant Savage or whatever his name is hosting GI Joe. That's all. I'm sure I missed many but those are kinda hard to forget in crappiness.
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs DVD
Jemstone replied to ComicKaze's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
And to think we were discussing terrible cartoons in the other thread. I can't believe you guys actually liked the US crapfest version we got (thanks to censoring, bad editing and trying to focus the show on Tex when he wasn't even the main character). I wonder if anyone still has those badges the US toys came with. -
You have to have "The New Adventures of He-Man" and "The New Adventures of Speed Racer" both circa 1991 somewhere in there. So far the "New Adventures" of anything means horrible show on the horizon.....
Where's the ignore function when it's needed? You're not funny and your sarscasm regarding my gender is as entertaining and tired as a 96 year old sagging stripper. Your arguments for console loyalty (if your last post is supposed to be one) are weak. A little more than just rolling your eyes next time if you must add anything.
YEAH! Get it right! You know if you pronounce "Miriya" like a Japanese person would, it sounds exactly like "Milia." But the official spelling is the official spelling......
Are they really commies!? I mean did they say that? I know MM is. Personally I feel that a Comunist is worse than a Nazi or a Satanist. Pinko Commie? I wasn't aware the world still used this phrase after the '50's. And really... I wasn't even aware communism was still such a threat. Thanks for the update from the cold war! Of course!! Didn't you know? Heck, even Papa Smurf is a commie designed to brain wash our children! I have proof to back that up here!!
Family Guy Action Figures are OUT!
Jemstone replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
They look great but Stewie's hair is a bit too dark when it should be a subtle accent. -
That's incredible work! Sometimes I think your craft surpasses even Jung's.