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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. nm... she walked out at the end... Why are you replying to yourself? In any case when I saw her on CSI I assumed her character was dead on 24 (didn't see the end of last season). Still doesn't bode well for her character if the actress is on another show.
  2. Most likely in the future if things keep going like they are.
  3. APHOS = Protoculture Flowers Everyone happy now in both camps?
  4. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. lol I don't know if that one counts. Not really a trilogy and guys like Lee Van Cleef were clearly playing different characters. lol As series it tops the others but I dunno as a trilogy.
  5. Man, can they speak english right? What's exaclty the purpose of this sign? Couldn't make much out of it. Caution, do not butt your head against the wall?
  6. Back to the Future? Yeah, Back to the Future part III was the crowning achievement of that trilogy.
  7. So am I the only one who was actually bored thru the second half of that film?
  8. Decepticons....
  9. TS3... T3..... Let me ask this. Ha as there ever been a third film in series or trilogy that didn't suck or at least was equal to the rest? (Return of the Jedi wasn't as good as the firts two and neither was Return of the King if that's what you're thinking) And Mike, Toy Story 3 most likely will still suck no matter how much you bend your back for Disney and give them a chance. There's just no inspiration among at Disney anymore. Blaine's 100% right.
  10. Well-said, Agent. Great cop out. Why bother debate point by factual point when you can just pat the doorknob lover on the back for tactless reply........ Oh, I'm not saying it's well-said because it was a well-articulated point that happens to back what I said earlier. I thought it was well said because it amuses the hell out of me when AgentOne says stuff like that. What? If that's the case carry your A1 loving and muscle squeezing session to the Hate Kill Detroy thread if your agreeable comments indeed have nothing to do with the topic. (as if that's the case)
  11. Well-said, Agent. Great cop out. Why bother debate point by factual point when you can just pat the doorknob lover on the back for tactless reply........
  12. On Looney Toons Back in Action, I think Warner Bros knew it was going to flop. If you'd like I could find out the story behind it because one of the animators that worked on it works here. Based on what he's said in the past was that nobody was enthusiastic about doing it and the studio figured it would be a flop (make that major flop) about midway in production after all the endorsements/advertising deals were made. Yeah, it's safe to say it sucked hard.
  13. Actually, "not calculated" mostly like goes both ways. Pokemon 1st Movie was very successful (both CNN and MSNBC had an impromptu media coverage on the craziness the day it was released complete with a "what is anime" segment which was full of misinfo) and that's why it allowed them to continue to release Pokemon 2000 in theaters which didn't fare so well. The 3rd was direct to video.
  14. I was always under the impression that he was playing the same man in the Dollars movies but played a "like character" in BGU. A badass after money. Great films I didn't realize I knew by heart till about 4 years ago. This discussion has reminded me to look for DVD releases of a few Franco Nero films.
  15. I don't know man. Try telling that to the animators that commited suicide because of Disney (the stuff you won't see on the news).
  16. Yep, there are different Links and Zeldas. The Legend is that the first Princess Zelda was "harmed" by the Triforce of Power and the ruling monarch at the time declared all Princesses be named Zelda afterwards in her memory. (this is all explained in the Zelda II instruction manual) Just as there is a Zelda in distress forever linekd to the Triforce, there is always a new hero forever destined to keep it safe. Sometimes the same hero in games that gave a timeline like Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask and A Link to The Past/Link's Awakening. The first Link got his name because he "linked" the Triforce and the name stuck. Zelda(NES) and Link's Adventure(NES) = One world and timeline. Link to the Past(SNES), Link's Awakening (GB) = one world and timeline OOT, Majora's Mask, and Seasons games (GBC) = one world timeline Windwaker (GC) = So far stand alone world and timeline BTW Effect, this discussion you brought up has been going on the Zelda discussion board at Nintendo.com for months. Everyone thinks Link dies at the end of that game and it will take place before the events of Windwaker.
  17. Grrrr... The Bastards. My first clue wa sthat the SHrek 2 DVD had an unusual release date and had no "special or collector's edition" in the title.
  18. Radd, are you sure you've never worked for Disney? You sound EXACTLY like all the faculty which are ex Disney employees.
  19. Yes! I saw that. A story about a little German boy named Hans who eventually turns into a Nazi War soldier and dies. There is actually a whole collection of that type of disturbing propaganda Disney has an it is available on DVD somewhere. Phil who's one of out ex-Disney guys showed them to us. That was Disney alright. Oh yeah, the Donald Duck one was hilarious.
  20. Would you have prefered Nintendo's "Dolphin" as a name for the GC? Frankly, I don't care what any company names their consoles so long a steh software and and hardware are good.
  21. You are preching to the choir here (it's kind of a little known fact I not only work in the industry but teach animation). As far as realistic characters doing unrelaistic things..... Not with a movie like Polar Express when the effect they are going for is realism throughout to make it "believable". Plus that's not even the unrealistic things I was pointing at. It's the things a human body just can't do which Polar Express is chalk full of because of it's badly animated. Realistic looking character designs or more cartoony ones like in the Incredibles won't make a difference if the exceution is just terrible. I'm gonna stop here because anything else I could say is a no brainer. Also another reason FF:SW failed is because the story was recycled and predictable crap. I shouldn't even be debating this with you. You're an animation student and of course should know better.
  22. I'm quoting this post only because it echoes what mroe than half the animation department (both faculty and students) have argued for years straight now. I also believe "The Polar Express" will bomb for that very reason. Alot of it does come off as "fake" because it's supposed to look very realistic yet wth characters doing unrealistic things.
  23. Well, you can see footage of screw attack in action here. It's about 2/3 of the way in, right after Samus goes up the elevator. I'm not sure how much control you'll have over it, though. In that particular bit it looks like she's just jumping up a tunnel with it. Thanks. Watching that trailer does semi solve the lack of screw attack problem. It would be nice if she could do it and the camera would pull bakc to show her like it does when she's a morph ball.
  24. If that's so that's really too bad. All the Marvel Ultimate stuff with all their remakes and rewrites really put me off on comics. Every series book I read were subpar compared to the original stories. Never got around to reading F4 Ultimate cuz I didn't know it existed. Glad I missed it altogether if they amde them young in that book. Kingnor is right tho. Still, it' possible to have "older" characters in comic movies that are still considered "hot" and very attractive. If studios were smart they would use well known older actors like George Clooney as an example who's liked enough by young audiences and would defiantely bridge a gap to older audiences. Hmm I had this exact same argument with a friend at a comic shop (who now works for Marvel) back in 99 when Halle Berry was cast as Storm instead of Angela Basset. He insisted Halle was better cuz she's young and hot to keep the young guys hooked while Basset would be thought of too closely as a "mother figure type". Hot does not always make better.
  25. Finally, you're using your head! Exactly. It's just a game and a crappy one at that which doesn't even deserve it's one thread. Who needs to relax? Who got all happy and excited for this game and made this stupid thread?
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